Home to huge synthetic distilleries and mountainous hydroponic skyscrapers,
Ur-Um provides the New World with wines, whiskies, almost natural beef, saloons and gunslingers in vast
quantities. Styling itself on the Old West, the majority of Ur-Um territory is considered sunbathing pasture
for its photosynthetic livestock, with the rustlers and cowboys that such valuable creatures entail.
Saloons, general stores and barbershops turned augment mechanics are clustered around the distantly spaced
solar charging stations, creating pockets of civilization dotted around the endless desert. Adventurers
drawn here solve local problems; roving gangs, rustlers, lone dark horsemen and caravan hijackings, and
those born here make for excellent gunmen and self-styled sheriffs and bringers of justice.
The lone megacity of Ur-Um, Whaddyacallit, is built around a shipping port north
of J.A.V, and often forms huge naval caravans with the competing territory in order to protect each other
from pirates, despite their cultural differences. The megacity itself is particularly old-fashioned compared
to its contemporaries; a series of smaller interlinked skyscrapers no taller than 50 stories that each serve
a singular purpose, be it residential, office space, shopping or food growing. Crime here is almost
exclusively the result of personal feuds and gunfights over drunken nonsense, quickly punished by
Whaddyacallit's sheriff, "Double Barrel Darrell '' and his trigger happy
History of the Ur-Um Wines And Spirits Company
Ur-Um's history begins and ends with two facets:Farming and Ancient Construction. Farming
became so important because the territory was the largest area of available arable land as the
desertification of the south took place on the continent, with large numbers of farms being created from
clear cutting the ancient yukon forests (a process necessary to feed people, but which only accelerated the
desertification). This lead to a large plains area quickly forming, arctic tundra swiftly becoming even more
arable land that was swiftly occupied by various homesteaders, preppers, and other groups as they fled north
during the preparations for the world governments to move as many people as they could underground into the
bunker system. Due to the high population, this made it an ideal recruiting ground for the massive amounts
of labor necessary to throw at such projects, from the bunker network, to the Forced Biodiversity Program
site construction. This led to a large number of such facilities being constructed on the government dime,
stable ones meant for vat growing meat, stable, known animals, and minimal genetic manipulation for the
future climates, with a few areas being active projects into the creation of Gobbos and
Jerboans. These stable sites became the foundation for the more
experimental and rapid growth ones that came to speckle both the underground, and much of the north atlantic
coastlines of the continents that would become New Mojave and All-Gobi.
In addition to the Forced Biodiversity Program facility sites, the earliest
megacities were constructed in Ur-Um, prototypes that would be swiftly iterated on in places such as the
lands that became Sarajevo Seven Holdings and Cardinal Holdings. Most of these prototype megacities were too
far south, and became swallowed by the sands, while others fell to other things in the first century of the
new world. The various farming communities found that they could not fight the drying climate, and began to
work with the corporations more and more, creating boom towns around the newly built charging stations that
linked Pacific to Atlantic, and then becoming the very people navigating the New Mojave routes. The early
adopters of the transformations, burned so badly by nations and corporations alike, preyed on these early
efforts of land trade, and swore that they would never willingly be slaves again. As time went on, the
various corporations based around trade and farming condensed, and merged, and merged again, with each
merger, another lagging, dying megacity fell into disuse, it's population spreading out to take part
in new farming or ranching prospects. In time, only Whaddyacallit, the last of the original megacity
prototypes, possibly the oldest megacity on earth, remained, and with it, the owning corporation: Ur-Um
Wines and Spirits, it's competitors either bought out, or reduced to a handful of charging station and
caravan ownership that was owned by Ur-Um in all but name.
- The Cereal Crops and Natural Pastures - The Rise of Synthetic Food, and
The Pivot To Booze and Meat - The New Cowboys
Administration and Structure of the Ur-Um Wines And Spirits
Ur-Um is run with a very loose reign from it's board members, with a great
deal of emphasis put on 'on the ground' points of view and considerations. This gives Ur-Um
managers and local directors enormous amounts of power over their employees, and the top brass acting more
as a guiding hand, setting down quotas and directing efforts in a very general way. This lax attitude is
considered odd by most corporate overlords, who like to keep their finger on the pulse, but Ur-Um's
execs often use the free time to relax and enjoy the fruits of other people's labor.
