Calico Redistribution Company
The Largest Gang of Cutthroats on the North Seas
Situated on a pair of strangely shaped islands with innumerable floating
outposts and charging stations, Calico Redistribution is the largest conglomerate of pirate crews in the New
World. Having made a business from buccaneering, Calico are often contracted by rival Holdings Companies to
interrupt trade and hijack naval convoys. At the head of these uncountable pirate gangs is the immortal
Pirate Queen "Mad" Maggie McMillan, infused with such a vast quantity of nanobots that any
wounds she suffers knit together immediately, going so far as to reattach limbs.
Calico Redistribution launches most of their naval raids from New Tortuga, a
technically non-affiliated neutral ground that is home to the most cutthroat mercenaries, drunken sops, and
buxom wenches of the New World. An island of pure lawlessness, held together only by the promise of creds
and rum, New Tortuga is often the port of call for fresh-faced adventurers looking to get their heads kicked
History of the Calico Redistribution Company
Calico was the last bastion of the old systems of the world, the last nation
state to remain even as everything fell apart around it. No one remembers the name of this nation (or
perhaps nations), how it ran itself, or anything really about it. The corporations of the world have gone
out of their way to obliterate as much knowledge of a non-corporate run world as possible, and the people
who currently hold Calico Redistribution don't give a good goddamn where they came from. What is known
is that by the time this last holdout nation state collapsed sometime in the 2090s, it was a hollow
government in the first place, with criminal gangs running the show. Things were hardly better on the
continent, with western europe entirely devolving into warring bandit gangs, and warlords controlling access
to food, water, and shelter, raiding anyone attempting to get to the coastlines or to the bunker network
The island that would become the main holding of Calico Redistribution was so far behind
in modern legal tricks and development in terms of bunkers, genecrops, quantum computing infrastructure, or
exploitable mutated flora and fauna that none of the megacorporations reforming the world had the least
interest in building megacities there or making the effort to exploit it. The crime bosses were allowed to
run rampant, and given the lack of local resources, they took to utilizing the massive fleet of ships they
built up out of necessity for both trade and, primarily, piracy, establishing way stations in all the places
on the coastlines outside of the direct influence of the megacities, and using them both as a point of
distribution to the earliest trade caravans, and as based from which to attack other ocean going
Things came to a head, when the last major trading company in the nation began to pull out.
The Finsk Shipping Company took its solar-sail powered cargo vessels to move itself, its valuables, and its
employees out. The Calico Gang, lead by Jackie Calico, saw this as a chance to hit the bigtime, and struck
the trading fleet as it made its way out of the harbor mouth. Sinking one of the massive vessels to block
all passage in and out of the port, then proceeding to take each ship in the fleet after killing or
capturing every member of the Finsk Shipping executives and shareholders aboard the vessel. She forced them,
or their heirs, to sign over all rights to the property and company in return for their lives, and to be
dropped on the shores of the landmass that the Bezosphere launch site had been built on. Those who turned
her down were given a lead trepanation, and the question posed to their heir. By the end of the day Jackie
Calico owned the Finsk Shipping company lock, stock and barrel, and all of its goods, ships, and contracts.
She dumped the now useless executives into the icy waters of a Fjord closest to the newly formed New
Tortuga, and set about pulling the pirates of the north seas under her banner. Now possessed of the most
advanced sailing fleet in the north seas, and possessing the legal right to ply her trade and exclusive
rights of distribution to several megacorps, Calico was able to claim an air of legitimacy that she herself
found hilarious, and leveraged the position to allow her to dominate the sea lanes of the north atlantic.
Her last act of personal involvement with the shareholding class was to fire canisters filled with the
papers changing the name of the Finsk Shipping Company to Calico Redistribution into the yacht marinas that
would one day become the Walled Street.
