Nazzdack Incorporated
Do or Get Done
The cream of the crop for corporate tyranny, oppressive private policing and
criminal enterprise, Nazzdack houses sprawling megacities, vicious executives, corrupt cops and villainous
gangland bosses, coated in constant tropical rainstorms and permanent darkness. Having collected several
hundred smaller companies during the Great Relocation, Nazzdack is a perpetual implosion of espionage,
backstabbing and assassination, its CEOs and Directors hot-swapping positions daily and conducting
generations long plans to get to the top. Meanwhile, an unchecked corporate police force causes more terror
and violence than it stops, deliberately creating problems that only a bigger budget next year can
presumably solve. Underneath all this, a spiderweb of criminal networks led by fixers and smuggling groups
proves, ironically, the closest thing to a sense of stability for Nazzdack's denizens. Gunshots and
sirens ring out 24 hours a day, floating hardlight advertising peers into habi-cube windows at night.
Adventurers romanticize Nazzdack as somewhere one can make a name for themselves, though few can actually
name any of the supposed legends that came from here.
History of Nazzdack Incorporated
When it became obvious that the old world was absolutely turbo fucked, that
there was no chance of the old world existing one way or another. It was very clear there were two possible
choices: Get everyone together and work to change the whole edifice of human civilization to save the
planet... or get the fuck out of dodge with everything you could carry with you. The old world
oligarchs picked the latter. As the world's governments began the slow, steady, death spiral, egged on
by the nascent megacorporations ever intent on extracting more profit, the richest of the rich began several
initiatives to get away from it all. Some set up bunkers and personal kingdoms in the very edges of the
arctic circle, beginning the long process of preparing their own kingdoms when the whole thing went up, but
the richest of the rich pooled their resources into a launch site located at the farthest ends of the earth.
They seeded rumors of many different things, from sub-arctic sea colonies, to a floating city. Some of these
rumors, such as the arcology projects, even had seeds of truth that lead to the first megacity construction
sites. In truth however, the vast majority of money and resources were funneled to a launch site and
fortified docking area. When the time came, and the glaciers were starting to melt at unprecedented rates,
and the world governments lost the ability or inclination to police earth's orbit, the Bezosphere
launchsite was announced and the sale of tickets and orbital slots began.
It was not a grand announcement, first only a select few, the initial investors,
were invited to stay, them and their families. Then a few more, and a few more, tickets sold, the first
launch went without a hitch, the polar anchor station was established, and then things could truly begin.
Military and Construction supplies extracted from regions that were in full collapse, where corporate
atrocities went on unchallenged, were shipped through the New Sarajevo Development Zone. In time, more and
more rumors would abound, and the melting of the glaciers in the place that would become Nazzdack began to
spread, leading to what had at first been a trickle of refugees into the remnants of the nation that lived
there to a full on flood, especially as the inner valley of the landmass began to become habitable. To avoid
the crush of piracy, refugee craft, and other such pedestrian filth, the oligarchs had a landing and
congregation site built in what would one day become the Jam Gardens. In turn, the landing site was
expanded, and fortified. The glacial melt was forcibly accelerated both to provide cracking fuel and access
to hydrogen supplies under the ice, and to make room for expanding the service infrastructure, not just for
supporting the Oligarchs, but for supporting the launch site as well. Services needed to support the
engineers, support staff, and everything else that made the launch site function quickly took hold. In time,
ground was broken on various megacity spires across the valley, each one dedicated to different corporations
or entities directly serving the oligarchs and the edifice that they had constructed in some form. As the
last world governments began to collapse during the Gene Wars, the oligarchs began to make their move into
orbit proper, and left behind a board of trustees through the legal agency of Hampter, Forward, &
Cheeks. In the coming century Hampter, Forward, & Cheeks became a powerhouse, as the megacorporations
rose to power, and every oligarch sought to escape the steadily declining climate of Earth for the life of
perfected artificial luxury in orbit that was the Bezosphere.
