Cardinal Holdings
A Home to Art on the Edge of the Old World
Known for its bizarre Holy Roman Empire-style arrangement of comparatively tiny
city-states, each with their own CEO, led by an imperial council of the most profitable corporations of the
region, Cardinal Holdings claims the title for the most vicious in-fighting of corporate entities in the New
World. Subterfuge, espionage and assassination are all part and parcel for business in the region. This
constant corporate in-fighting has unwittingly created a huge undercity society, with vast smuggling
networks, sizable Wukong conclaves and an expansive Gobbo population drunkenly sunbathing on the streets and
landing pads of the megacities. The ever-growing undercity society coupled with the bickering corporate
population makes Cardinal Holdings the home city for a huge majority of adventurers.
History of Cardinal Holdings
The origins of Cardinal Holdings is strongly based on what came before the great
relocation. The European Continent invested heavily into the bunker network, given the extensive underground
systems already existing in their own nations, but could not build them from scratch as their north american
counterparts, and so had to build on older designs, closer to the surface and less stable in their
construction. They also couldn't build for as many, and so many of the millions meant to go into
shelter below ground found themselves forced above it, and quickly resortedto corporate servitude as an
alternative to death by the changing climate during the great relocation. The multitude of cultures and
companies all condensed in the northern regions of the continent, around the baltic sea, abandoning those
who lived beneath. When the bezosphere launches began, as well as the vast starting constructions of
Nazzdack, the corporations of the former european continent found themselves in the uncomfortable position
of lagging behind the rest of their competitors.
Cardinal Holdings began life as a desperate attempt by various
smaller corporations from finding themselves being bought up by the more aggressive and
established conglomerates. The Cardinal Holdings Company was a single holding entity responsible for
the collective stock of several thousand individual corporations, utilizing them on various levels of the
various megacity sites that were going up. The structure was intended to keep any one CEO or Director from
assuming direct control, and in turn, insure every corporation could succeed in a very free and competitive
environment, avoiding the stagnation other territories were sure to experience in the buying frenzies that
consumed them. In practice, while full mergers were difficult to orchestrate, buying companies and turning
them into subsidiaries wasn't. Soon a corporate hierarchy began to emerge, the great wide sweeping
field of Cardinal Holding's enormous board losing direct ownership over individual companies as the
various buyouts occurred.
During all of this Cardinal Holdings iterated strongly on the original prototype
mega cities. Where other territories out and out abandoned theirs, Cardinal Holdings has a long tradition of
constant construction. When a new spire goes up, operations are moved to it from one of the older ones, and
the old one torn down or upgraded. This gives the Cardinal Holding megacities a much larger appearance than
they actually have, as the older megacity spires, uninhabited except for automated construction workers and
security crews, crowd the skyline. In this way, Cardinal Holdings has maintained most of its oldest cities,
their names changing with time and rebranding initiatives, though they are utterly unrecognizable from what
they once were. The undercities and datacenters quickly found themselves breaching into the expanded
networks of the bunkers, and unleashing the horrors from within. Adventurers from the rest of the world
flocked to them, ready to pillage and take the largest concentration of media caches available anywhere in
the world. In return, the executive population of Cardinal Holdings saw a sudden uptick in ELF treatments,
as ELFs from Nazzdack with more of a mind towards 'high art' and 'ancient culture'
began to migrate to Cardinal Holdings, trading their knowledge of the treatment and stolen Nazzdack secrets
for shares in the best companies. In short order almost all of Cardinal Holdings executive class were
Together, the corporate bylaws of the holding company, the constant flux of
renovation and change of the cities, the access to the bunker networks, and the ancient grudges of their
elven leadership all pull together in a morass that has changed Cardinal Holdings from a chance to avoid the
stagnation of other corporate territories into a constant whirlwind of corporate intrigue and backstabbing,
low key warfare, gang violence, unscrupulous adventurers, all painted under the guise of high culture,
evocative art, and changing fashions. This has prevented them from expressing a focused global effort to
secure market share, and almost all of their economic force, until recently, has been focused on internal
trade and manufacturing, with the diverse industrial base being leveraged to fill in gaps in the global
supply chain at need.
