Euphori-Tank Online Data Farms

Work in Progress

Table of Contents






Special Locations





Copy pasta of their blurb goes here

History of Euphori-Tank Online Data Farms

An underground bunker dedicated to play-testing Sense-Tanks and the virtual worlds inside. The ODF houses a population of about 100,000 people, perpetually floating in Sense-Tanks for game and app designers to collect data from, kept in a separate digital plane from the Corpo-Net and Dark Web. Though, much like the Dark Web, ODF test subjects usually end up playing video games and fucking each other.

-The Creation of The Sense-Tanks & The NEET
-Data Accrual, and Sensory Overload
-Human Computers, in lieu of Rebellious A.I

Administration and Structure of Euphori-Tank Online Data Farms

The way the territory organizes itself and insures order and decides things goes here

Commerce of Euphori-Tank Online Data Farms

Blurb about commerce and exports and unique trade advantages of the territory

Their major income sources are as follows:

Euphori-Tank Online Data Farms has special trade relations with the following Territories:

More Commerce Details Go here

Prominent Races of Euphori-Tank Online Data Farms

Culture of Euphori-Tank Online Data Farms

Cultural Facts Go Here

Special Locations of Euphori-Tank Online Data Farms

List of Special Locations Types

Organizations of Euphori-Tank Online Data Farms

List of Organizations

Settlements of Euphori-Tank Online Data Farms

List of Settlements

People of Euphori-Tank Online Data Farms

List of Major Figures

Historic Events of Euphori-Tank Online Data Farms

List of Historic Events

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