As the various groups realized that they were unlikely to get into the quickly
narrowing tickets and orbital lanes for the swarm of stations that made up the bezosphere, it was swiftly
realized drastic action would need to be taken to organize things. The stock brokerage agencies worked
together, forming Nazzdack Incorporated, in order to insure that the various corporations didn't
descend into the insane infighting that was now sweeping across the New Sarajevo Development Zone. There
could be no risk permitted to the launch site, and so the Bezosphere's agents agreed to supply
Nazzdack with orbitally derived supplies that were otherwise difficult to get on the surface.
Administration and Structure of Nazzdack Incorporated
Nazzdack is run in an entirely corporate feudal manner, but is overseen by a
board of trustees whose members are drawn from representatives selected by the shareholders living in the
Walled Street, or by those living in the Bezosphere. The Board of Trustees' membership is entirely
secret, with members appearing only as number bearing black tomestone like constructs in digital meeting
spaces. They have sole authority over all matters of deployment of corporate-police forces within the
Nazzdack Territory, veto power on any and all trade deals, and act as a star-chamber council that
effectively determines the order of the world.
Below that level, each district is run entirely ad hoc by corporate enclaves,
franchises, and groups spread across the vast number of spires, districts, and low lying areas that make up
much of the city. Provided that nothing interferes with the lives of those behind the Wall, whether it be
their deliveries or their stock options, then almost anything goes, with each corporation setting its own
rules and laws and codes of conduct for each block and such, with Nazzdack itself taking a relatively high
level approach to administration and organization of each part, compared to the more draconian hold other
holding companies have over their infrastructure.
Commerce of Nazzdack Incorporated
Nazzdack is the largest importer of trade goods of any of the other
Territories, relying almost entirely on it's control over the trade networks and contracts themselves
to retain its ironclad grip on the economy of the New World. The fact that most Shareholders inevitably seek
to live there and the persistent rumors that favorable contracts lead to higher placement in Golden Ticket
auctions tends to help matters.
Their major income sources are as follows:
- Industry Theft: Nazzdack seeks to
retain absolute dominance over the world markets, it is, after all, the home of the Shareholders and, in
its own mind, the beating heart of the new world. To this end, Nazzdack has, and always will, seek to
retain maximum market share by using the dirtiest of tactics to force the sale and transfer of
equipment, personnel, and resources from other territories to its own shores if it is physically
possible to do so and that business is taking off in an unexpectedly huge way. They will also do this
for any sort of high culture 'serving the rich' business of high quality luxury goods, a
famous example of which was the spider-silk tailoring industry originally begun in several undercity
datacenters that had spread to the surface.
- High Fashion & Art: The best and
brightest of the creative world come to Nazzdack, or at least, the people best able to grift off the
rich and powerful, convincing them that a photosynthetic cow turned inside out and dipped in amber is
the sort of thing they want in their living room. Others work to convince the rich and powerful that
THEIR clothing line is the peak of haute couture. It is not unusual for this industry to play into
industrial theft, such as the forced acquisition and transferral of spider-silk manufacture from other
- Financial Services: While this
primarily comes in the form of stock brokerage, it also involves loans, and even banking. While
centralized banking collapsed with the ability of hackers to outstrip basically any security system,
banking in the form of security boxes. In addition, the sole worker-class-centric service provided by
Nazzdack is their credit banking firms, offering employees of other territories to bank the few scraps
of credits they are able to earn without fear of 'taxes' and 'rent' owed to the
holder of a territory, of course, the rates for retaining an account are still exorbitant, but carefully
tailored to be just that hair less necessary to get the proles to bank with them rather than leave it in
their employer's vaults.
