The Jerboan Race

During the final days of the Old World, many former nations resorted to bizarre and dangerous
experimentation on their populace, in a desperate attempt to outpace or survive the encroaching desert.
Rapid, frenzied advances in genetic therapy created mostly mutants and monsters that plague the fringes of
the New World to this day, but one of the more successful attempts became the
Jerboans. Half man, half desert rodent, Jerboans set the benchmark for what, 400 years later, became cheap
and affordable genetic
manipulation, and are considered the progenitors of Gobbos, Nayalings, Elfs and Splicers.
Jerboans were created to survive the harsh, rapidly forming desert during the
trek north during the Great Relocation, and quickly developed a culture founded on nomadic, communal
principles and a rebellious attitude towards the corporation dominated New World. Preferring to remain at
the edges of corporate civilisation, Jerboans roam the New
World in tight, biker gang-like cliques, revering their ancestors by maintaining their punk rock, outsider
approach to the state of the world.
Roleplaying a Jerboan:
A Jerboan that resorts to finding work outside his gang's usual activities of holding up
merchant caravans on the edge of the desert, is usually either an outcast or the last of their tribe.
Jerboans are a suspicious lot, bound by the traditions of their forefathers to keep civilization and those
that freely engage in it at arm's length. That said, those same traits make
Jerboans a stalwart ally and a close friend when they finally
begin to open up.
Jerboan Naming Conventions:
- Jerboans name their children
in reference to their noble punk and biker traditions. Jerboan family names are added to frequently by
the feats and deeds of members of the family, though these are often shortened to the deeds to the
individual when speaking with outsiders. Deeds of the individual are attached to the end of the name.
Many Jerboan families are known as Deedless, having done nothing spectacular within their families.
- For Example, the name "Spike Tamperer, Mutantender,
Hogrider, Bloodstauncher, Cutter, Deedswiper, Legloser, Sandsweeper" would be shortened to Spike
- Other shortened name examples, Guts Grimglower, Ziggy
Sawbones, Mud Madman, Toastie Oneshot, Crud Breakknuckle, Cruise Drifter, Feral Bloodguts, Toothy
Jawbreaker, Scab Fixer, etc.

Jerboan Features:
- Ability Score Increase: Your
Constitution Score increases by 2.
- Age: Jerboans reach adulthood at 16 and live about a century.
- Size: Your size is Medium. Jerboans are
between 4 and 5 feet tall.
- Speed: Your base walking speed is 25
feet. Your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor.
- Genetic Resilience: You have advantage
on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.
- Hard Hitter: You have proficiency with
the Axe, Sledgehammer and Maul.
- Desert Mechanic: You gain proficiency
with the artisan's tools of your choice: mechanic's tools, electrician's tools, or
builder's tools.
- Stuffed Tough: During a long rest,
you can choose to eat $$1000 worth of food and drink to gain +2 AC until your next long rest.
Jerboan Subraces:
- Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom
score increases by 1.
- Jerboan Toughness: Your hit point
maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.
- Ability Score Increase: Your Strength
score increases by 2.
- Rocker Leathers: You have proficiency
with light and medium armor.
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