On the local level, Ur-Um's people often work on a combination of everyone
answering to whoever is the one put in charge by the company, with a council of well respected (read: richer
in either money or years than most) individuals (often, but not always professionals in some aspect or
another) acting as advisors for the manager, helping keep the town on track. Often, there's a local
sheriff, who will inevitably also be someone either currently, or once deputized by Sheriff 'Double
Barrel' Darrel who, as the sheriff of Whaddyacallit, is the head sheriff of Ur-Um territory, to whom
all law enforcement agents eventually answer. Local sheriffs have to answer to his deputies in any matter
that isn't purely local, but are expected to take the lead in any investigation that is brought to
them by a deputy of Darrel.
Caravan Masters and Lizard Wrangling Bosses are the next segment of the various
communities, acting as managers as well, though often independent of Ur-Um as a whole, instead running a
small transport operation, or answering to whoever owns the ranch that produced the heads of lizard-cattle
they're herding. Friction can, and does, often arise when herds interfere with caravan routes (or vice
versa), or when some local busy body thinks he can direct traffic however he sees fit, leading to lead being
the choice method of shorting out how things should actually go, at least until the local sheriff or some
deputies show up to sort things out, or a bandit gang attacks. While as cantankerous, abrasive, and
hard-headed as any person living in Ur-Um can be, all disputes are put on hold when bandits come
Commerce of the Ur-Um Wines And Spirits Company
The massive and carefully curated lakes scattered across the central band of
Ur-Um give them a fertile landscape second only to Czarina's twin-river fed, post-permafrost plains.
This land allows them to cultivate old world crops such as wheat, grapes, potatoes, and other spirits in
profitable exportable quantities, as well as support certain carefully curated herds of animals, in addition
to supporting the massive herds of photosynthetic livestock that makes up the majority of their exportable
product.Ur-Um also possesses some of the last extant birthing factories from the ancient Forced Biodiversity
Program. These factories have long since been repurposed, and new birthing facilities constructed in various
charging-stations far from their competitors, but they give Ur-Um a distinct advantage in the production of
living products both of a floral and faunal variety.
Their major income sources are as follows:
Real Protein: The majority of
"real meat" products come from Ur-Um's herds and genevats.These are primarily sold to
Protein Adjacent, but also include vast exports to other territories of meats, organs, and milks from
not only lizards, but other meat cattle of the new world.
Alcoholic Products: The founding grace
of Ur-Um. While the vast majority of their product is from coastal fruit orchards and distilleries, a
sizable portion of their product is in luxury alcohols of the old world such as beer, vodka, and other
hard spirits derived from root vegetables and grains, as well as some of the last extant vineyards in
the world.
Organic Healthcare: Alongside their
protein and alcoholic beverages, their ability to produce such vast amounts of 'real'
product means that Ur-Um is the chief supplier of raw materials for organic healthcare products around
the world. Whether it be the neo-omega-paleo-experience diet line, or the dextrose-obliterators diet
plan, almost all of them get the ingredients for their products from Ur-Um's farms and
Clothing Materials: Animal derived
materials don't just stop at medicinal and food products, but those for clothing as well. Leather,
Hide, Fur, and Wool are all products that are made in Ur-Um and shipped elsewhere to be made into high
end fashion items for the world's elite.
Designer Pets: Given their access to
various genetic vats and the ancient birthing factories, Ur-Um produces a large line of "Designer
Pets" for clients. The term 'pet' is a misnomer, since what they actually produce tend
to be various kinds of combat and guard animals, or the biological components of 'biodroid'
security cyborgs.