Since the rise of the netsucker matriarch Mama Rei, this has begun to steadily
shift. Her aggressive tactics, genius for corporate politics, and her highly selective conversion of key
brain-trust figures and researchers to her netsucker dynasty has lead to the corporate constellation she
controls steadily adding new stars to itself, and gaining more and more market share. Already her companies
oversee more floors in more megaspires than any other corporation in Cardinal Holdings, and show no sign of
slowing down. Where they take control, industries are shifted, market goals focused, and Cardinal Holdings
finds itself more and more focused on the world of high fashion, art, cosmetics, and fashionable genetic and
cybernetic operations, sacrificing flexibility of market for greater niche penetration.
Administration and Structure of Cardinal Holdings
Cardinal Holdings corporate bylaws and structure follow a strict hierarchy on
the best Nazzdacking and shareholder approved practices. With one single, solitary, exception. The process
of approving mergers is so incredibly intensive, prolonged, and labyrinthine that even ELFen lifespans are
hard pressed to see it through if everyone plays by the book. It is often easier to force another company
into becoming a subsidiary than in engaging in a full blown corporate merger, making acquisition of smaller
companies tenuous and allowing them to often trade hands easily. The only way to effect a merger in truth
is, effectively, to not only kill literally every single rival manager in the corporation after making them
sell their shares and positions to your own board, or to bankrupt them so thoroughly that those people have
no choice but to do so.
Each corporation has it's own board, with a director who sits upon the
board of the company that owns the smaller company. In theory, they also sit on the Cardinal Holding's
board of directors as well, but in practice their 'votes' are instead held by the overarching
owner of the largest corporations owned by a single particular constellation. Attempts to circumvent this
process are inevitably met with hardline intra-corporate warfare and downsizing. The votes on the cardinal
holding's main board are weighted based on market share, and until recently, no single board member of
Cardinal Holding's main board has ever possessed enough market share to take the vaunted president of
the board position of the entire company, instead, a series of ineffectual, limp-wristed fools and toadies
has held the position, picked not because they were favored for their skill, but for their inability to
reign in the others. This situation is swiftly changing, as Mama Rei's market share grows ever more
potent, and all attempts to assassinate her fail with the assassins often turned into bimbofied milk maniacs
for their trouble.
Commerce of Cardinal Holdings
The chief benefit of Cardinal Holding's location is easy access to the
most built up and wide spread portion of pre-relocation industrial society still readily available to land
access that has not been impacted by sea level rise or made inaccessible by hyperdesertification and intense
heats. These ruins of the far western side of the All-Gobi have been picked clean over the last 400 years,
but new ones are still found quite frequently among the various peaks and dunes of the territory.
Adventurers from all over come here, and the place is by and large considered the adventuring capital of the
Atlantic half of the new world. This meme-granted wealth is part of what has allowed it to remain such a
fractious and disorganized territory without a specific market niche to dominate, a situation that Mama Rei
is swiftly changing.
Their major income sources are as follows:
- Fashion: Cardinal Holdings has always
been known as the trend setting and fashion capital of the world. The only thing that kept it from being
counted as a major income maker was that by Nazzdack rules, piracy of digital products counts as
'sales lost', and against total income. Since Mama Rei's rise to power, more and more
focus has gone into the exclusivity of actual 'real' Cardinal Fashions, a widespread media
surge was leveled to bring about the idea that it's not enough to just have something that LOOKS
right, you have to have it from the RIGHT BRAND. This has been a losing battle in many ways, but is
slowly gaining traction as Nazzdack throws its weight behind the idea with it's own
corpo-propaganda blitz across the territories and updates to curriculums in corporate schools get kids
young and attempt to mold their shopping ethics.