- Legal Services: While no government
exists to truly enforce the laws, Legal Services primarily exist as a method of diplomatic service and
contractual enforcers between various companies. Contracts between employees and employers are mostly
superficial, and only enforced in a single direction, whereas contracts between corporations become the
fabric upon which the modern world is established. Such contracts are of limited utility, but mostly
define expected payments and services, copyrights, and similar, and abrogation of them entitles a
corporation to reclaim lost worth by any means available to it. Those who attempt such things outside of
their contractual rights often find themselves subject to the scrutiny of the Bezosphere directly, with
economic warfare waged to cause their prices to crash and their leadership to be rendered
- Orbital Materials: Given the greatly
reduced size of the planet's habitable surface, even with mantle-tapping techs of such places as
Soon-Bok, certain mineral resources are enormously difficult to get on the surface. The Bezosphere is
primarily interested in extracting value from the remains of the planet Earth, but return shuttles are
often loaded down with rare materials only capable of being created in the high orbitals or on
extraterrestrial facilities. In addition, rare tech, such as high end Engrams, are often smuggled on
such shuttles, picked up by benefactors in Nazzdack, then sold at exorbitant rates.
It would be easier to list the territories that Nazzdack Incorporated lacks
special trade relations with. All shareholders eventually find themselves here, and all intercorporate trade
is handled under their iron fisted auspices. Nazzdack Incorporated does not own or rule the other
corporations, but it is the fulcrum upon which the world order turns, and it's vast wealth and inbuilt
power are wholly leveraged towards ensuring that the status remains quo.
The primary industries locally within nazzdack are all service based, focusing
on catering to the hyper rich and the people who serve the hyper rich. This includes security services, and
Corpo-Cops mostly find their home in Nazzdack, farmed out to the other territories. While there are
mercenary services that find their homes the world over, very few nations specialize heavily in Corpo-Cops
of all brands, from simple union busters and strike breakers, to corporate level assassins and even hostile
takeover brigades. Every corpo-cop agency in the world has at least an office in Nazzdack, often in Spectrum
Spire, and these services are exported everywhere that corporations need heads cracked and wages
Prominent Races of Nazzdack Incorporated
- ELFs, by far, make up the most populous
race in Nazzdack, with the ELF treatment being invented in Nazzdack. Humans once made up a significant
minority, but as time goes on, the Street ELFs make up more and more of the population. The first
datacenters were sunk under Nazzdack, and Undercity ELFs make up a surprisingly large number of surface
dwellers, largely because of all the other experimental gene-modded populations that were placed in the
other early datacenters. When the projects were shipped out across the globe and standardized, the ELF
patterns became the go-to choice, but in Nazzdack dozens of other races compete in the same space,
driving the underground dwellers to the surface.
- Humans are another significant race,
though relatively few are born into the territory. Those who live here tend to be immigrants. The
original human serving class, over the last 400 years, has steadily been replaced through interbreeding
with both Executive and Street ELF populations, and later, the Undercity ELFs moving from the
overcrowded underground.
- Nayalings are common in the pirate and
adventurer infested areas, and are especially beloved of the corporate security forces that manage to
convince them to join. Those who do living Nazzdack tend to universally be those who downplay their own
less than human traits rather than exalt them.
- Gobbos make up a large portion of the
population in Carbon Pink, and a surprisingly large number make up squatting populations in the more
'well to do' parklands of the interior of Nazzdack, but they are still far less common
across the whole territory than their more blood thirsty and organized cousins, the Hobgobbos, who have
found their niche in the corpo-cop ecosystem and Nazzdack's orderly nature. Due to Nazzdack's
high latitude, Gobbos tend to spend prolonged periods indoors compared to other territories.
- Wukong were once relatively uncommon in
Nazzdack, but since the formation of Carbon Black, their enclaves have managed to take root in a sort of
nomadic pattern along the no-man's land of the pirate infested exclusion zone.
- Jerboans see Nazzdack, by
and large, as the worst possible place to exist, the fallen Babylon of myth and legend, and the cursed
blight of the world. Jerboans do not remain in Nazzdack
any longer than they absolutely have to unless they are specifically joining one of the various
terrorist, criminal, rebel, or pirate gangs looking to do as much damage as possible. As always, there
are a few exceptions, but where a Jerboan might be forgiven by his family and his gang for joining
corpos in just about any other territory, one who signed on with Nazzdackians would only do so with the
full knowledge they were severing all ties with their people.