The Ur-Um Wines and Spirits Company has special trade relations with the
following Territories:
Adjacent Bars 'n' Shakes: The chief trading partner of
Ur-Um, to the point that the two companies rarely have high level internal meetings without
teleconferencing one another. Ur-Um's vast raw biological resources are almost entirely funneled
into the massive automated butcheries and mixing houses of PABnS, who in turn export their finished
foods onward to their vast, intercontinental fast food chains
Duty Free Ports: Ur-Um sends quite a bit of it's raw product
on to the Duty Free Ports, especially products meant to be converted into textiles or healthcare
products. Using the sweat-shop manufacture of the isles, they turn the raw biological goods into
finished ones before shipping them out from the ports to their final markets.
Virtue: A major importer of animal derived biological products such
as insulin, animal organs and fluids, and bacterial colonies cultured in the guts of specific species
within Ur-Um. Ur-Um is also the chief exporter of product testing animals used by Saraswati
Nazzdack: The chief importer of Ur-Um's bone, hides, furrs, and
even wool, as well as
Ur-Um's designer pets lines. Nazzdack's endless thirst for all things high quality, rare,
and fashionable, and close proximity to Ur-Um make it their largest importer.
Holdings: Once one of the largest importers of milk and other dairy
products from Ur-Um, Cardinal Holdings was considered just another importer market for Ur-Um's
goods. Recently however, Cardinal Holdings has begun massively exporting 'bovine adjacent
milk'', which cut sharply into Ur-Um's market share.
Ur-Um also does an incredibly brisk trade in relic hunting, possessing the
largest desert bound territory of any territory. The vast lowlands of the New Mojave allowed for many
successive cities and building attempts at settlements before the desertification finished. This means that
outside of the Ronin Expedition, most Relic hunters make their home somewhere in Ur-Um when not out hunting
and exploring. Relic Hunting doesn't do much for the bottom line of the Ur-Um Wines and Spirits
Company itself however, beyond a slight tourist boost.
Prominent Races of the Ur-Um Wines and Spirits
All races are in approximately the same amounts as in other parts of the world
Humans make up the vast majority of the Ur-Um's townie and
country folk population, especially among the lizard wranglers.
ELFs are relatively uncommon outside of the megacity of
Whaddyacallit, and some of the settlements that orbit the megaruins that dot the expanse of
Nayalings are by and large treated with an enormous degree of
mistrust in Ur-Um, and either downplay their oddness and integrate into small caravans or companies in
Whaddyacallit, or end up joining bandit gangs if they don't move out of the territory
Gobbos tend to avoid the work ethic fueled charging station
towns whenever possible, much prefering life in Whaddyacallit, which has the perfect mixture of laid
back perversion and wide tanning areas to make it something of a gobbo paradise.
Wukong enclaves regularly set up shop in the coastal fruit
orchards of the territory, with some of the more ambitious ones attempting to set up shop in the fields
and orchards around the great resevoir lakes, where they engage in regular banditry and back and forth
warfare with the locals. Though they are significantly less common in Ur-Um than in other territories
given the size of Ur-Um taken as a whole.
Splicers are something of a common site in the territory given
its access to genetic modification technologies, but population wise they are significantly more common
among caravaneers, often as exotic prostitutes and traveling attractions for the townies, or as
adventurers, who often take on splicing treatments to give them an extra edge in the wastes of New
Jerboans comprise an enormous portion of Ur-Um's
population, as the vast tracts of the New Mojave play home to the majority of the global Jerboan
population, who regularly raid Ur-Um's caravans and settlements for supplies.
Remakes make up an unusually high number within this territory,
as many people come to join the Prospector's guild to make it rich, and those who survive often
purchase remake bodies in order to make it further into the deserts, to access the ruins that remain
untouched by 400 years of archeology and grave robbing.
Artificiates are relatively rare due to the lack of automation in
most towns across Ur-Um, with only the occasional saloon bot or birthing factory operating bot waking
Culture of the Ur-Um Wines and Spirits Company
Ur-Um culture is heavily split into three general groups. The Townies, made up
of the people living in and around charging-stations, (of which citizens of Whaddyacallit are a special
case, often lumped in with other megacity dwellers, called 'city-slickers'), the country-folk,
made up of carvaneers and ranchers, and the Bandits, who more or less include the entirety of the Jerboan
population of Ur-Um as well as anyone who makes most of their money through illegal means.