- Cosmetics and perfumes: As the fashion
capital of the new world, there has always been a vast number of cosmetics and perfumery companies in
Cardinal Holdings, but they never truly exploded, each one unique to their own megacity, and highly
niche. Under Mama Rei's stewardship, the femine leaning population of Cardinal Holdings has
exploded, and with it, the desire for cosmetics. As high fem fashion becomes the norm, so do perfumes,
cosmetics, and emphasis on female beauty, with a feeding frenzy of mergers slowly uniting the cosmetics
and perfume making companies, finally allowing them to outcompete in foreign markets against local
- cosmetic genetic therapy: The most
recent industry to explode in Cardinal Holdings. As gene therapies have gotten cheaper and cheaper, and
industrial espionage has stolen the secrets of Saraswati Virtue, the ability to easily and swiftly
change the body has become more and more universal to territories. Cardinal Holdings has, under the
stewardship of Mama Rei, begun the export of highly valuable 'geneswap in a can' treatments,
available for temporary (or permanent with extended use) treatments for all sorts of things, but also in
traditional genetic treatment clinics for more extensive and controlled changes.The short shelf life of
the more portable products keeps them in constant demand the world over, due to the highly limited
supply as Mama Rei continues to ramp up production in her plants.
- plastic and silicone products: Plastic
surgery of various kinds has always been prolific across the world, as genetic and medical science
advanced, so too have the usage of artificial and synthetic face lifts, cyborgification, and other
methods of transforming one's looks through the use of plastic (produced through biofuel
derivatives as opposed to petrol) and silicone. That said, as genetic treatments have gotten easier and
faster and cheaper, the usage of these in altering biological matter (breast enlargements and similar)
have steadily fallen by the wayside. The various industries have found entirely new niches however in
the exploding artificiate population, where customizability of gynoid and android frames has become a
growth industry even as Mama Rei's genetic products push traditional silicon implants further and
further into the dustbin of medical history.
- 'Filler Fad' Trade:
Originally, Cardinal Holdings had very little export trade, it was primarily a consumer, each small
slice of multi-megacity territory mostly trading with other Cardinal Holdings megacities and charging
stations as opposed to attempting to dominate the market globally. Their primary exports were known as
'filler fads', when there was some new popular craze, a dozen cardinal holdings companies
would jump on the bandwagon, making up knock off brands to sell on the cheap, over producing massively
for local demand, and then exporting it. These products were often higher quality than other territories
were willing to produce outside of their market niche, but lower quality (and cheaper) than whatever the
original fad product was. This continues to be a major industry in the varied and diversified industrial
economy of Cardinal Holdings, but much less so than it once was.
Cardinal Holdings has special trade relations with the following
- Schwebenwagen: While there are plenty of heavy construction
industrial plants in Cardinal
Holdings, the fact of the matter is that it was often cheaper and better to get them from Schwebenwagen
than produce them locally, especially after Scwebenwagen went full automation. That said, the sunny and
balmy eastern areas of Cardinal Holdings have come under a terrible palling haze, as the smoggy, toxic
clouds of Schwebenwagen begin to impinge on their territory. Already some outlying megacities and
charging stations are finding it near impossible to continue operations through black and
- Nazzdack: Nazzdack believes itself to be the core of all things
fashionable and high class, and
so it really gets under their skin when they realized that two other groups are actually leading the
world's culture. J.A.V. Entertainment is the cultural hegemond of almost the entire world for
undercities and ganger territories, and even most of the executive floor's of the world's
megacities are now colored by J.A.V. Once, they could have claimed the leaders of high fashion, but that
place is being steadily stolen by the eternal 'runner up' in the worlds of high fashion and
art, as Mama Rei's revolution injects new life into the fashion scenes of Cardinal
- Sarajevo
Seven: Historically the chief competitor to Cardinal Holdings in the
'Filler Fad' Trade, though where Cardinal Holdings focused more on luxury products, Sarajevo
Seven more on industrial ones. They end up buying from one another as often as they compete for foreign
contracts in those arenas.
