Schwebenwagen Hover Industries

A Dark Place of Endless Despair

Table of Contents






Special Locations





The largest industrial sector of the New World, a sun-blotting black cloud darkens the sky while a coolant fog seeps from the underground, creating a spooky, gothic atmosphere. The majority of workers for Schwebenwagen are robotic, with humanoids clustered into impoverished villages at the base of imposing castle-like skyscrapers. Netsuckers and Beastmen prowl the cobblecrete streets looking for victims, and taverns lock their doors at sundown to hide against the hordes of tech husks that shamble back to their charging stations after week-long shifts at the hovercar factories. Despite being the largest producer of solar vehicles in the New World, Schwebenwagen feels like a place out of time, a bizarre mishmash of science fiction and gothic horror.

The CEO of this terrifying territory is the noted Netsucker Samen Von Würstchen, of the Von Würstchen dynasty. Noted for his pure white hair, blood red business attire, and cold indifference to the plight of his population, Samen Von Würstchen is a vampire in everything but name.

History of Schwebenwagen Hover Industries

As the great relocation went underway, the industrial heartlands of the world were all located in the regions too far south to survive in any serious capacity. Manufacturers of all sorts dug up what they could, and transported them further north, or otherwise abandoned old plant. One of the major manufacturing zones of the world was in what was once known as Eastern Europe, where they had the least distance to travel. Massive amounts of manufacturing plant was drawn from the collapsing lands further south as the All-Gobi swelled across the continents. These manufacturers focused entirely on the centralization, and retrofitting, of industry on modern means. Proto-megacities were forged, and from them, the foundations of true datacenters, manufacturing centers, and the bunker projects lain. The core of this 5th industrial revolution was based around nanotechnology: the ability to construct things on the molecular, and sometimes the atomic level. This opened up entire venues of material and constructive science and manufacturing that completely outpaced the older forms, and the corporations of the world quickly began adopting it en masse, but nowhere as quickly as the regions that would one day become owned by Schwebenwagen.

Schwebenwagen Hover Industries was one of the companies that rose out of the retrofitting of industry into modern, nanotech construction and hyper-automation. As nanotech construction was explored, the discovery of anomalous matter-state flux events, surges, and the weird changes it inflicted on the programming of nanotech became more and more obvious. Where other companies sought to iron out these effects, to protect against them, Schwebenwagen's founders instead sought to harvest the gravity manipulating 'phased' matter from such events, to use in their construction. They deliberately engendered surge events in their nanofabricators, in order to bring about phased matter, often harvested from the corpses of wild surges born of this process. Expensive, but incredibly lucrative. For the first time in history, cheap, efficient, solar-powered flight at tremendous speeds was made possible through gravitic manipulation.

The advent of these earliest surgetech based hover vehicles came none too soon. As the great migration took place, old regions were abandoned, and governments gave up on maintaining old infrastructure, one company in particular sought a method of rectifying the issues of collapsing bridges and roads. Schwebenwagen hover vehicles became the mainstay of the relocation effort, uncaring about desertification, able to traverse any sort of terrain at high speed and carry much heavier loads, more efficiently and rapidly, than airplanes or helicopter units. These early hover vehicles became the mainstay of transportation between the crumbling nations, connecting disparate megacity foundations, bunker digsites, and evacuation efforts in the south.

In time, as the surface world was abandoned by governments and the permafrost locked northern areas west of the Ural mountains thawed and became more fecund, a relationship was struck up between the corporations on either side of the mountain range. Those on the western side of the mountains would focus primarily on industrial manufacturing, especially the now all important hover vehicles. Those east of the range would focus on using the machinery to produce large swathes of farmable, highly productive land, that in turn would be used to feed their industrialized cousins to the west. Plans were lain, a great railway that would link all of the various lands, at least, all of the lands of the all-gobi. An experimental railway was lain, running from the ural mountains all the way to the central siberian plateau. This enormous maglev line would be the test bed, feeding the supply of food to the east, and the supply of parts and machinery to the west, and in turn, act as an example piece for a system that was hoped to eventually link every megacity together. Early J.A.V. bought into the system early, and began to copy the design in their own lands, but other groups looked instead to the early A.T.L.U.S.'s manufactured in the megacities that were uniting under Sarajevo Seven Holdings, and swiftly, the example piece became a singular example of what could have been.