- The largest number of Remakes anywhere in the world live in Nazzdack, especially of Lifelite Models.
who can
afford the insanely expensive engramification and remake process inevitably seek to live it up once they
make enough money to fully retire, and no place is as suited for the life of those seeking to live as
kings of the world as Nazzdack.
- Artificates, while not uncommon, are
also not one of the more populous races in Nazzdack, where ancient familial lines of servants dating
back to the original corporate colonization of Nazzdack's landmass meant that there was relatively
little incentive towards the massive android automation that the rest of the world pursued.
Culture of Nazzdack Incorporated
Nazzdack is the most straight laced of all the territories, where everyone, at
all times, must act in the interest of the corporations. Even the gangers, the normal wild lords of the
undercities, take a more by the book and organized approach to how business gets done. While certain
districts, especially in Carbon Pink, have a reputation for looser and more lax followings of corpo-culture,
the fact is that in Nazzdack, you are either one of the owners of the world, or their direct underlings
(however distance), and everything, but everything, must work to the order that one's corporate
overlord desires. Nazzdackians tend to be no-nonsense, by the book, and have been referred too as
'Black Trenchcoats with shaved heads to everyone else's pink mohawks' (A turn of phrase
whose origins have been lost to the mists of time)
Special Locations of Nazzdack Incorporated
Nazzdack is a bit of an oddity out of the rest of the world, while
remaining a single, self contained megacity, rather than a dense cluster of Megacity Spires, the vast
majority of it is large sets of low level sprawl all interconnected and built up in a spread across from the
Spires that make up the beat hearts of each district and zone, all of which radiate out from Spectrum Spire
at the center.
- Low Districts: Nazzdack is the largest
megacity in the world in terms of square mileage, with only Saraswati's massively specialized
megacity spires creating a more dense urban footprint. Nazzdack has an unusually high number of
'low districts' which remain, nominally, interlinked with the various spread out spires of
the sprawling megacity, creating large areas of individual or highly dense multistory buildings,
industrial parks, or agricultural districts, all based around supplying the local overlords and the
intercine corporate warfare. Most megacities have some 'low rise' structures and areas
surrounding their spires, but few have them quite so dominating of the landscape as Nazzdack.
- The Wall: The enormous wall surrounding
the Walled Street, while lower on the side facing the ocean, the enormous, reinforced fortification is
given a bright front with legions of hard light projectors on the mainland facing side of the wall,
including stock tickers, advertisements, and even 'free' movies that charge viewers script
based on tracked eye movements and registered likes, favs, and comments.
- Mobile Kiosks: Because of
Nazzdack's sprawling nature, many stores are actually built directly into hover vehicles, or
atluses. Providing every service from food, to clothes, to digital products, and even rent-a-cop
services. These mobile kiosks or store fronts move from spire cluster to spire cluster through the
infinite urban sprawl of the zones.
Organizations of Nazzdack Incorporated
List of Organizations
- Hampter, Forward, & Cheeks -
Corporation: The founding member of Nazzdack, and supposedly the head of the board of trustees appointed
by the shareholders and bezospherians. Hampter, Forward, & Cheeks has a reputation for both insanely
ruthless corporate hardball, and being absolutely good to their word, leading to them having been
integral to many negotiations of contracts and trade agreements between corporations the world over, and
insuring their place as the preeminent law firm under Nazzdack's corporate umbrella.
- The Trash Gremlin Empire - Guild:
Trash gremlins and their secret financial empire are the stuff of joking conspiracy theories which are
unexpectedly real. As a collective the trash gremlins theoretically match the financial power of
some global business entities due to the fact that they never stop stealing or raiding garbage for
accidentally disposing of valuables. Blackmail information is not unknown, but who would believe
anyone saying the trash gremlins had blackmail material on them? They'd be laughed right into a
cell. Yet trash gremlins also have no concept of actual value. They want garbage and
adrenaline rushes and most have no greater aspirations.