- Calico
Redistribution: It is a fact that once you've gotten done
stealing shit, you need a place to sell it. Calico Redistribution nominally sells their stuff to almost
anyone willing to buy it, but in effect, it can be hard to figure out where to sell things so
you're not going to end up with your crew nabbed in the sting. Cardinal Holdings neatly solves
that issue. Always the consumer of products, and right next door to Calico's mainland holdings,
Cardinal City's byzantine and fractious nature means that they can almost always sell things to
one group of megacities or another and not worry about getting nabbed by the people they stole from in
the first place. And as a bonus? Unlike Sarajevo 7 Holdings, they don't have to worry about a
hostile takeover breaking out in the time between sealing the deal and the goods reaching port (where
they get paid).
- Euphori-Tank
Online: Given the close proximity to Euphoritank Online's
primary datacenter, Cardinal Holdings was the very first recipient of the now nearly omnipresent
Sense-Tank and S.L.U.D.G.E. inventions. These two high tech inventions opened up an entire new vista in
the world of the quantum realm, and while now all megacities have them, none have quite the spread that
Cardinal Holdings does, with almost every hab-unit having at least one sense tank installed within it,
and literally every business venue having at least a quartet for customers to play various games in
while they wait, much like how many stores had coin operated arcade machines in pre-relocation
The diverse industrial economy of Cardinal Holdings is being shifted to a much
more narrowly focused set of industries. This allows it to finally, after 400 years, begin to make inroads
into actual global market share. The board of directors is terrified, because this market share almost
exclusively pours into the companies operated by Mama Rei and her cronies, but the shareholders who possess
the stocks to Cardinal Holdings are ecstatic, and more than willing to remain outside the situation since
for the first time they might have a chance at snagging a spot on the long queue to the Bezosphere.
Prominent Races of Cardinal Holdings
- Humans make up a slight majority of the population in Cardinal
Holdings on the lowest levels of society.
- ELFs make up a significant minority of the population, with executive ELFs
the upper tiers of the corporate hierarchy in a maze of long standing feuds that span the four centuries
of Cardinal Holding's existence.
- Nayalings are a minority among the population, often living on the
street levels of most
megacities, or in the towns between them.
- Gobbos are incredibly common in Cardinal Holdings, enough so
that they don't just live in the open streets between megacity spires but have sizable populations
inside of the undercity layers of the spires as well. The laidback race adores the easy access to beach
fronts common to almost all of Cardinal Holding's settlements, and make an easy buck through
bootleg and counterfeit art scams.
- Wukong make up a generous portion of the local population compared to
other territories,
the easy access to moisture of the coastal territory enabling them to plant their rapidly growing fruit
orchards of their enclaves to take root and expand with ease any time they need to
- Jerboans are a relatively common face in Cardinal Holdings, the united
clans often traveling
through the expanses of desert between megacities and charging stations. All of the caravans in this
region pay a toll to the gangs to pass through unmolested, leaving them to just worry about the mutants
that burst out of the bunker networks or the beastman throngs that raid out of Schwebenwagen
- Artificiates are another population that is comparatively larger
than it should be, as many
artificiates travel to Cardinal Holdings to customize their frames or simply because it was the easiest
place to get to from their most common birth place: Schwebenwagen Hover Industries.
- Remakes are no more common or rare than they are in any other territory,
though remake
visitors wanting to take advantage of the growing silicon and plastic cosmetics industry to customize
their frames leads to a higher tourist population than would normally be the case. This is balanced out
by the fact that fewer and fewer relic hunting remakes remain in the territory as the ancient ruins of
the western all-gobi are tapped out.
Culture of Cardinal Holdings
The culture of Cardinal Holdings is hard to nail down. It shifts with the tides
of fashions and fads, and from spire to spire and floor to floor even you have radically different
subcultures, cliques, clubes, and fashion trends. Self expression, even if only to the degree of wearing a
colorful tie or some interesting hair clips to work, is the norm in Cardinal Holdings. Others find their
ways of expressing themselves through their online avatars, fanfiction writing, art, music, or tagging
structures. All of this creates a chaotic mishmash of people jumping bandwagons and hopping back and forth
on what interests them and how they show it off.
