The Remake Race

Remakes are fully robotic shells housing a digitised human consciousness, either
to continue working after the death of their original body, or to enjoy an everlasting retirement. Depending
on the package purchased, Remakes can be a vague collection of distant memories encapsulated in a heavy duty
high load labourer, a raw personality implanted in a tactile and versatile android, or a one-to-one
replication of a customer's psyche in the hand-crafted mannequin of their choosing.
Having experienced their own death, Remakes often live lives of either chaste
philanthropy or wild hedonism, though those in cheaper bodies often return to work to afford a more
human-like body.
Remakes have the sensation of touch and the ability to feel emotions, though the
sensation is muted on cheaper models.
Roleplaying a Remake:
When roleplaying a Remake, think about how you came to afford the exorbitant
price of having your consciousness digitised and implanted into a robot, as well as how your original body
died. Were you a high level executive that was killed in a targeted assassination by a rival
corporation? Were you a gang leader that amassed a fortune in the smuggling racket, and needed a
contingency? Were you just a lucky guy that happened upon a relic of the Old World and sold it to an
eccentric collector, using your newfound wealth to fund a robotic retirement?
Think about how your character's outlook might change after experiencing
their own death. Are you exceedingly cautious or filled with reckless abandon? Did you die a wisened old
soul, or in the prime of your life? All these questions could affect your decisions in a roleplaying
Remake Naming Conventions:
- Remakes, being encoded personality engrams in a robotic
host, use the same name as they did when they were alive. People that tend to be able to afford being
remade are Elfs, Humans and Nayalings, and so use the naming conventions of their former
Remake Features:

- Ability Score Increase: Your
Constitution Score increases by 1
- Age: You decide your age by how old you
were when you originally died + how long you've been a Remake. The oldest Remakes are 255 years
- Size: Your size is Medium. Remakes
stand between 5 to 8 feet tall, depending on their Model.
- Speed: Your base walking speed is
30 feet.
- Robotic Resilience: You're not
organic, and don't suffer from the issues humanoids do.
-You have advantage on saving throws
against being poisoned and you have resistance to poison damage.
-You are immune to disease.
don't need to eat, drink or breathe, though the Life-Lite model can choose to.
-You can choose
to carry a Spare Battery with you to negate the need to recharge yourself.
- Low Power Mode: When you take a long
rest, you must remain in an inactive state for at least four hours in an area with sunlight or UV light
to recharge your battery.
- Polysteel Protection: Your body
has built in defences that determine your armour class. Your body has built-in defensive layers, which
can be enhanced with armor. You gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class. You can don only armor with which you
have proficiency. To don armor, you must incorporate it into your body over the course of 1 hour, during
which you must remain in contact with the armor. To doff armor, you must spend 1 hour removing it. You
can rest while donning or doffing armor in this way. While you live, your armor can't be removed
from your body against your will.
- Insurance Policy: If you die, your
party can remove your Consciousness Chip from your robotic corpse and replace your body with an
identical Model at a Remake Store for $$10,000. Additionally, revival hacks from your party members cost
half price in creds.
Model Types:
HEAVY LOADER: AC = 18, disadvantage on
Stealth checks.
- Ability Score Increase: Your Strength
score increases by 2.
- Power Lift: You count as one size
larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, pull or lift.
- Heavy Hitter: When you make an
unarmed strike, you can deal 1d4+ your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage.

NIMBLE 36: AC = 13 + Dexterity modifier (maximum of
- Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity
Score increases by 2.
- Speedy: Your walking speed is increased
by 5 feet.
- Bounding Stride: once per round
while moving at least 10 feet in one direction, you can make a Long Jump or High jump that does not
count towards your movement.
- Light-footed: You can move
stealthily at your base walking speed or when dashing.
LIFE-LITE: AC = 11 + Dexterity modifier.
- Ability Score Increase: +1 to two
ability scores you choose.
- Custom Made: You gain one skill
proficiency of your choice and one tool proficiency of your choice.
- Bonus Feature: One tool you are
proficient with is integrated into your wrist, and you double your proficiency bonus for any ability
checks you make with it.
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