Finer details of the trash financial empire
are handled by selected non gremlin individuals who oversee the basic operations of deposits and
requested withdrawals from the many disparate accounts (given racoons can't own bank accounts) in
exchange for access to the funds for their own use. Traditionally, bad things happen to those who try to
abuse this access and steal from the trash empire. The last who tried it was found upside down in
a trash can full of <redacted> and <redacted> with <redacted> all over
<redacted> and <redacted> <redacted> on <redacted> so <redacted>
<redacted> <redacted> <redacted>. Theft from trash gremlins is not recommended,
there is no honor among raccoons.
- Gachagoons - Cult: This cult has
one core belief: To gamble is to live. Initiates may whale for jpegs of their waifus and husbandos, but
to truly come into the fold, one must roll on oneself. After a tithe of a substantial money is spent,
these cultists bathe themselves in sense tanks to meet their cult leader and emerge changed based on the
roll of a dice. The least luck become Common cultists, nameless and mostly bland faceless humanoids
until they can earn the credits to whale again, but the luckier one gets the more sway they have in the
cult. Uncommon ones have faces and first names, they become individuals. Rare cultists also get a last
name and some unique identifying features. Ultra rare cultists are granted stories, histories, detailed
and immaculate features. The ones with the highest sway are the Foils, which can be from any caste.
Common Foil cultists might get a gold paint over them, Uncommon Foil cultists get larger assets and
clothing that even better accentuates them, and rare and ultra rare foils are addictingly beautiful and
are treated like divinities unto themselves, their designs looking as though they were sculpted by the
horniest ero-artist. This cult primarily operates out of Carbon Pink, preying on the poor populace of
the megacity
- The Gekkou Clan - Criminal Gang: A
large Yakuza clan that was formed in the Carbon Pink district. The clan's founder, an ELF who goes
by the name Eiji Gekkou, originally formed the group as a sort of Robin Hoodesque organization that
helped out the less fortunate. Unfortunately the clan's ideology began to shift as it grew and Eiji
Gekkou suddenly became ill. While the clan is still intact, it became divided into three factions, those
who want to continue Gekkou's ideals, those who want to shift into a more radical direction of
organized crime, and those who want to remain neutral until Gekkou either recovers or passes away.
Because of the Gekkou Clan's large size, there are four main groups that each run a major aspect of
how the clan makes money. The Sapphire Dragons are in charge of medicine and drug smuggling. The Chrome
Tigers focus on vehicles, grand theft auto, and vehicle customizations for the other groups. The
Carnelian Phoenixes look after the entertainment, gambling, and brothels. Finally the Tungsten Turtles
are the weapons/tech development and acquisition. Because of their wide range of businesses, it's
quite easy of a rebel minded individual to find quick or permanent work with the Gekkou Clan.
Settlements of Nazzdack Incorporated
Nazzdack is the world's largest (by measures of square milage) megacity,
and thus any settlements are better described as boroughs and neighborhoods.
- Carbon Red: The busiest and most
populous district of Nazzdack, noted for its high population of freelance bounty hunters and Corpo-Cops.
This is largely due to the sheer volume of hole-in-the-wall bars and pubs that can only hold a dozen or
so patrons, far too small for the rampant and innumerable gangs that roam the streets. Gunshots ring
throughout the street at all hours, punctuated only by Corpo-Cop AVs descending into the chaos to
provide iron-fisted order.
- Bottletrap Point: At the
southernmost point of Carbon Red sits a beach that is almost completely covered in bottles, cartons and
other commonplace containers. The dramatic shift in global temperatures and sea levels over the past 4
centuries or so has caused the ocean currents to change drastically. As it turns out, anything floaty
enough placed into the water around New Tortuga is almost guaranteed to drift gradually to this specific
patch of land. Of course, the rowdy and lawless residents of the island have been all too happy to take
advantage of this fun fact by sending all sorts of image/text-based mockery and slander via tides to
their less-than-friendly neighbors, knowing full well that their actions are completely untraceable.