What is consistent in Cardinal Holdings, and always has been, is the importance
of appearances. Everything comes down to how hot you are, how nice your clothing is, whether you're in
the newest trends or bucking them deliberately. In the professional and executive floors, this comes down to
brand clothing, how you present yourself, the designs of what you make and presentations you show to the
higher ups, in the lower floors, it can be far more varied, from picking your own wardrobe to look amazing,
to the types of cybertats you've got flowing across your skin today rather than yesterday. Different
groups place different levels of importance on different ways of looking, and it creates a riot of color and
appearances that is hard to find anywhere else in the world.
This creative and looks focused culture also leads to vast levels of consumerism
and media consumption. You have to know what the hot new look is, who's not in on it, who is, and what
you're gonna have to buy to get into the new trends, or what you'll have to change about
yourself to do so. This in turn leads to a gossip atmosphere second to none anywhere in the world, with the
various highly competitive corporations eagerly using the media system to lambast their rivals, to make
them, and by association, their products look like yesterday's news and out of touch with the latest
trends and fashions.
Interestingly, while Cardinal Holdings Executive class are up there with
Nazzdack in how dedicated to the games of corporate politics, wealth acquisition, and exploitation of the
working class, the undercities are unusually rebellious and fractious, perhaps influenced by the proximity
of Calico Redistribution and the lack of overall control Cardinal Holdings can exert upon the undercity
population given how utterly dedicated to opposing one another the management is. This doesn't stop
them from exploiting the undercity populations, but it does mean they have to be sneaky about it, focusing
on finding things that the undercity populations would gladly do for free, and think they're winning
just by being paid the pittance of scrip they are afforded in the first place. Creative types in all sorts
of industries make up the widest base of such workers.
Special Locations of Cardinal Holdings
Cardinal Holdings has been held by too diverse interests, with too many
competing types of businesses, without a central market share focus for it to have developed many types of
locations that aren't common in other territories, at least, on a territory wide scale as opposed to
each individual megacity
- Mama Rei's Bottling Plants: A
relatively new addition to the territory, these bottling plants have been turning up in both megacity
spires and charging station towns, catering to the bimbofied folks addicted to Mama Rei's Bovine
Adjacent Lactate. Here, those milky men and women can get some relief from their heavy breasts for a
surprisingly large payout of scrip, all the while being offered a selection of media searches designed
to extract blackmailable internet search histories from the less than bright workers.
- Media Walls: First time visitors to
many Cardinal Holding settlements would be forgiven for thinking that the entire megacity is devoted to
advertising and gossip. Every available non-storefront vertical (and many horizontal) surface is
plastered with hardlight, AR, and holographic projections of advertisements, corporate propaganda, and
click bait titles meant to entice you into opening links. Previously, many of these projectors used
Augmented Reality to literally cloud the vision of people in the streets, but it was found that while
this DID increase click through rate, it caused a drastic loss in storefront sales and increased
pedestrian accidents (reducing the efficiency of sales by a whopping 9%, and of worker output by an
incredibly 22%!). Since then, all advertisements in Cardinal Holdings are restricted to walls, and the
streets and halls of the Megacities are a constant whir of product advertisements, gossip columns, and
cute hotdog videos with sponsorships. Most advertisements will shift periodically, based on the metadata
of whoever's field of vision they current lay within, changing to match whatever the current mix
of people present and looking at that patch of wall are most likely to be interested in purchasing or
engaging with.
- Song Pits: Artistic expression has been
a common thing in Cardinal Holdings to a degree that is all but unseen in other territories. Especially
in the undercities, 'song pits', which refer to any sort of area that has a built up set of
tiered seating (however small) and is generally open to the public to come into. Rather than just
singers, musicians of all sorts, dancers, sexual athletes, duelists, and even painters and sculptors
often set up in such areas of the undercities of Cardinal Holdings. Visitors are encouraged (quite
heavily by ganger enforcers more often than not) to leave a 'tip' for any artist who gets
them to stop and watch or listen. More corporate forms of these have been attempted in the shopping
levels and less gang controlled portions of Cardinalian Megacities, but their success has been somewhat
Organizations of Cardinal Holdings
Cardinal Holdings is filled with a diverse number of organizations, the constant
flux of byzantine corporate politics, migrations between spires, and fads of fashion leading to a constant
churn of groups ascending, falling, and adapting.
