Nazzdack Incorporated

Do or Get Done

Table of Contents






Special Locations





The cream of the crop for corporate tyranny, oppressive private policing and criminal enterprise, Nazzdack houses sprawling megacities, vicious executives, corrupt cops and villainous gangland bosses, coated in constant tropical rainstorms and permanent darkness. Having collected several hundred smaller companies during the Great Relocation, Nazzdack is a perpetual implosion of espionage, backstabbing and assassination, its CEOs and Directors hot-swapping positions daily and conducting generations long plans to get to the top. Meanwhile, an unchecked corporate police force causes more terror and violence than it stops, deliberately creating problems that only a bigger budget next year can presumably solve. Underneath all this, a spiderweb of criminal networks led by fixers and smuggling groups proves, ironically, the closest thing to a sense of stability for Nazzdack's denizens. Gunshots and sirens ring out 24 hours a day, floating hardlight advertising peers into habi-cube windows at night. Adventurers romanticize Nazzdack as somewhere one can make a name for themselves, though few can actually name any of the supposed legends that came from here.

History of Nazzdack Incorporated

When it became obvious that the old world was absolutely turbo fucked, that there was no chance of the old world existing one way or another. It was very clear there were two possible choices: Get everyone together and work to change the whole edifice of human civilization to save the planet... or get the fuck out of dodge with everything you could carry with you. The old world oligarchs picked the latter. As the world's governments began the slow, steady, death spiral, egged on by the nascent megacorporations ever intent on extracting more profit, the richest of the rich began several initiatives to get away from it all. Some set up bunkers and personal kingdoms in the very edges of the arctic circle, beginning the long process of preparing their own kingdoms when the whole thing went up, but the richest of the rich pooled their resources into a launch site located at the farthest ends of the earth. They seeded rumors of many different things, from sub-arctic sea colonies, to a floating city. Some of these rumors, such as the arcology projects, even had seeds of truth that lead to the first megacity construction sites. In truth however, the vast majority of money and resources were funneled to a launch site and fortified docking area. When the time came, and the glaciers were starting to melt at unprecedented rates, and the world governments lost the ability or inclination to police earth's orbit, the Bezosphere launchsite was announced and the sale of tickets and orbital slots began.

It was not a grand announcement, first only a select few, the initial investors, were invited to stay, them and their families. Then a few more, and a few more, tickets sold, the first launch went without a hitch, the polar anchor station was established, and then things could truly begin. Military and Construction supplies extracted from regions that were in full collapse, where corporate atrocities went on unchallenged, were shipped through the New Sarajevo Development Zone. In time, more and more rumors would abound, and the melting of the glaciers in the place that would become Nazzdack began to spread, leading to what had at first been a trickle of refugees into the remnants of the nation that lived there to a full on flood, especially as the inner valley of the landmass began to become habitable. To avoid the crush of piracy, refugee craft, and other such pedestrian filth, the oligarchs had a landing and congregation site built in what would one day become the Jam Gardens. In turn, the landing site was expanded, and fortified. The glacial melt was forcibly accelerated both to provide cracking fuel and access to hydrogen supplies under the ice, and to make room for expanding the service infrastructure, not just for supporting the Oligarchs, but for supporting the launch site as well. Services needed to support the engineers, support staff, and everything else that made the launch site function quickly took hold. In time, ground was broken on various megacity spires across the valley, each one dedicated to different corporations or entities directly serving the oligarchs and the edifice that they had constructed in some form. As the last world governments began to collapse during the Gene Wars, the oligarchs began to make their move into orbit proper, and left behind a board of trustees through the legal agency of Hampter, Forward, & Cheeks. In the coming century Hampter, Forward, & Cheeks became a powerhouse, as the megacorporations rose to power, and every oligarch sought to escape the steadily declining climate of Earth for the life of perfected artificial luxury in orbit that was the Bezosphere.