Townies mostly focus on getting their job done, not questioning the system
provided they can get their daily bread and provide for their family. A very puritanical work ethic pervades
the townspeople of Ur-Um, with a certain level of xenophobic suspicion for folks who are from out of town
and not part of one of the regular caravans that blows on through. Townies are often surprisingly prudish on
the outside compared to the caravaneers and megacity dwellers, but simply hide their perversions for their
own homes and the redlit bars and streets of their small communities, carefully watched to make sure nobody
tries to skip out on a tab, and none of the people banned from them are able to get in. City-slicker townies
are considered to be much more loose in their morals, more 'worldly', and too prideful for their
own good. In either case, their lives revolve around their professions as in most corporate
Country folk are hardy, earthy, and down to earth. Townies are often prim and
proper, and less quick to immediate violence except when you prick their sensibilities, where a Country Folk
will reach for his pistol at the first sign of serious provocation. That said, it's often harder to
get under their skin than it is with Townies, the ranchers and caravaneers taking a laid back and adaptable
approach to life that matches their wandering ways. During the day they work hard on their routes, and
expect those around them to do the same, but at night, with the kids packed away into their family Atluses
and safely asleep, they let their hair down and blow off their stress for the day. Unlike most people in the
world, these people's lives revolve around their specific group rather than their profession. Every
member of the caravan or wrangling team is expected to handle multiple, rotating duties, giving them a
broadness of skillset rarely seen in the new world.
Bandits makeup the third, and by far, the most diverse group. You'll find everything from
rebels to criminals to simple isolationist communities among the bandits. Their activities range from simply
avoiding contact with the corpos and their bootlickers except when they need to steal something (the common
attitude of the Jerboan Biker Gangs), to actively seeking to fuck up the corpos and make a name for
themselves as terrors of the dunes. The Jerboans make up the most unified
bandit culture, with their disdain for corporate culture to the point they rarely even accept corporate
bribes or payoffs, their adoration of old world music, and their reliance on noisy, clanking, gas-powered
bikes and buggies. Jerboans can, and do, make friendly contact
with both caravaneers and wranglers, and even with the occasional town, but these are the exception, not the
rule, and always based on unique circumstances between those two particular groups. Even bandits that are
more profit motivated than the Jerboans are have similar rules, cultivating a good relationship with at
least one group or settlement to act as their fence and point of contact. After all, what's the point
of stealing crap if you can't sell it then blow all your money on hookers and blow? Bandits' lives
revolve primarily around privation and when the next flood of resources and goods is going to come from,
whether that's from directly raiding a food transport caravan, or trading in the goods they've
stolen at a community willing to do business with them.
Special Locations of the Ur-Um Wines and Spirits
Ur-Um is the oldest of the territories, with the largest span of actual solid
ground in all the world. It covers multitudes, from ancient fallen megacities, to bunker networks so vast
they would swallow nations. These are some of the things you're unlikely to see elsewhere outside of
their territory.
Hydroponics Skyscrapers: Built around
the edges of the lakes that make up the heartlands of Ur-Um, these enormous skyscrapers are responsible
for the vast majority of the middle to high-grade products exported by Ur-Um (the coastal orchards
making up the low grade fruit based alcohol export supply). These vast towers serve two purposes.
Firstly, they create safe environments for growing large amounts of plant products for as few resources
as possible. Secondly, they both shield, and keep supplied (through wind catchment), the enormous
reservoir lakes that act as mid-trek watering holes for the farthest flung herds on their trip to
Protein Adjacent, and as the primary water source for the entire, dessicated territory.
Jerboan Wind Traps: Unlike in All-Gobi,
where the mountains create a vast rain-shadow that lead to the land having rather plentiful water for at
least part of the year, New Mojave's heartlands are as dry as a sun bleached bone year round. The
Jerboans have constructed carefully hidden wind-traps from scrap, repurposed bunker taps, and natural
land formations that allow them to replenish water for both the radiators of their vehicles and for
their own use. These wind traps are guarded fiercely, and trespassers or rival gangs caught using one
will face swift retribution, provided the traps don't get them first.
