The Ur-Um Wines And Spirits Company

A home where the buffadogs roam

Table of Contents






Special Locations





Home to huge synthetic distilleries and mountainous hydroponic skyscrapers, Ur-Um provides the New World with wines, whiskies, almost natural beef, saloons and gunslingers in vast quantities. Styling itself on the Old West, the majority of Ur-Um territory is considered sunbathing pasture for its photosynthetic livestock, with the rustlers and cowboys that such valuable creatures entail. Saloons, general stores and barbershops turned augment mechanics are clustered around the distantly spaced solar charging stations, creating pockets of civilization dotted around the endless desert. Adventurers drawn here solve local problems; roving gangs, rustlers, lone dark horsemen and caravan hijackings, and those born here make for excellent gunmen and self-styled sheriffs and bringers of justice.

The lone megacity of Ur-Um, Whaddyacallit, is built around a shipping port north of J.A.V, and often forms huge naval caravans with the competing territory in order to protect each other from pirates, despite their cultural differences. The megacity itself is particularly old-fashioned compared to its contemporaries; a series of smaller interlinked skyscrapers no taller than 50 stories that each serve a singular purpose, be it residential, office space, shopping or food growing. Crime here is almost exclusively the result of personal feuds and gunfights over drunken nonsense, quickly punished by Whaddyacallit's sheriff, "Double Barrel Darrell '' and his trigger happy deputies.

History of the Ur-Um Wines And Spirits Company

Ur-Um's history begins and ends with two facets:Farming and Ancient Construction. Farming became so important because the territory was the largest area of available arable land as the desertification of the south took place on the continent, with large numbers of farms being created from clear cutting the ancient yukon forests (a process necessary to feed people, but which only accelerated the desertification). This lead to a large plains area quickly forming, arctic tundra swiftly becoming even more arable land that was swiftly occupied by various homesteaders, preppers, and other groups as they fled north during the preparations for the world governments to move as many people as they could underground into the bunker system. Due to the high population, this made it an ideal recruiting ground for the massive amounts of labor necessary to throw at such projects, from the bunker network, to the Forced Biodiversity Program site construction. This led to a large number of such facilities being constructed on the government dime, stable ones meant for vat growing meat, stable, known animals, and minimal genetic manipulation for the future climates, with a few areas being active projects into the creation of Gobbos and Jerboans. These stable sites became the foundation for the more experimental and rapid growth ones that came to speckle both the underground, and much of the north atlantic coastlines of the continents that would become New Mojave and All-Gobi.

In addition to the Forced Biodiversity Program facility sites, the earliest megacities were constructed in Ur-Um, prototypes that would be swiftly iterated on in places such as the lands that became Sarajevo Seven Holdings and Cardinal Holdings. Most of these prototype megacities were too far south, and became swallowed by the sands, while others fell to other things in the first century of the new world. The various farming communities found that they could not fight the drying climate, and began to work with the corporations more and more, creating boom towns around the newly built charging stations that linked Pacific to Atlantic, and then becoming the very people navigating the New Mojave routes. The early adopters of the transformations, burned so badly by nations and corporations alike, preyed on these early efforts of land trade, and swore that they would never willingly be slaves again. As time went on, the various corporations based around trade and farming condensed, and merged, and merged again, with each merger, another lagging, dying megacity fell into disuse, it's population spreading out to take part in new farming or ranching prospects. In time, only Whaddyacallit, the last of the original megacity prototypes, possibly the oldest megacity on earth, remained, and with it, the owning corporation: Ur-Um Wines and Spirits, it's competitors either bought out, or reduced to a handful of charging station and caravan ownership that was owned by Ur-Um in all but name.

- The Cereal Crops and Natural Pastures
- The Rise of Synthetic Food, and The Pivot To Booze and Meat
- The New Cowboys

Administration and Structure of the Ur-Um Wines And Spirits Company

Ur-Um is run with a very loose reign from it's board members, with a great deal of emphasis put on 'on the ground' points of view and considerations. This gives Ur-Um managers and local directors enormous amounts of power over their employees, and the top brass acting more as a guiding hand, setting down quotas and directing efforts in a very general way. This lax attitude is considered odd by most corporate overlords, who like to keep their finger on the pulse, but Ur-Um's execs often use the free time to relax and enjoy the fruits of other people's labor.