This changed sometime in the 2120swhen Jackie Calico was
challenged to a duel by the immortal pirate queen, "Mad" Maggie McMillain, who by common legend,
walked out of the ocean, swiped a bottle of grog from the biggest bruiser on the beach, nutted him when he
protested, drank the whole 2 liter bottle down in one go, then demanded to duel the leader of this pirate
band for the right to lead it. 6 shots and one surrender later, Jackie Calico retired from her position as
leader of Calico Redistribution and took up an advisory position under Maggie, teaching this strange, super
stacked lass all about the changes in the world that had somehow managed to pass the redhead
Since Maggie McMillain took over, she has proceeded to unite the pirates of the new world under a
single banner, including the prize pick of the pirating world that had eluded even Jackie Calico: New
Tortuga. Through a long montage of fucks, drinking contests, one thumb war, a series of wet t-shirt
contests, and a no holds barred come-as-you-are arm wrestling tournament (involving 2 oni, 1 titan, and,
surprisingly, a trio trash gremlins in a trench coat that no one had spotted until they made it to the final
match against Maggie), Maggie McMillain secured the votes necessary to have herself declared pirate queen of
New Tortuga, and has continued the tradition of bargaining with her 'constituents' every 5 years
since when the captains of the north sea elect the new pirate king or queen; an election she hasn't
lost in 200 years. Only the the proverbially fractious and pugnacious brigands of the Ronin Expedition
refuse to cooperate with her, acting as eternal rivals and perennial sore losers every time the pirate king
or queen election rolls around, and the election night assassination attempt has become a time honored
tradition over the last 40 years. Now there isn't an island outside of the Ronin Expedition or the
Duty Free Ports that lacks at least one smuggler's port belonging to Calico Redistribution one way or
another, and few stretches of coastline lacking one either.
Administration and Structure of the Calico Redistribution
On legions of paper around the world, Calico's ranking and hierarchy
follow a traditional corporate structure. The CEO at the top, the directors under them, the executives, then
the managers. This adherence to structure extends no further than the papers they are written on, often with
badly scratched out "Captain" "Queen" "Bosun" or a dozen other now
defunct naval titles from cultures around the world written onto said pages before the 'proper'
corporate title is put into place. In the words of Maggie, "If the bastards would just let us sell
their stuff back to them without the paperwork I'd be more than happy, but it's not like you can
trade dildos for grog directly."* Until that happy day when she's not dealing with a system of
bureaucracy mandated by bastards in orbit, on paper the Calico Redistribution Company assigns every member
some level of corporate rank.
In practice, using someone's corporate rank to refer to them is a
way to start a fight. Rank is purely determined by reputation, booty, and the favor of the pirate queen. Mad
Maggie holds her position by right of combat, and welcomes all comers, confident in her nanomachine based
immortality to see her through. Decisions are made on an adhoc basis, and a free reign is given to members
in the company. The only hard and fast rule is that you don't raid anybody who is up to date on their
protection fees, unless you think you can convince everyone that they shot first. If you fuck up, then you
answer to whatever captain or admiral you kick up a portion of your booty too. If you fuck up badly enough,
Maggie takes it out of your hide. Most pirates hold a 3 strikes rule. First strike is a warning, second
strike they take one of your ears (or whatever particular body party they think leaves a horrible enough
warning), third strike they take the other ear, and all that's attached. A brutal system, but one that
keeps order on the high seas in a field that is not known for order and discipline.
Commerce of the Calico Redistribution Company
Calico is one of the most widely distributed holding companies in the world,
owning territory on almost every island not controlled directly by the House of 'Bacco or the Ronin
Expedition. They leverage this to maximize the flow of trade, or rather, the flow of piracy, ensuring that
nowhere on sea is safe from their pirate fleets.
Their major income sources are as follows:
- Sea-lane Piracy: While once this was
actually their third tier earner, after protection rackets and trade shipping, under Maggie McMillan
this has trended steadily more and more towards outright piracy. Monopolies are not maintained,
contracts are allowed to lapse, and Maggie's pirates are given more targets, leading to more
piracy, more fun raids, more battles and boozing and more sticking it to the corporate bastards pissing
on the world from the high orbitals.
- Protection Rackets: The longest
standing form of income for the company itself, protection rackets from other distribution companies,
paying out a slice of their fees in order to operate safe from the depredations of calico.
Interestingly, these packages are also on offer to New Tortuga based independent pirates who
aren't part of Calico proper, even able to buy the right to raid companies that do pay the
protection fees (at an incredible markup of course)
- Shipping Trade: At the end of the day,
Calico Redistribution Company vessels, however much the company loads down its ships with railguns and
harpoon launchers, are still trading ships. Most calico ships, when not actively engaged in piracy, are
carrying goods from one place to another on contracts for other companies willing to pay the exorbitant
rates for the fastest, safest shipping in the new world.
- Ransom: While not their primary market,
more than once Calico has found stupid members of the executive class out in unprotected waters in their
fancy yachts and speed boats, and isn't afraid to kidnap and ransom the fools back off to whoever
is willing to pay for them. The same can apply for rare prototypes, schematics, and other proprietary
property of interest to any given corporation.