Refurbished Birthing Factories: The
vast majority of facilities dedicated to the Forced Biodiversity Program have long since been shut down,
destroyed, or turned feral. In all the world, Ur-Um is the only territory where these ancient facilities
have been studiously maintained and even occasionally upgraded for the purpose of producing massive
amounts of genetically engineered live and seedstock. A few attempts at making comparable modern
facilities have been made, but without the 'driven by threat of extinction' lack of
attention to cost that defined their construction in the first place, true Birthing Factories are all
but impossible to achieve for the bottom-line driven corporate rulers of the world, and only relatively
small ones developed around charging stations, often highly specialized around a handful of genetic
sequences have been produced in anything like quantity.
Organizations of the Ur-Um Wines and Spirits Company
Ur-Um is a very loosely defined territory, with few organizations that act on
anything like a large scale beyond your basic gang. Most groups orient themselves around family patterns,
and beyond the single corporate boarding school in Whaddyacallit that serves the megacity population, most
charging stations, ranchers, and caravans still operate on something approaching the standard family
Darrel's Deputies -
Administrative Body: The closest thing to actual corporate security in Ur-Um, and a rather ragtag bunch
at that. Ranging from almost totally mercenary bounty hunters, to naive fools who still believe in
Justice in the corporate world, Darrel deputizes anyone with a gun who is more likely to put a stop to
trouble than start it. Provided they take in bounties put out by Ur-Um's board, keep trade
flowing, and watch one another's backs, they're given free reign in how they execute their
duties in preserving the peace. There's an unspoken code among them that no matter how much they
might hate one another for whatever reason, every Deputy has every other Deputy's back,
Prospectors Guild - Guild: A group
of daring and foolhardy adventurers that brave the world's undercities and bunkers in search of
loot, and to map the ever expanding network of underground facilities. The Prospectors Guild provides a
secondary source of tourism for Ur-Um beyond the ability to get shitfaced, which is the quantity of Old
World relics brought up to the surface. Collectors from around the world gather in Ur-Um to peruse and
purchase the strange fragments of the past, and thanks to the endless flow of drink, often end up
spending more money than they planned.
Coastal Jerboan Gangs - Gang: These
jerboan gangs make a living on the coastlines of Ur-Um, engaging in some limited coastal piracy, but
making the majority of their living through a combination of smuggling, grifting, and selling their
musical talents to the 'Bacconians in the summer, before returning to their more permanent mobile
boat-communities in winter, sheltering in the sounds between the Duty Free Ports and Ur-Um's
coastline from the hurricanes. Rather than bikes, they trick out various kinds of aquatic and
Settlements of the Ur-Um Wines and Spirits Company
The majority of Ur-Um's settlements are bustling small towns, built around
a single charge station with vast fields of solar collectors placed around them. The excess power is poured
into whatever the local industry is, be that entertainment, mining, farming, genefabbing, or manufacturing.
Whaddyacallit: The last prototype
megacity still standing and occupied; all others having been replaced or reconstructed in more
beneficial areas. As such, Whaddyacallit is much like the Ur-Um territory itself, a ramshackle and
dilapidated artifact of a forgotten time. Largely used to house dock workers and administrative staff
for its colossal alcohol exports, Ur-Um is an Old West town piled vertically. Whaddyacallit's
low-profile interlinked skyscrapers each dedicated to a single cause might give cause to suspect that
the megacity is larger than others, due to its wide footprint, though this is not the case. Entire
districts go unpopulated as citizens take to working in the territory's agricultural and farming
projects, either growing grapes for wine, distilling spirits, or herding photosynthetic livestock, as
the smaller towns scattered across Ur-Um land paradoxically feel more alive and bustling than its
Genstem Enhancements: A small
production town in the eastern regions of Ur-Um Wines and Spirits dedicated entirely to the processing
of raw materials into gene-manipulating supplements. It was seeded as a hopeful competitor to Protien
Adjacent Bars 'n' Shakes, but fell flat on it's face when they gave it a name that made it
too hard for their target demographic to maintain the illusion that the gains they promised would be
natural. While the name stayed the same, the company was privatized and now feed product back into their
parent companies so the general workforce can be 'enhanced' instead.