- The Society of Itinerant Executioners, or The MurderHobos - Corporation: When one needs a job done
with little regards to collateral damage, one puts a call in to the The MurderHobos. A network of
adventuring parties hosted by a single office in Cardinal Holding's Megacity Apricate, The
MurderHobo's lone secretary Tiffany Blue Vaguely takes calls from job offerers and quest givers,
and distributes them to nearby MurderHobo adventuring parties, for a small cut of the offered reward.
MurderHobo parties are usually given jobs by executives looking for the maximum destruction of a rival
corporation's assets, or a gang leader looking to obliterate the competition.
For this simple
logistical operation, Tiffany Blue is quickly becoming one of the wealthiest Nayalings in Cardinal, and
often takes calls from Apricate's gorgeous beaches or adorable tiki bars.
- Fauxny Records - Corporation:
Music is one of the largest cultural exports of Cardinal Holdings, from the classical genres of hip-hop,
nu-metal, dancehall and nightcore, to the modern interpretations such as nu-nu metal, mega-swing, VEDM
and so on. The largest corporate record label is Fauxny Records, who is noted for hiring ex-adventuring
Influencers to be the face of their ghost musicians and writers, which allows Fauxny to piggyback on the
fame the Influencer generated in their adventuring days, while allowing them to be dropped for any
reason without loss of actual talent.
Cardinal's Influencer + Ghost Musician approach is wildly
different from Soon-Bok and J.A.V's Clone-Pop idol groups; batches of embryonically edited and
corporate raised boy and girl bands genetically and psychologically perfected to perform to the unique
tastes of Soon-Bok and J.A.V residents. Clone-Pop is gaining a foothold in other territories, and Fauxny
Records is taking notice of the idol group arrangement, but so far to little success. Ex-adventurers
tend to be a headstrong sort, and don't attract the fanaticism that the suspiciously perfect idol
groups do.
Settlements of Cardinal Holdings
The settlements of cardinal holdings are never static, all of them in a constant
state of rebuilding, renovation, and reconstruction, giving them an unfinished, constantly developed look,
and ensuring that only megaruins have anything that looks more than a century out of date. Every inhabited
spire of Cardinal Holdings is less than a century old, even if it's foundations date back to the
original great relocation.
- Megacity Chilaquiles - The largest
megacity of the territory, though still small compared to those of Nazzdack or Sarajevo. It encompasses
seven spires, and due to the machinations of Madeleine Rie, its largest exports are now genetically
engineered bimbofied people and addictive, gene-altering milk products.
- Megacity Abstruse: A megacity
focused on refining the rare metals required for cybernetics, due to the pollution billowing upwards
from its factories, executives and directors live in the lower levels while workers and employees live
higher up, creating an upside down styled megacity.
- Megacity Komondor: A dual-spired
megacity focused on exporting hydroponically grown sugar, ethanol and powerfully strong liquor to the
rest of Cardinal. Approximately 17 million Gobbos live here, though none of them do any work.
- Megacity Zeugma: An ancient single
spired megacity dedicated to the collection of Old World relics and artefacts. Houses the largest
libraries and museums in the world. Known as Zeugma Balls to relic hunters.
- Megacity Melange: Known for sour
candies, sherbet and hallucinogenic drugs. Rumours are that the directors and management staff have
abandoned Melange, as no one has seen a Corpo-Cop in decades and the lone spire has evolved into a
strange, mind-expanding nudist colony.
- Megacity Cove: A large swathe of
rural territory surrounds the tri-spired megacity Cove, and borders the territory of Calico
Redistribution. As a result, its often the target of pirate incursions, and many lower level gangs and
rural bandit clans have piratical influence.