As the various groups realized that they were unlikely to get into the quickly narrowing tickets and orbital lanes for the swarm of stations that made up the bezosphere, it was swiftly realized drastic action would need to be taken to organize things. The stock brokerage agencies worked together, forming Nazzdack Incorporated, in order to insure that the various corporations didn't descend into the insane infighting that was now sweeping across the New Sarajevo Development Zone. There could be no risk permitted to the launch site, and so the Bezosphere's agents agreed to supply Nazzdack with orbitally derived supplies that were otherwise difficult to get on the surface.

Administration and Structure of Nazzdack Incorporated

Nazzdack is run in an entirely corporate feudal manner, but is overseen by a board of trustees whose members are drawn from representatives selected by the shareholders living in the Walled Street, or by those living in the Bezosphere. The Board of Trustees' membership is entirely secret, with members appearing only as number bearing black tomestone like constructs in digital meeting spaces. They have sole authority over all matters of deployment of corporate-police forces within the Nazzdack Territory, veto power on any and all trade deals, and act as a star-chamber council that effectively determines the order of the world.

Below that level, each district is run entirely ad hoc by corporate enclaves, franchises, and groups spread across the vast number of spires, districts, and low lying areas that make up much of the city. Provided that nothing interferes with the lives of those behind the Wall, whether it be their deliveries or their stock options, then almost anything goes, with each corporation setting its own rules and laws and codes of conduct for each block and such, with Nazzdack itself taking a relatively high level approach to administration and organization of each part, compared to the more draconian hold other holding companies have over their infrastructure.

Commerce of Nazzdack Incorporated

Nazzdack is the largest importer of trade goods of any of the other Territories, relying almost entirely on it's control over the trade networks and contracts themselves to retain its ironclad grip on the economy of the New World. The fact that most Shareholders inevitably seek to live there and the persistent rumors that favorable contracts lead to higher placement in Golden Ticket auctions tends to help matters.

Their major income sources are as follows:

It would be easier to list the territories that Nazzdack Incorporated lacks special trade relations with. All shareholders eventually find themselves here, and all intercorporate trade is handled under their iron fisted auspices. Nazzdack Incorporated does not own or rule the other corporations, but it is the fulcrum upon which the world order turns, and it's vast wealth and inbuilt power are wholly leveraged towards ensuring that the status remains quo.

The primary industries locally within nazzdack are all service based, focusing on catering to the hyper rich and the people who serve the hyper rich. This includes security services, and Corpo-Cops mostly find their home in Nazzdack, farmed out to the other territories. While there are mercenary services that find their homes the world over, very few nations specialize heavily in Corpo-Cops of all brands, from simple union busters and strike breakers, to corporate level assassins and even hostile takeover brigades. Every corpo-cop agency in the world has at least an office in Nazzdack, often in Spectrum Spire, and these services are exported everywhere that corporations need heads cracked and wages depressed.

Prominent Races of Nazzdack Incorporated

Culture of Nazzdack Incorporated

Nazzdack is the most straight laced of all the territories, where everyone, at all times, must act in the interest of the corporations. Even the gangers, the normal wild lords of the undercities, take a more by the book and organized approach to how business gets done. While certain districts, especially in Carbon Pink, have a reputation for looser and more lax followings of corpo-culture, the fact is that in Nazzdack, you are either one of the owners of the world, or their direct underlings (however distance), and everything, but everything, must work to the order that one's corporate overlord desires. Nazzdackians tend to be no-nonsense, by the book, and have been referred too as 'Black Trenchcoats with shaved heads to everyone else's pink mohawks' (A turn of phrase whose origins have been lost to the mists of time)

Special Locations of Nazzdack Incorporated

Nazzdack is a bit of an oddity out of the rest of the world, while remaining a single, self contained megacity, rather than a dense cluster of Megacity Spires, the vast majority of it is large sets of low level sprawl all interconnected and built up in a spread across from the Spires that make up the beat hearts of each district and zone, all of which radiate out from Spectrum Spire at the center.

Organizations of Nazzdack Incorporated

List of Organizations

Settlements of Nazzdack Incorporated

Nazzdack is the world's largest (by measures of square milage) megacity, and thus any settlements are better described as boroughs and neighborhoods.

People of Nazzdack Incorporated

List of Major Figures

Events of Nazzdack Incorporated

List of Historic Events

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