- The Rusty Engine: Located in
the Carbon Red district, The Rusty Engine is a dive bar ran by a middle age Jerboan that goes by the
name Auntie Tush. While down for it's to die for "chili" dogs and Okish booze, the bar has
been used a a neutral meeting ground for various individuals and groups to conduct negotiations, find
jobs or info, and the occasional hand offs. Though this bar may look like an easy target due to how many
profile people have went through it's doors, there is an air of uneasiness if some one openly
disrespect the rules of the bar. Some say that Auntie Tush was a former hitman, other say she has dirt
on every one, and there are some who say that she'll give you the best mind melting sex of your
life. What ever the reason, the bar still stands as long as Auntie Tush is around.
- Carbon Pink: Housing the fewest wealthy
individuals of all the districts, Carbon Pink has devolved into a lurid mess of chippendale clubs,
brothels, genetic therapy clinics and gun and liquor stores. Splicers, Gobbos and Wukong dominate the
streets, engaging in drunken revelry that inevitably end up mass brawls and shootouts. Bizarrely,
it's also home to an expanding art scene; swing dance halls and hip hop clubs are the lifeblood of
Carbon Pink's flailing and manic economy.
- Meat and Meet:
The Meat & Meet is a conference hall and hibachi grill where the employees are all paid extra
to have their hearing disabled. Here you can have any kind of shadowy meeting and the employees are
unable to listen to a thing said. Along with their talented chef's and choice cuts of various
animals the Meat and Meet is the prefect place to hold any meeting no matter how secretive it may
Their slogan is: "Come for the Meat, stay for the Secret Meeting!"
- Carbon White: Home to the wealthiest
individuals of the territory, and closest to The Walled Street fortification, Carbon White is
essentially the landing area for those looking to be invited to reside in The Walled Street, though no
one has ever left to spread the criteria for getting in. Private security is not only absolute, but also
somewhat of a fashion statement among the denizens of Carbon White; some opt for the overly-muscled pit
fighters of Protein Adjacent, while others choose the samurai of Soon-Bok, while still others prefer the
fun of a group of Wukong displaced from their conclave.
- Carbon Black: A long, thin district
created as a defense - or distraction - to the pirates of New Tortuga, Carbon Black finds itself slowly
morphing into a beach head for pirate incursions. Taverns, watering holes and gun stores have sprung up
along the beach, Corpo-Cop presence is slowly whittling away from a war of attrition, and it's even
been rumored that Mad Maggie McMillan has established a permanent dwelling on the shorefront. If these
rumors are true, and the immortal pirate queen has her eyes on Nazzdack, outright war may begin in
Carbon Black.
- The Thin Black Line: When the
Carbon Black Defensive Zone was declared, it forced a reevaluation and remapping of the other carbon
districts. A line bordering between carbon white and Carbon Pink was carved out, and the entire 2 block
wide strip of land turned into a set of high capacity transit corridors for constant access from
Spectrum Spire to Carbon Black to insure that the defensive emplacements were constantly manned and
supplied. In practice, under the maglev lines and hyperloop tubes, a thriving blackmarket between Pink
and White supplied with pirate smuggled goods has grown up.
- Carbon Blue: Situated nearest The Duty
Free Ports of House 'Bacco, Carbon Blue has become host to the wandering lesser knights of the
various feuding houses, and has adopted traces of its culture to match. While too cold for the surfer
culture, Carbon Blue houses on-land jousting tournaments and longhouse taverns for drinking and feasting
alongside the strange chivalric knights. Due to the ever increasing pirate raids in Carbon Black, Carbon
Blue is becoming somewhat of a staging area for the younger knights and squires looking to duel with the
encroaching pirates.