- Megacity Crepuscular: Due to its
location on the very borders of the All-Gobi Desert, as well as its poor air-conditioning and focus on
manufacturing machinery, the three spired Megacity Crepuscular's work schedule involves shifts at
dawn and dusk, snoozing through the hot afternoons and huddling together during the cold nights.
- Megacity Apricate: Situated on the
coastline well within Cardinal Territory, Apricate has become somewhat of a tourist destination for
Cardinal higher-ups. Well defended from pirate incursions by the surrounding bays, Apricate's lone
spire's primary exports have transitioned to swimwear and coconut based beverages.
- Megacity Sago: A double spired
megacity dedicated to providing a back-up datacenter to the Euphori-Tank Online Data Farms, Megacity
Sago is home to the largest number of Undercity Elfs in the world. The datacenters of both spires have
spread well into the middle layers of the megacity, in a bid to keep Euphori-Tank online.
- Megacity Montalban: Primarily
dealing in the production of fashion and apparel, a decision to limit elite products to elite floors has
led the Montalban executive board to effectively ignore every floor below the hundredth of their premium
goods spire. As a result the qualities of most megacity lower floors are multiplied exponentially in the
Montalban Lower Ninety-Nine, creating an environment rife with violent conflict, gang activity, and
- Megacity ChilliBeats: A nearly ruined
megacity located in the far eastern portion of the territory, along the coastline. It is on the edge of
being declared a ruin, steadily losing life as its solar panel power systems steadily become
overshadowed by the smoggy malaise of Schwebenwagen territory. As the executive class abandons it, more
and more it falls to the gangs to run the place.
- Teparweed: A minor hold in the
Cardinal Holdings, this town is known primarily for the intensely dedicated LARPers, people who pretend
to live in a fantasy world and refuse to break character, calling tech 'magic' and brandishing
bows rather than guns. Although its looked down on by many others, many also secretly enter the town for
some of the wildest nights that can be found, and the Aurusside Tavern is held as the gold standard for
brothels and other lewd establishments.
- Zeugma Ranch: After recovering media
from the old world on the wild west and cowboys a group has taken to worshiping the genre by developing
their own Dude Ranch where they train the new age of cowpokes. Though the Nude Ranch next door is
getting as many if not more since they started offering trick roping bondage encounters.
People of Cardinal Holdings
The people of Cardinal Holdings are varied and colorful, with a vareity of
motives and drives, from high to low. The only thing that's for certain is that you'll never forget
a Cardinalian after you meet them.
- Madeleine
"Mama" Rie
- Gary
and Steve
- Zoe
- Scooter
"The Straight Shooter" Fabuta
- Diego
- Kitty
- Jesse
the Gunslinger
- Langston Wither: CEO of Occasionally
Accurate Ammunition
- Bernadette Cruph: CEO of Actual Meat
- Tallywacker Cocomilk: A wukong
Influencer with an unquenchable thirst for exploration, Tallywacker Cocomilk has made it her life's
goal to seek out the most interesting places in the New World, and then cum on them. The host of the
increasingly popular DarkWeb show "Hey What's That Let's Cum On It", Tally makes use
of her exceptional skill, boundless pluck, and the Font of Life Rhodium Edition Triple Plus Ten biomod
penis she stole from the cargohold of a Proaprism vice president to reach locales both rare and remote
and then ceremoniously blast them with jizz, all to the delight of her ravenously loyal viewers.
Tally's current series has seen her visiting the extremes within the Cardinal Holdings, earning her
both the adulation of her fans and the animosity of Cardinal's corporations. Last seen coating a
server in the furthest depths of Megacity Sago's Undercity in monkeygirl glaze, Tally's
declaration that her next stream will feature her cumming inside the actual penthouse of one of the
Cardinal Council's reigning CEOs has resulted in both skyrocketing subscriptions and a "shoot
on sight" designation by corpo cops.
Historic Events of Cardinal Holdings
List of Historic Events
to the New World
to Front Page