- Digital Piracy: Rumor has it that
Maggie was a bit slow on the uptake about the digital realms or the internet, or even computers in
general, seeing them as blinky blippy lights that were good for some voyeuristic fun, but not much else.
Then someone told her that theft of digital property was called piracy, and a few piercing questions
later, Maggie learned that Calico Redistribution was not the top dog in the realm of theft and free
bootery of digital property. Determined not to rest on her laurels, Maggie proceeded to target shipping
of Sense-Tanks and S.L.U.D.G.E, kidnapped/seduced a bunch of nerds from various other territories, had a
massive datafarm built on the core islands of Calico's territory, and set out to found the largest
torrenting, streaming, and file sharing digital realm in the entire world. She's not quite there
yet, if only because she insists that all piracy activities online, from stealing to sale, be properly
age of sail pirate skinned, but it has become the fastest growing, if least profitable, section of
Calico Redistribution.
The Calico Redistribution Company has special trade relations with the following
- J.A.V.
Digital Entertainment: Possibly the place that has the most raided
products from Calico, either because Calico pirates are horny as can be, or just some weird twist of
fate. Almost 71% of all J.A.V. dildo exports are not sold by J.A.V. itself, but pirated and then resold
by Calico. This has led to the theory that J.A.V. responds by making yet more Dildos to try and meet
contracted demands, which in turn means that more shipping out of J.A.V. is, consequently,
proportionally dildo, making it more likely to be pirated by Calico, leading to a vicious cycle of horny
yet disappointed pirates, and frustrated yet horny J.A.V. shipping managers.
- The
Duty Free Ports: Calico pirates love to hate the Bacconians. One the
one hand, they ensure that the majority of the coastline of New Mojave is more or less locked down
against Calico protection rackets or piracy. On the other hand, there's literally no where in all
of the seas of the new world to find a better party, or get into a fight or fuck. The Duty Free Ports
take a shoot first, shoot second, and shoot a third time, and ask questions sometime next month against
Calico branded vessels approaching from outside of designated trade lanes, and while the Duty Free Ports
are more than willing to accept sales of goods and even shore leave crews, Calico vessels are never
allowed into the sounds between Bacconian islands.
- The
Ronin Expedition: Where Calico Redistribution, despite its madcap
ways and free wheeling style, is fairly hierarchical, everything rolling up to the pirate queen herself,
their chief rivals from New Mojave are the Ronin Expedition, once a grand experiment in purely mercenary
warfare, now the largest group of decentralized pirates, brigands, and adventurers in the entire world,
is a chaotic mishmash of competing interests and crews. Calico and Ronin get into pissing matches
regularly, and often poach the same targets, with Ronin famously being utterly unconcerned with
Calico's 'protection' of any given shipper if they see an easy buck to make. For
reasons unknown, the Ronin Expedition islands are the one place that Maggie McMillain apparently refuses
to land.
- Slyth
& Jabber: Calcio has something of a gentleman's agreement
with Slyth & Jabber, their little contribution to the war effort to insure that All-Gobi isn't
over run by the not-fun variety of mutated monstrosity. Any and all shipping going into, or out of,
Slyth & Jabber is off limits, and ships that have cargo earmarked for that location are allowed to
retain enough supplies, fuel, and their own crew, to at least reach S&J's entry ports, along
with the cargo marked for landing there. In return, S&J ports are always open to Calico branded
vessels, and rumor has it that the fiesta clan happily lets them use the drydocks as well, and lets them
buy from their military surplus.
- The
Walled Street: There is nothing in the world that the shareholders
hate more than a corporation they can't control. Even in the days of Jackie Calico, the
shareholders attempted to wage economic war on the Calico company, and found their wallets beaten and
bruised for the effort. Today the Walled Street mostly tries to ignore Calico Redistribution except
where absolutely necessary, not an easy thing when Maggie McMillain uses long range, railgun artillery
to fire programmed nano-paint canisters to impact the fortifications and cover them with lewd
anticapitalist graffiti.
A final earner for Calico is in people moving, though most often such travel is
paid for via services rendered, with people signing onto a calico vessel for the duration of a particular
voyage between two points, assisting aboard the ship rather than paying for it directly, making it hard to
gauge how much income is made or saved from such a practice.
Prominent Races of the Calico Redistribution Company
- Humans and Nayalings make up about average
numbers among the crews of Calico
Redistribution, not varying greatly from global averages.