On the local level, Ur-Um's people often work on a combination of everyone answering to whoever is the one put in charge by the company, with a council of well respected (read: richer in either money or years than most) individuals (often, but not always professionals in some aspect or another) acting as advisors for the manager, helping keep the town on track. Often, there's a local sheriff, who will inevitably also be someone either currently, or once deputized by Sheriff 'Double Barrel' Darrel who, as the sheriff of Whaddyacallit, is the head sheriff of Ur-Um territory, to whom all law enforcement agents eventually answer. Local sheriffs have to answer to his deputies in any matter that isn't purely local, but are expected to take the lead in any investigation that is brought to them by a deputy of Darrel.

Caravan Masters and Lizard Wrangling Bosses are the next segment of the various communities, acting as managers as well, though often independent of Ur-Um as a whole, instead running a small transport operation, or answering to whoever owns the ranch that produced the heads of lizard-cattle they're herding. Friction can, and does, often arise when herds interfere with caravan routes (or vice versa), or when some local busy body thinks he can direct traffic however he sees fit, leading to lead being the choice method of shorting out how things should actually go, at least until the local sheriff or some deputies show up to sort things out, or a bandit gang attacks. While as cantankerous, abrasive, and hard-headed as any person living in Ur-Um can be, all disputes are put on hold when bandits come calling.

Commerce of the Ur-Um Wines And Spirits Company

The massive and carefully curated lakes scattered across the central band of Ur-Um give them a fertile landscape second only to Czarina's twin-river fed, post-permafrost plains. This land allows them to cultivate old world crops such as wheat, grapes, potatoes, and other spirits in profitable exportable quantities, as well as support certain carefully curated herds of animals, in addition to supporting the massive herds of photosynthetic livestock that makes up the majority of their exportable product.Ur-Um also possesses some of the last extant birthing factories from the ancient Forced Biodiversity Program. These factories have long since been repurposed, and new birthing facilities constructed in various charging-stations far from their competitors, but they give Ur-Um a distinct advantage in the production of living products both of a floral and faunal variety.

Their major income sources are as follows:

The Ur-Um Wines and Spirits Company has special trade relations with the following Territories:

Ur-Um also does an incredibly brisk trade in relic hunting, possessing the largest desert bound territory of any territory. The vast lowlands of the New Mojave allowed for many successive cities and building attempts at settlements before the desertification finished. This means that outside of the Ronin Expedition, most Relic hunters make their home somewhere in Ur-Um when not out hunting and exploring. Relic Hunting doesn't do much for the bottom line of the Ur-Um Wines and Spirits Company itself however, beyond a slight tourist boost.

Prominent Races of the Ur-Um Wines and Spirits Company

All races are in approximately the same amounts as in other parts of the world

Culture of the Ur-Um Wines and Spirits Company

Ur-Um culture is heavily split into three general groups. The Townies, made up of the people living in and around charging-stations, (of which citizens of Whaddyacallit are a special case, often lumped in with other megacity dwellers, called 'city-slickers'), the country-folk, made up of carvaneers and ranchers, and the Bandits, who more or less include the entirety of the Jerboan population of Ur-Um as well as anyone who makes most of their money through illegal means.

Townies mostly focus on getting their job done, not questioning the system provided they can get their daily bread and provide for their family. A very puritanical work ethic pervades the townspeople of Ur-Um, with a certain level of xenophobic suspicion for folks who are from out of town and not part of one of the regular caravans that blows on through. Townies are often surprisingly prudish on the outside compared to the caravaneers and megacity dwellers, but simply hide their perversions for their own homes and the redlit bars and streets of their small communities, carefully watched to make sure nobody tries to skip out on a tab, and none of the people banned from them are able to get in. City-slicker townies are considered to be much more loose in their morals, more 'worldly', and too prideful for their own good. In either case, their lives revolve around their professions as in most corporate communities.

