Sarajevo Seven Holdings

Work in Progress

Table of Contents






Special Locations





Rivaling Cardinal Holdings for its bizarre corporate hierarchy, Sarajevo Seven is a series of toll-booth city-states overseen by a Board of Directors known as the S7 Council. Each member of the S7 Council is answered to by a handful of corporations that govern their tiny territories, creating a strange, quasi-democratic empire, in theory at least. In practice, each director of the S7 is constantly vying for more power and territory through deception and boardroom espionage, buying, selling, trading and overthrowing territories. Each territory houses an individual megacity and a handful of surrounding charging station outposts, their residents constantly waking up to new rulers and new rules. Due to the indecipherable top-down management, most megacities act on autopilot, creating generalized goods, brands and services with little export value, even to other Sarajevo Seven territories.

Crime in the undercities is therefore equally humdrum, when compared to other corporations. Minor smuggling and drugs trafficking, as well as disputes to control selling territory, makes Sarajevo Seven a great place for adventurers to cut their teeth in a rather typical, small-time environment. A great many adventuring parties start in Sarajevo Seven, but quickly outgrow the undercity gangs and corporate bickering to make their fortunes in greener pastures. But the constantly shifting ownership of megacities and high turnover rate for gangs means anyone who returns to Sarajevo Seven does so as a stranger.

History of Sarajevo Seven Holdings

Basic overview of origins and major history of the territory go here
- The New Mojave Corporations Route to The Walled Street
- The Failed Merger

-The Progress Born of Distrust
- The S7 Council
- The Founding of The Casino City
- The Reclamation of Forgotten Knowledge

Government and Structure of Sarajevo Seven Holdings

The way the territory organizes itself and insures order and decides things goes here

Commerce of Sarajevo Seven Holdings

Blurb about commerce and exports and unique trade advantages of the territory

Their major income sources are as follows:

{Territory Name} has special trade relations with the following Territories:

More Commerce Details Go here

Prominent Races of Sarajevo Seven Holdings

Culture of Sarajevo Seven Holdings

Cultural Facts Go Here

Special Locations of Sarajevo Seven Holdings

List of Special Locations Types

Organizations of Sarajevo Seven Holdings

List of Organizations

Settlements of Sarajevo Seven Holdings

List of Settlements

Important People of Sarajevo Seven Holdings

List of Major Figures

Historic Events of Sarajevo Seven Holdings

List of Historic Events

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