- Street ELFs are fairly common among the
crews, but executive and undercity elves are almost
impossible to find among the crews of Calico
- Gobbos and Wukong
of a more violent or wandering disposition often find a
place in Calico Redistribution crews, taking to the pirate's life of skullduggery, trickery,
violence, and easy living through the taking of corporate goods a very satisfactory life for
- Jerboans of a more nautical nature often leave their biker gangs
to join Calico Redistribution, operating as engineers in the underdecks of ancient and constantly
refurbished and upgraded trading ships turned pirate frigates. Since Maggie's deal with a certain
Jerboan warlord, their numbers have shown a noticeable increase, but not to any extent that matches
their size in All-Gobi or New Mojave.
- Artificates and Remakes are exceedingly
among the population, as the lack
of technological base, digital realms access, and automation all lead to there being few, if any
naturally occurring among Calico's population, and those who join often find themselves bereft of
easy maintenance parts.
Culture of the Calico Redistribution Company
Calico Redistribution lacks anything so coherent as a single culture, at best,
it can be said that they share an ethos. Different pirate fleets have different personal cultures, different
rules and names and proper manners for how to behave, which in turn rolls down to any crews subordinate to
them. What is universal is a love of a good fight, a good fuck, and a firm belief that the wealth of
corporations is better off in the hands of little guys, like say, them. This takes many forms, often
represented in manners reminiscent of pirate cultures throughout the earth's history, some mimicking
the famed 'Ka'Ribean' pirates of yore, or the 'Wako' or 'Core
Sayers' of other regions of the old world, each with their own distinct manners of dress, address, and
comportment as colorful and unique as the next, and all willing to glass someone over the assertion that any
other kind of pirate is more piratey than their particular variant.
Cultural affectations tend to more closely resemble the region that houses a
particular crew. Crews from around Czarina will take on the dress and mannerisms of people from Czarina
where crews that raid and dock along the J.A.V. and Ur-Um coasts will take on the cultures of those places.
Their home isles are a massive melting pot of fashions, tastes, and cultures, always with criminal and
piratical flares. They often appear to be fairly anachronistic, favoring old world fashions cut to modern
tastes (which is to say, as revealing as possible). Most structures are refurbished ancient ruins, wrecks,
or abandoned structures. This piecemeal, utilitarian thread runs thoroughly through all of Calico culture,
with a focus on utility and personal flare in equal measures. The last common thread in their culture is the
'pirate's code' set by Mad Maggie herself, apparently based on the ancient code of the
Ka'Ribean Pirates. It includes such things as the proper way to share out the booty, the right of crews
to elect their own captain, and methods of settling disputes through various duels and contests, among other
things. The code is nothing so strong as a set of laws, and is largely considered a set of guidelines, with
many crews ignoring the letter of them, or even the spirit of many parts of Maggie's code. That said,
every pirate in calico is at least aware of the code, and that Maggie's own crew adheres to it, creating
a surprisingly democratic culture in a world of corporate feudalism.
Special Locations of the Calico Redistribution
Calico is the oddest of territories, stretching over most of the north seas, and
filling into the cracks that other holding companies call wilderness. Their territory changes with each
month and year that passes, old settlements being eradicated by corporate backed mercenaries, or simply
falling into disuse, and new ones popping up in their place elsewhere.
- Pirate Port: Hidden in fjords, coves,
and on small isolated spits of land, these places use the local terrain, digital obfuscation, and
attempts at hiding that ranges from a few camouflage tarp nets, to stolen stealth tech ripped from
Bezosphere debris drops. These ports act as the primary points of access for smuggling via the sea
lanes, trade caravans in the know making stops at them between charging stations, and pirates knowing
they can dip in for a quick bite to eat, some fresh grog and water, and the latest news.
- Ship Cities: The old world left behind
hulks and tenders innumerable. The great plastic patches of the pacific and atlantic occasional spit out
melted monstrosities capable of supporting weight with a little help. All of these things lead to
various lashed together contraptions of rafts, barely floating tubs, and lashed together flotation
platforms that drift along the ocean waves, surviving hurricanes through miracles as much as skillful
piloting, and acting as mobile ports of call for pirates and smugglers alike.
- Net Jacks: None of Calico's
territory possesses even ruined megacities, meaning that true data centers, in all their massive,
labyrinthine glory, are entirely lacking from the Calicio Redistribution Company's territory.