Country folk are hardy, earthy, and down to earth. Townies are often prim and proper, and less quick to immediate violence except when you prick their sensibilities, where a Country Folk will reach for his pistol at the first sign of serious provocation. That said, it's often harder to get under their skin than it is with Townies, the ranchers and caravaneers taking a laid back and adaptable approach to life that matches their wandering ways. During the day they work hard on their routes, and expect those around them to do the same, but at night, with the kids packed away into their family Atluses and safely asleep, they let their hair down and blow off their stress for the day. Unlike most people in the world, these people's lives revolve around their specific group rather than their profession. Every member of the caravan or wrangling team is expected to handle multiple, rotating duties, giving them a broadness of skillset rarely seen in the new world.

Bandits makeup the third, and by far, the most diverse group. You'll find everything from rebels to criminals to simple isolationist communities among the bandits. Their activities range from simply avoiding contact with the corpos and their bootlickers except when they need to steal something (the common attitude of the Jerboan Biker Gangs), to actively seeking to fuck up the corpos and make a name for themselves as terrors of the dunes. The Jerboans make up the most unified bandit culture, with their disdain for corporate culture to the point they rarely even accept corporate bribes or payoffs, their adoration of old world music, and their reliance on noisy, clanking, gas-powered bikes and buggies. Jerboans can, and do, make friendly contact with both caravaneers and wranglers, and even with the occasional town, but these are the exception, not the rule, and always based on unique circumstances between those two particular groups. Even bandits that are more profit motivated than the Jerboans are have similar rules, cultivating a good relationship with at least one group or settlement to act as their fence and point of contact. After all, what's the point of stealing crap if you can't sell it then blow all your money on hookers and blow? Bandits' lives revolve primarily around privation and when the next flood of resources and goods is going to come from, whether that's from directly raiding a food transport caravan, or trading in the goods they've stolen at a community willing to do business with them.

Special Locations of the Ur-Um Wines and Spirits Company

Ur-Um is the oldest of the territories, with the largest span of actual solid ground in all the world. It covers multitudes, from ancient fallen megacities, to bunker networks so vast they would swallow nations. These are some of the things you're unlikely to see elsewhere outside of their territory.

Organizations of the Ur-Um Wines and Spirits Company

Ur-Um is a very loosely defined territory, with few organizations that act on anything like a large scale beyond your basic gang. Most groups orient themselves around family patterns, and beyond the single corporate boarding school in Whaddyacallit that serves the megacity population, most charging stations, ranchers, and caravans still operate on something approaching the standard family unit.

Settlements of the Ur-Um Wines and Spirits Company

The majority of Ur-Um's settlements are bustling small towns, built around a single charge station with vast fields of solar collectors placed around them. The excess power is poured into whatever the local industry is, be that entertainment, mining, farming, genefabbing, or manufacturing.

Last Leg: The charging post town of Last Leg sits on a crossroads roughly halfway between central Ur-Um and the border of Protein Adjacent. The road running from west to east is called Slaughterhouse Way, and is one of the routes used to drive photosynthetic cattle towards their final destination. A path runs North out of town, and leads straight up towards the Duty-Free Ports. Opposite this is an unnamed road that leads directly south, known locally as the Mojave Plunge.

Last Leg's name is thought to have come from the story of an Atlus walker from Whaddyacallit that lost its entire crew and all but one of its legs in a kaiju attack. Despite the severe limb deficiency, it still managed to drag itself on for a week before finally breaking down at the crossroads where this town now stands. The final leg of the walker remains embedded in the dirt at the centre of town.

People of the Ur-Um Wines and Spirits Company

Ur-Um's people tend to be seen as rather relaxed by the standards of most of the workaholic corpos of the world, taking life as it comes in a slow, easy way... until someone gets their dander up. Then it's all knocked over tables and reaching for irons all the way.

Historic Events of the Ur-Um Wines and Spirits Company

Ur-Um's history is filled with feuds, fights, heroism, and exploration, but mostly, with drunken brawls.

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