All the while, the people of Schwebenwagen kept working on advancing nanofabrication technologies, pushing nanotech further and further, more and more eagerly. In time they learned to create controlled surge events that would supply them with the necessary phased matter for hover technologies in a safe and controlled way, and worked hand in hand with other corporations to further explore nanotechnology's benefits. Where other holding companies focused entirely on competition, Schwebenwagen acted on an ethos focused on cooperation for mutual gain, if one that would make it's so called competition ever more dependent on it to survive. In time, this lead to an exploration of nanotechnology for the purposes of life extension. The creator of the technology knew it would be prevalent, knew it would be eagerly snatched up by those seeking easy life extension without the enormous expense of undergoing the E.L.F. treatment, one injection, and physical immortality was yours! The creator was Dr. Klaus Au Naturel, and he engineered the Netsucker Virus for far more than simply extending his life.

The Au Naturel Dynasty was founded by Klaus from the upper echelons of Schwebenwagen's board of directors and their shareholders. Using the access they had given to him, he datamined their search and purchase histories for blackmail material, and brought them all under heel. In a single year he was the new head of Schwebenwagen, and began to leverage his control over the executives to corrupt and change others into Netsuckers under his thrall. In time he adjusted the nanovirus to produce other effects in those infected, such as the fangs and the black claws, to turn new thralls into useful soldiers until such a time as they could be trusted with the keys to the ransomware repository and become full members of the dynasty. Some of these figures broke free of his ransomware, uncaring if they were ousted, hacking the nanovirus to produce their own strains that would feed data back to their own repositories. So what if Au Naturel outed them? They had enough blackmail to continue to live the highlife.

What Klaus did not expect was that a lowly thrall would turn the tables on him. No one knows where Samen Von Wurstchen came from exactly, only that he was not a member of the Au Naturel dynasty, nor a member of any of the branch dynasties that often remained within the Schwebenwagen territory. Many suspect that he was a lowly thrall. What is known is that Samen Von Wurstchen deleted the Au Naturel blackmail repository, and caused the bloodiest night in the history of Schwebenwagen's corporate history as the sociopathic tendencies of the Au Naturels', no longer held in check by mutually assured destruction, were allowed to reign free. When the smoke cleared, nothing was left of the Au Naturel dynasty, and the Von Wurstchen dynasty had taken control over the corporate board, with full backing from the remaining shareholders.

The newly minted "Count" Samen Von Wurstchen began a radical set of initiatives to rapidly lay off the local workforce and replace them entirely with automated android units. Work quotas were increased to the breaking point, living employees forced to work themselves to death, often taking part in illegal cybernetic modifications that would only result in them becoming Hacked (something that many believe Von Wurstchen encouraged). Those who could not keep up were the first to be replaced by the android units. As the lowest employees were replaced, and the undercity sections normally run by gangs forcibly retaken by robotic enforcer units to be converted into further industrial and robotic maintenance areas, so too was each successive layer of economic strata. Those who saw the way the wind was blowing put their souls into pawn with netsucker dynasties to save themselves, either to secure a place locally, or to be placed as agents elsewhere in the world. Still others, who could, moved away, seeking work at other Schwebenwagen megacities, only to find them being converted, or abandoned in turn. As the industrialization picked up, and the manufacturing plants expanded, the foundries, forges, and toxic smoke belching stacks of the cheapest, and least efficient nanofabricators, began to steadily blacken the sky... and the Schwebenwagen of today was born. It's transformation from domineering, but symbiotic, partner of so many into nefarious blood-sucker utterly and totally complete.