Harpe Diem: An agrarian region on the
edges of Ur-Um territory that transformed into a windswept dust bowl after "The Fire of XXX6".
In the face of extinction, the children who inherited the dust farms turned their plowshares to work
tools, pulled apart the empty, prefabricated grain silos and barns, and built a fleet of sand-ships.
From then on, Harpe Diem was known for the scythe-wielding buccaneers who crossed the dunes on the
twisting winds and raided the neighboring towns and villages.
Whopper: A resting place for ranchers
during the enormous cattle drives through Ur-Um to Protein Adjacent. Little more than a collection of
food trucks parked around a solitary inn, Whopper is known to serve the freshest steaks, burgers,
spaghetti, and other red meat foods in the New World. Whopper also acts as one of the few places one can
hunker down during tropical storms, though tensions often rise dramatically when dozens of men and women
are stuck sharing a single building to eat and sleep in for days, if not weeks, on end.
Schnutz City: Nearby Protein Adjacent
is an entire extreme sports themed settlement headed by your friends at Red Schnutz, makers of the best
strength boosting energy drink this side of The Freemen Commune! Mountain bike shops, rock climbing
centers, weight lifting gyms and more adorn nearly every street corner, be it residential, commercial,
or industrial districts. Overlooking the town is a lone spire, Red Schnutz corporate headquarters, home
to not only their biggest production plant, but the maximum security vault that contains the coveted
prototype recipe.
The Last Stop Til Morn: Less a town,
more a strip of conveniently places buildings around the saloon brothel the town is named for,
"Last Stop" is a bustling and busy bar in the middle of Ur-Um territory and acts as the last
stop before the true wasteland begins. Home to just about any kind of wrangler, desperado, mechanic,
even the odd sensetanker, this town is ran mostly by Bessie "Big Bess" Buller and Deputy
Schmeatshot- both of them keep eyes for trouble and keep a welcoming heart to folks just needing a
respite from the heat and a quick fuck. The saloon itself mixes Ancient West aesthetics with modern
tech, and comes with a wild bucking bull automatron in the back for those with the balls to hand for
dear life. The best drink is "Bess's Buster", a mixture of milk and strong agave alcohols
to make a stiff and filling brew. Of course, Bessie also understands food is important, and thus the new
u is stocked with everything from your standard fried lizard on a stick to THE SLAB- a giant hunk of
solid seared beef that night as well be half the cow that has a challenge associates with downing the
whole thing in 2 hours. So far, only 4 people have devoured THE SLAB, the fastest being the Jerboan
outlaw Riggs Bigs after a long journey on an empty stomach. As for the brothel, Bessie's various
choices offer just about anything one could want (barring things that require extensive cleaning), with
Bessie herself offering up for a premium fee at just a chance with her. The regular town has about
everything you'd find in an Old West town, including the spooky graveyard!
Last Leg: The charging post town of Last Leg sits on a
crossroads roughly halfway between central Ur-Um and the border of Protein Adjacent. The road running from
west to east is called Slaughterhouse Way, and is one of the routes used to drive photosynthetic cattle
towards their final destination. A path runs North out of town, and leads straight up towards the Duty-Free
Ports. Opposite this is an unnamed road that leads directly south, known locally as the Mojave
Last Leg's name is thought to have come from the story of an Atlus walker
from Whaddyacallit that lost its entire crew and all but one of its legs in a kaiju attack. Despite the
severe limb deficiency, it still managed to drag itself on for a week before finally breaking down at the
crossroads where this town now stands. The final leg of the walker remains embedded in the dirt at the
centre of town.