There are small network hubs dug and placed by the undercity elves, especially the technocult of LOL!TH,
but the only way most of Calico remains hooked in is in the form of net jacks. These repurposed cargo
ships are filled to the brim with quantum computer server hubs, and the best wireless communication gear
that can be stolen. Some of these are beached, physically wired in through taps to the existing wired
infrastructure of the digital realms, hidden among rusting ships graveyards, others are entirely mobile,
heavily protected by escort ships when not tucked into some nice little cove. Calico hosts a range of
dark websites on these servers, protecting them from outright hijacking and attack by angry
anti-digital-piracy corporations.
Organizations of the Calico Redistribution Company
List of Organizations
- The Salty Siren - criminal gang: One of
the lesser feared pirates, the crew of the Salty Siren primarily offer their services as a mobile
brothel-ship and only occasionally raid and pillage. They are far more likely to follow and escort more
powerful and dangerous crews, or happen upon the victims of other pirates, offering up a ride to safer
waters (For a fee of course).
- The Scaly-Wags - criminal gang: A
gang of pirates called the Scaly-Wags, lead by Scaly Wagtail- a splicer with mostly reptilian traits.
This gang of reptile-like pirates are mostly seen as a nuisance given they mostly aim to commit petty
theft, vandalism, and general thuggish chaos, but rarely they get caught in bigger schemes as a
supporting force for larger crews. They often hang out in sunnier parts of the islands, sunning and
having sex unless Scaly Wagtail finds a new mark. Most of the time, folks join if they're interested
in having a new set of friends and causing some trouble.
When it comes to initiation, most entrants
are expected to get mods to gain scales on their body along with reptilian traits (they accept
mechanical substitutes), though those with reptilian splicer genes usually have to satisfy the captain
for a night. Usual uniform is loose pirate gear, eye patches, and jewelry to show off their bits, and
most all carry an retro-flintlock styled pistol and cutlass. The crew varies in most all walks of
As it currently stands, authorities usually just slap them with tickets to be paid off unless
they cause actual, serious issues. Though one day, they aim to take it to the top and stand at the side
of "Mad" Maggie, even if its as a lover.
- Eat the Rich and Burn the Corps (or E.R.B.C.) - criminal gang: It might be a challenge to name a
pirate crew that is as loud as E.R.B.C. Hell, it is hard to meet another pirate crew that
freestyles about how they're going to kill and or rob anyone aboard who has a net worth of over a
million bucks. E.R.B.C. is known for its violence, its parties, and its music. Loud. Chaotic.
Anti-Corpo. They seek to deafen Corpo's influence; however, they can where no plot is too crazy, no
act of protest is too risky - ramming their ship into a freighter to record a music video? Sure.
Burndown a bank and start a block party? They brought the champagne. Hijack the radio and a streaming
service for a week-long orgy on their ship? They offered boats to anyone that wanted to join.
to expand, E.R.B.C. calls for others who share their chaotic and poetic ideals to bear arms. The
raging youths are currently seeking to turn a single ship into a fleet, a rebellion striving to create a
utopia in the seas, all waving the same black flag. That flag has been plastered around Calico and the
Jam Gardens for some time now... A skeleton who holds a crown in one hand and stabbing a bleeding, red
heart with a spear.
Whether they are on the corporation's radar, they fight as if this band
of thieves and killers are a legitimate threat. With no fear, and no remorse for the rich, they will die
as martyrs for those that the Corpo's attempted to oppress.
Settlements of the Calico Redistribution Company
Calico Settlements are often lashed together affairs, built from the ruins of
old world settlements kept in haphazard repair through multiple centuries, or scratch built from cobbled
together parts and pirated construction tools and materials.
- New Tortuga: When the great relocation
began, the nation that became New Tortuga was known to be one of the safest, and best equipped places to
be able to deal with climate change. This led to an influx of refugees that swiftly outstripped their
ability to support, and in turn, the rise of criminal warlords that would have torn the island apart if
not for the fact that they all realized there was too little land and resources for ANYONE to survive
any sort of conflict. So they came to an accord. No violence on the island with edged weapons or any
form of gun or explosive. They then turned their attentions outward, becoming the modern home of piracy,
raiding the shipping of war fleets and corporation shipping lanes to bring in the supplies necessary to
keep their new pirate republic afloat. Today New Tortuga insists on its independence, but that
hasn't stopped the pirate republic from electing Mad Maggie McMillain as the grand admiral and
pirate queen of the north seas for almost two centuries running now, making New Tortuga the de facto
capital of Calico Redistribution.
