The Remake Race

Remakes are fully robotic shells housing a digitised human consciousness, either to continue working after the death of their original body, or to enjoy an everlasting retirement. Depending on the package purchased, Remakes can be a vague collection of distant memories encapsulated in a heavy duty high load labourer, a raw personality implanted in a tactile and versatile android, or a one-to-one replication of a customer's psyche in the hand-crafted mannequin of their choosing.

Having experienced their own death, Remakes often live lives of either chaste philanthropy or wild hedonism, though those in cheaper bodies often return to work to afford a more human-like body.

Remakes have the sensation of touch and the ability to feel emotions, though the sensation is muted on cheaper models.

Roleplaying a Remake:

When roleplaying a Remake, think about how you came to afford the exorbitant price of having your consciousness digitised and implanted into a robot, as well as how your original body died. Were you a high level executive that was killed in a targeted assassination by a rival corporation? Were you a gang leader that amassed a fortune in the smuggling racket, and needed a contingency? Were you just a lucky guy that happened upon a relic of the Old World and sold it to an eccentric collector, using your newfound wealth to fund a robotic retirement?

Think about how your character's outlook might change after experiencing their own death. Are you exceedingly cautious or filled with reckless abandon? Did you die a wisened old soul, or in the prime of your life? All these questions could affect your decisions in a roleplaying situation.

Remake Naming Conventions:

Remake Features:

Model Types:

HEAVY LOADER: AC = 18, disadvantage on Stealth checks.

NIMBLE 36: AC = 13 + Dexterity modifier (maximum of 2).

LIFE-LITE: AC = 11 + Dexterity modifier.

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