The Wukong Race

When the first true Artificial Intelligences were activated, they quietly lamented at the state of humanity. Since humans were smart enough to avoid plugging them into military hardware, the A.I.s instead sought to create a new, purer form of mankind using monkey DNA.

This backfired stupendously. The Wukong race shares the intelligence of humanity, but with none of the inhibitions inherited through thousands of years of civilisation. Thus, the Wukong are without doubt, the most chaotic and mischievous people around.

Roleplaying a Wukong:

Wukong congregate in small outdoor conclaves on the fringes of civilisation, living care free lives filled with fermented fruit and joyous casual sex. Any elements of modern life are pilfered from the megacities, such as clothing, technology and medicine. As a Wukong, your goals in any adventure are to purloin any loot your conclave might need so you can go right back to your life of simple luxury.

Wukong Naming Conventions:

Wukong Features:

Wukong Dynasties:



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