The town is built on flat shrubland, with a few lazy hills
dotted around. Nearly half of Last Leg's population lives outside the town proper as to keep an
eye on the spread-out hydroponics towers, most of which lie to the north or west. The current sheriff of
Last Leg is a good-natured ex-adventurer named Danielle Harper. Danielle modifies and enacts local laws
to suit current circumstances, which are then enforced by "Harper's Dozen" - a squad
of thirteen mounted combatants that were bought out from a trusted mercenary company. Last Leg is a
market for the riding beasts raised on the plains nearby. Engineers, saddlers, and mechanics also
flourish in town. As the crossroads at the center of town provide a clear route to The Duty-Free Ports,
Protein Adjacent, and JAV, a well-established escort service operates out of Last Leg. They will gladly
protect merchants and other travelers on the way to the other territories, provided they are paid a
hefty service fee upfront.
People of the Ur-Um Wines and Spirits Company
Ur-Um's people tend to be seen as rather relaxed by the standards of most
of the workaholic corpos of the world, taking life as it comes in a slow, easy way... until someone
gets their dander up. Then it's all knocked over tables and reaching for irons all the way.
"Uncle Red" Taurus: Tall, burly, bald, and the greatest
mustache known to man. Redmond Taurus presents himself as a macho man, making damn sure that his
muscular arms are exposed at all times. This 7-foot-5 wall of protein is dressed in a business suit and
tie with the sleeves ripped off to facilitate this. He's just as much a man of business as he is
physical strength, exuding an aura of boisterous bravado from his very skin. He only accessorizes his
appearance with shiny black shades and a watch on his left wrist. His slacks are tight around his
impressive 12 inch bulge, and legends claim that he's tattooed his company's logo on his
ballsac. Uncle Red is a macho man, perhaps toxically so. Despite this, he's a man of humble
origins who clawed his way to the top of the food chain with only his unstoppable drive, his faith in
his product, and sheer force of being hard as balls! Those who work for his company become a part of his
family, and he makes damn sure that his family wants for nothing. So long as you don't half-ass
your work, Uncle Redmond Taurus will see to it you feel like you belong. He likes working out, talking
up his strength enhancing energy drink Red Schnutz, and presenting himself with the macho man energy of
professional wrestlers. He also tends to yell at the top of his lungs to emphasize his point. To those
he is friends with, he's just a burly, boisterous, fiercely protective teddy bear. To his
corporate rivals, he's the toughest, most stubborn sumbitch who ever held the title of CEO. Get on
his bad side, and your face will end up replaced with his fist-print.
Bessie "Big Bess" Buller: A
tall bovine based splicer, Bessie is a large woman with a large heart and larger breasts, having opened
her saloon at the edge of the wastes on money from various acts of debauchery. She stands 6'6",
with chestnut eyes and hair that reaches her mid back, curly and soft. Atop her brow are two sharp
horns, and her ears are more bovine in nature. She's a bit more on the pudgy side, having a motherly
form that is punctuates by her massive breasts, barely hidden under a work shirt or a bustier, which
tend to leak under just about any circumstance. She's tanned from years on the frontier, with
freckles along her face and arms, and favors light clothes. Bessie herself is a sweet if strict woman,
keeping eyes for trouble for anyone in her town. The Last Stop is what divided society from the wild
wastes, and she seems to hold that peace with her partner Deputy Schmeatshot. If ya can't afford a
room, she'll offer one in two conditions: a night's work and a good fuck. This has lead to
Bessie having many children and many return customers who later became full time. She isn't afraid
to lay a man flat however- while she's round and soft in many places, she has plenty of muscle from
carrying her bulk and has been known to throw people with enough force they land on the town outskirts
with a firm warning that returning means she's aiming for the Wasteland next. One can expect a lot
of motherly words, though be wary should she utter "Bless yer heart".