- The Latex Pits: Once a Helvetica
Brasilius Orchard in Carbon Blue, known as Tight Squeeze, this was once the number one supplier for
latex wear across the new world. 50 years ago, however, a suprise attack from an unknown group dwelling
below the city destroyed all the trees, and all that remains is the tar-like sap. The attack on the
orchard also modified the sap, leaving huge lakes of liquid rubber that quickly form around anyone that
enters their depths. The suits formed are hard to escape from, but there are always holes to breathe and
for other necessary openings for hygiene. Still, most folks of the lower parts of Carbon Blue watch
their step while they walk along the catwalks above these pits.
- Spectrum Spire: The center point of the
radial carbon districts of Nazzdack. This massive spire is the tallest structure in Nazzdack, and the
tallest unabandoned spire anywhere on the planet. It is the only functioning tower to break the height
limit imposed by the shareholders in the Walled Street and on the Bezosphere. Spectrum Spire is the
central transit and logistical hub of the entire megacity, and it's stratified to reflect that. The
bottom fifth, not including the center of the massive honeycomb of datacenters beneath Nazzdack, is
entirely devoted to all the maintenance and support machinery necessary to keep the world's largest
transportation network functioning. The next third is made up of the railway interlinks, including the
actual rail stations, shopping malls, and warehouses. Above that are the corpo-cop agency HQs,
supposedly every corpo-cop agency worth spit in the entire world has at least an office there, and every
agency operating primarily in Nazzdack owns at least an entire floor. The top 50 floors are entirely off
limits, a restriction enforced by weaponized weather titans. It is believed that this forms ground
control for the shuttle launches for the walled street.
People of Nazzdack Incorporated
List of Major Figures
- Appropriate Transaction: the
Artificiate go-between for gangland negotiations and assassination contracts, who enjoys exaggerating
her robotic nature to throw off newbie gangers and veterans alike.
- Slick Dick Johnson: human ex-private
detective and corpo-cop with unchecked access to the police databanks, as well as their patrol routes
and average response times.
- Mahogany Flavour: a Nayaling with eyes
in every strip club and brothel in the megacities, constantly looking for runners for his blackmailing
- Officer Kreely: Kreely is a bad
cop who got into a position of power through being smart and getting dirt on others. Kreely has his own
issues as he has become addicted to gene therapy and occasionally when angry enough will trigger a full
beastman transformation. Kreely has been able to mostly control the transformation, or rather at least
direct his violence towards a few of his enemies. But even crooked cops can't look away when the
populace is clamoring for the head of the beastman that ripped his way through the red-light district
last week. Kreely has his back to the wall but for now all he needs is a scapegoat and maybe one more
hit of wolf genes.
- The Chairman: The chairman is an
enigma, and some think he is a myth. He is only seen when he wants something, and nobody knows what his
goals truly are. Though he can charitably be called a fixer, that implies that the work he demands is in
any way voluntary. Whether you're a corporate elite or a penniless freelancer, the Chairman has a
way to compel your service. Refusal will never be without severe consequences. Which is not to say the
labor is unpaid, he is a businessman after all, and his contracts can be quite lucrative... assuming you
The Chairman is consistently male, and dressed in a 3 piece suit. A hyper-advanced nanite
swarm and administrative AI prevents any other details from being observed or recorded.
Events of Nazzdack Incorporated
List of Historic Events
- The Cum Wave off Carbon Black: 50
years ago two firewhirl kaiju the size of a megacity spire rose from a deep sea volcano and fought
across the skies of Nazzdack. Their fight ended at the shores of Carbon Black, where all their
aggression turned into a legendary hatefuck. The ground shook as the two mated, and at the climax of the
blue-balled monsters sent a tidal wave of seed crashing against the beachside megacity. This event was
captured in a artist who had decided to make a woodblock painting of a nude beach at the time, trying to
contrast epic violence against passionate love, and instead captured it in the waves the dragons
produced. One still stained section of Carbon Black still has a collection of the artist's work, who
took woodblock prints across her lifetime. She's not been heard from since her final work depicting
the wave, and some say that she carries a kaiju's child.
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