- Flotsam: Flotsam is a trading town
without a fixed location, made of dozens of derelict wrecks stitched together with mooring lines, rope
bridges, and zip-lines. Trade and salvage are their bread and butter, powerful tugboats and
hovercrafts will haul the whole town over a juicy wreck or the bones of ancient cites to harvest steel
and curiosities. The town has a thriving black market thanks to its mobility, but it doesn't
lack for other businesses like prostitutes or arcades. Gotta pass the time somehow when you're
out of WiFi range. Given that its too dangerous to have a giant wad of ships with no real ability
to steer itself come anywhere near a dock, it stays in deeper waters near the shore and crosses the
distance with smaller skiffs and ferries to trade
- Jetsam: A thriving port community home
to fishing, aquaponics, and legally ambiguous trade. Jetsam is largely built of scrap metal, the
stripped husks of vehicles, and other reclaimed materials. Due to how hot this makes it, the
entire town is clothing optional and anything worth doing happens at night, leading to a surprisingly
active nightlife scene for a working town.
Flotsam and Jetsam are sister towns. Jetsam was
formerly an extension, but a storm severed its moorings a few years back and they had to make their own
way out at sea. Jetsam remains Flotsam's most frequent port of call.
- The Long House: Built on an Old World
motorway, The Long House is a 189 mile long, 1 mile wide tavern stretching width-ways across
Calico's main island. Staffed by thousands of buxom ale wenches and burly bartenders, The Long House
is the main attraction for visitors to Calico. With an entrance on either side every mile, the main
attraction is the single long bench stretching throughout the length of the gigantic tavern. Patrons
have to drunkenly clamber over the bench if they want to sit eye to eye with a colleague, and drinks are
served and dropped from a second floor overhang, caught either by the surprisingly deft bar staff or -
more usually - straight onto the face of whoever's asking for a beer.
The owner of the Long House
is a mountain of tattooed-grey muscle known only as Mister Fucking Enormous. Despite his intimidating
name and visage, Mister E is a bundle of joy, a consummate host, and a complete teddy bear, leaving
several of his hundred or so wives and thousands of daughters to enforce the rules of the pub, throwing
fighters out by their breeches and occasionally discharging a shotgun into the ceiling.
The Long
House is a perfect place for adventurers to plan heists, join a pirate crew, or exchange sensitive
information as the endless ale quaffing, table-dancing, fist-fighting and fornication make for a fun
backdrop to any skullduggery.
People of the Calico Redistribution Company
The people of
- Mad
Maggie McMillain
- Jeffory
"Blinks" Mcmillan
- Scaly Wagtail: The splicer captain of
the S.S. Lifts-Her-Tail and leader of the Scaly-Wags. She is a small woman- 5'2, with an almost
completely flat chest and wide hips with a butt to match it, green scales along her extremities and
short cut, feather-like red hair styled in a fauxhawk, with yellow slit eyes. She rarely wears more then
short shorts and a wrap top, with a few pieces of low quality jewelry along her neck and arms, usually
gold bangles and anklets, and the occasional torn up tricorne. Scaly herself isn't really
looking to cause a whole lot of major problems for the corporations, just live a wild, anarchic life on
the open sea as she dreamed of while playing a kid.
Surprisingly, she's only in her early 20s,
and has a high libido. As such, her main life goal is to end up a lover of Queen Maggie, if only for a
night. After that it would likely be back to business robbing towns and "stealing" away
citizens to sleep with in the night.
Historic Events of the Calico Redistribution Company
List of Regular Events
- The Election Night Assassination Attempt: Every year the Tortuga Pirate King/Queen Elections are held,
every year, Mad Maggie
takes the throne. For many pirates, this is just par for the course, she IS the best pirate, but the
fractious pirates of the Ronin Expedition have other ideas, and have taken to trying to kill her every
night before the election results roll in. So far they have failed, but Maggie takes it in good humor,
and now it has become part of the festivities, with it being a bragging privledge to be waiting in the
same pub as Maggie is on election night and surviving whatever inevitable shenanigans the
expeditionaries have gotten up to this year. This has become the one exception to Tortuga's rules
against violence.
*It should be noted that shortly after making this statement, Mad Maggie did
attempt to set up a dildo based economy as the Calico Redistribution version of Script, but it never caught
on, and she had to go back to selling the absolute excess of J.A.V. dildos that her people so often captured
to insure she could keep up to her tits in grog, whores, and shot.
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