Administration and Structure of Schwebenwagen Hover Industries

Schwebenwagen is run, totally and completely, by Count Samen Von Wurstchen and his cronies. Every decision is run through automated processes that ultimately answer directly to him, or to one of his direct adjutants. Below that level, he does not care, and each settlement and organization is run by its own methods. Some run by elders, others by the strongest members, or still others by elected council. These decision making bodies are purely local, unable to affect the administration of the territory as a whole, and any attempts at doing so are quickly put down by Von Wustchen's command, or by other groups who refuse to allow their rivals to make a toehold in determining the fate of the territory.

In truth, the territory is run by might makes right, with Count Von Wurstchen ensuring that life is as hard and terrible for the people of the territory as possible. What small lights of hope exist are snuffed out by the malevolent netsucker's pawns as soon as they come to his notice.

Commerce of Schwebenwagen Hover Industries

Schwebenwagen's location is less that of geology and strategic location between territories, than it is of historical build up. The territory inhabits one of the longest and most heavily industrialized portions of the planet across multiple periods of history. Where almost all other parts of the world had to build themselves up from scratch, Schwebenwagen was able to consistently build up and upgrade existing infrastructure.

Their major income sources are as follows:

Schwebenwagen Hover Industries has special trade relations with the following Territories:

Almost no commercial activity goes on within the borders of Schwebenwagen, the inhabitants do not have any official existence within it's borders, categorized, almost universally, as squatters. Trading caravans deal in 'smuggled' goods to these people, but often they are too poor in resources or credits to make proper customers. Instead they do a brisk trade in salvage from abandoned spires and adventuring groups.

Prominent Races of Schwebenwagen Hover Industries

Culture of Schwebenwagen Hover Industries

Schwebenwagen culture is defined, at every level, by survival. No matter what part of the social stratum one is on, the focus of life is base survival. This is as true for the people in the shanty towns as those living in the castles and surviving executive levels of the megaruins.

The lands have been corrupted, unable to bear life easily or without constant toil. The few pockets of living beings survive exclusively from scavenging megaruins for things to trade to passing caravans. Daily life is a fight for survival against marauders, beastmen, and titanic security robots. Those who live in the lowest reaches eek out every day by fighting rogue robots, beastmen, or mutant horrors descended from the megaruin spires, or up from the bunker network below. These people must make do in a land of dying ruins. Several of these groups survive almost exclusively in hunting down beastmen that threaten the non-schwebenwagen land trade that crosses the territory.

Above all of this, sit the netsuckers and their thralls. Those who are blackmailed into playing the dance of the blackmail fueled dynasties that rule over the territories. They must all adhere to the whims of Count Samen Von Wurstchen's depraved ideals. Those who do not play convincingly enough, find themselves cast out of the fortresses that protect the executives of the territory, to die or only be permitted to return when they have not only shown willing to play by the insane rules of their dynasties, but revel in them. The dance of survival is different, but no less desperate in its motions, with every netsucker thrall fully aware that not playing the game, once lured into the blackened skies of Schwebenwagen, is a surefire way to not just social death, but their true ending.

Special Locations of Schwebenwagen Hover Industries

The blackened skies of this territory, and the horrors inflicted on it by the corporate owners of it, bring about many unique features. Some of these are listed below.

Organizations of Schwebenwagen Hover Industries

The people of Schwebenwagen are all rutheless, survival driven, and often, more than a little insane in both their membership and their goals.

Settlements of Schwebenwagen Hover Industries

Settlements in Schwebenwagen are broken into two categories, the opulent, dark palaces of the Netsuckers, built into the side of toppled and crumbling Megaruins, or lonely mountain sides, and the horrible shanty towns where the last living people unable or unwilling to leave the territory shelter against the pollution and darkness.

People of Schwebenwagen Hover Industries

The inhabitants of Schwebenwagen all fall into one of several categories: the desperate, the insane, or the madly, desperately greedy.

Events of Schwebenwagen Hover Industries

The history of Schwebenwagen is one of incredible feats of industry and invention, and terrible betrayal and intrigue. Desperate battles of quiet survival, and howling battles. The people remember these things in all kinds of ways.

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