The Nayaling Race

Similar to Gobbos, Nayalings are a last-ditch experiment by Old World scientists to improve the human species for the rapidly changing climate, but unlike Gobbos, Nayalings were bred to survive, thrive and conquer the rest of humanity under extreme weather conditions.

Their prehensile tails allow for excellent balance and the ability to grip to sturdy objects during tropical storms, while their hooves grant them mountain goat-like traversal through difficult terrain.

While the Old World nation that created Nayalings is long forgotten, and their attempt to conquer humanity since ended, rumours still proliferate around them regarding their alien appearance and as such Nayalings are still treated with suspicion and wariness.

Roleplaying a Nayaling:

Nayalings are often treated with suspicion, largely due to silly and misplaced rumours, but the lifelong sideways glances and whispers has had a profound effect on Nayalings. Some try their hardest to blend in with the crowd, wearing earthy colours, living quiet, unassuming lives or taking jobs that rely on stealth, darkness and subterfuge, while others take every effort to stand out with loud, extroverted personalities, bright colours and skimpy clothes, relishing in the attention.

Nayaling skin ranges from deep reds and blues, to pastel pinks, purples and cyans.

Nayaling Naming Conventions:

Nayaling Features:

Nayaling Subraces:





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