Deputy Darl Schmeatshot: A gobbo of
unknown origin out on the frontier to get sun, guns, and a good fuck. He became the deputy of town after
lasting fiddy (50) rounds with Bessie. Schmeatshot is 3'0", green as a bean as any gobbo, with
wide eyes and slim if chiseled physique. He keeps a shaved head, tattooed to show off exploits, and has
red eyes. Prefers his oversized cargoes and chaps, with spurred boots of fine Hot Dog leather for
spurring his Hot Dog mount Gobbler along. He packs an impressive 15 incher for someone so small with
large nuts to match, and is not afraid to eschew clothes around his partner Bessie but to show off. He
is almost never seen without his absurdly huge 6 shooter and triple barrel shotgun that he likes to
shove against people as a threat. Darl himself is an outdoorsy and lazy type, often found sleeping off a
hang over on someone's roof or his sun room at the Saloon, but snaps away the second his oversized
ears hear the slightest bit of trouble happening. Easy going, friendly, and overly eager for a an easy
sex session, most would say that he's the one sheriff you'd want in many ways .. if he had that
title. He jokes he stole the sheriff's heart and got the job, but really with Bessie being in charge
he just took the title. Some say he's on the run from a scorned Wukong lover, though at this point
his kids with Bessie and his commitment would save him a lot of hassle should the ex ever come
hollering. Darl also has a dark sense of humor, threatening that he doesn't miss even if he's
drunk off his ass and sun deprived, and pressing the barrels of his triple-barrel to someone's chest
should they start acting up. If he's not found sleeping off hangovers or on patrol, he's balls
deep in one of the brothel ladies or Bessie.
Gobbler: A Sandy Hot Dog with a saddle
thar Schmeatshot rides. A good boy who will headbutt you if he doesn't like you. Voted most likely
to win a dog show in Last Stop.
Historic Events of the Ur-Um Wines and Spirits
Ur-Um's history is filled with feuds, fights, heroism, and exploration, but
mostly, with drunken brawls.
Schnutzjam: A massive sports festival
hosted and sponsored by Red Schnutz, where those with the strength and the balls to compete in games of
physical prowess. Originally conceived as a publicity stunt waves marketing campaign in 2409, the first
launch in 2410 saw record smashing success, so much so that they actually ran out of numerous supplies
due to the sheer amount of unexpected attendees. Following this event, every year folks hock wares of
"Never forget OG Schnutzjam", a phrase that has echoed even into the corporate spheres. Seeing
the success and avalanche of money that poured in just from opening day, Redmond Taurus decides to make
it an annual affair held in the middle of May. Games have come to include (but are not limited to,) the
600 meter dash, the super leap, anchor toss, barbell juggling, and the flex off. Thanks to pushes from
the crowd, the next Schnutzjam might include no holds bars wrestling and a sumo tournament. The most
famous Schnutzjam (outside of the first) was 2413's, where current reigning anchor toss champion
Yeets O'Malley threw an anchor past the horizon in one circle toss, landing 3.6 miles away, and then
proceeding to crush the competition in further throwing based competitions and coming in second for the
arm wrestling commendation again Eddy "The Slammer" Rico. Today, the Jerboan enjoys a fine
harem, plenty of food, and a corporate endorsement by Red Schnutz.
Summer Overage: Whaddyacallit exports
Ur-Um produced goods quarterly, saving on the massive security required to survive on the pirate-ridden
ocean by offering free transport to up-and-coming 'Bacco questing knights and squires on their
fleet of cargo shipson the day of exporting. The Summer export is the largest of the year, and ships are
packed to the brim with meat and drinks, with tons left on the docks. Summer Overage is
Whaddyacallit's city wide block party, dedicated to eating and drink all the left-behind food and
booze before it sours in the summer heat. BBQs on every street corner, grilling ribs, chicken, sausages,
corn, peppers and onion rings. Multi-tap beer kegs the size of cars parked in strategic high traffic
locations. Ur-Um Folk music piped through P.A systems and bluegrass bands on raised stages and atop
buildings, horizon-wide drunken revelry for days on end. Adventurers passing between Nazzdack and
J.A.V often make sure to take the journey in the summer, stopping by Whaddyacallit for the free food and
booze, and to fill their pockets with quick quests; solving the innumerable little slights, thefts and
mishaps from the festival, or possibly gaining some info from a loose-lipped drunk about a potential
heist or treasure.
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