Scooter Fabuta

Name: Scooter "The Straight Shooter" Fabuta

Age: 22


Zone of Birth: J.A.V Digital Entertainment

Class:Man HunterAuditor

Current Employment Alignment: Freelancer

Description: Scooter is a short, feminine built human woman of Asiatic descent. Thanks to the tropical weather and her time in her home of J.A.V, Scooter exclusively wears bikinis, thigh-high socks and sneakers, alongside her bomber jacket used to carry extra ammunition, and her fingerless shooting gloves. Scooter has a pierced left ear, a streak of red dye in her black, short hair, and wears a laryngophone to offset her relatively light cybernetic implants, and communicate with her teammates during combat.

Personality: Scooter is a cheerful, forward thinking strategist, a natural born leader able to outline plans and encourage her teammates Diego Koroveshi and Kitty Kitsune to follow though. Scooter's mercenary attitude sometimes gets in the way of making personal connections, but her good humoured nature and insistence on a fully-stocked bikini collection means few people actively dislike Scooter, unless they're being actively shot at by her.

Abilities: Scooter is an adept sniper, though is a capable duellist when needed. She is also not camera shy, and often becomes the star of Diego's streams, usually by pegging him.


Diego Koroveshi - Longtime friend and fellow adventurer, Scooter and Diego usually employ melee focused mercenaries to take the brunt of the damage for them.

Kitty Kitsune - Scooter and Kitty met on the Dark Web, during a cultural exchange meeting between the Battle Royalers and the Erotic Roleplayers, and became fast friends.

Important Life Moments:

Scooter travelled from her home megacity of J.A.V to her current residence of Cardinal Holdings, smuggling herself in the back of a shipment of Pink Powder Snack Cakes and Goo-Juice. With only these aphrodisiac-laden foodstuffs to eat, upon finally reaching Cardinal Scooter was a monster of unbridled sexual frustration. It was only the weeks-long stamina of Diego Koroveshi that finally sated her lust. Diego's popularity as a Streamer skyrocketed during the month of incessant shagging, and Scooter became a long-time guest star on his streams. Scooter's desire to find money from sources outside of Diego led her on the path of the mercenary, acquiring her signature rifle and sword through a bounty hunt with nothing but her bare hands and wits, outsmarting Crush Nuts, gang captain of the Low Blowers.


"I use mercenary work to finance my true passions of eating food and paying rent."

"Diego could you please stop hot-dogging my butt cheeks while I'm trying to draw a bead on this guy"

"That's my funeral bikini, so don't stretch it out."

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