The Duty Free Ports of House 'Bacco

Free and Chivalric Love

Table of Contents






Special Locations





A collection of islands sandwiched between the hypercapitalist Nazzdack and the drunken lawlessness of Ur-Um Wines and Spirits Company; House 'Bacco styles themselves as the eccentric middle ground. Favoring a mix of pomp and circumstance (complete with a knightly code of honor) and casual surfer culture, House 'Bacco and the Lesser Houses under its remit are an unusual jumble of medieval and modern. House paladins possess elaborately decorated surfboards and dune buggies, bikini-clad beach babes behave with all the proper poise and training of a courtly lady and will gladly correct the uncouth etiquette of oglers; while coconuts engraved with coat-of-arms of the many Houses serve as drinking vessels. Feasts with tropical delights and cannabis fill the nights but with strict, regimented, and etiquette-driven rules, Gobbos and Wukong tend to steer clear of their preferred version of wild fun and free love.

Instead of megacities, the island is dotted with ever-feuding baronies with large towns and port villages built around charging stations. Adventurers often find themselves embroiled in the politics of the minor Houses, and are contracted to perform subtle balance-tipping acts of espionage and infiltration away from the prying eyes of Lord 'Bacco.

Lord Atticus Jeremiah Hadric Rutherford Tobacco XVIII is the current Lord Regent for The Duty Free Ports of House 'Bacco, his long dead ancestor Atticus Tobacco the First still considered King of the Islands.

History of the Duty Free Ports

When the great migration began, the islands that would one day become the Duty Free Ports ended up a wide spread set of communes run by the hyper rich and their retainers, far from the rest of the world. In time, they would form various alliances, marriages, and feuds that would spread across the various islands until each island was lead by a particular family who funded the mercenaries necessary to protect the island from early piracy, monsters, and banditry. In time these mercenaries would become almost part of the families, and semi-feudal relationships began to form in earnest.

- The Uncontrollable LARP
- Tobacco Plantations, and The Rise of Consequence-Free Addiction
- Chivalric Surfer Culture
- Taxation and Secession
- The Lesser Houses

These semi-feudal relations would gel into their modern form around the time Atticus Tobacco first unified the largest and most fractious of the islands, leveraging its vast mineral wealth into conquest of the other 27 islands that made up the archipeligo. He claimed all of the islands north of the New Mojave and a few of the peninsulas. Fighting pirates, fellow lords, corporations, and mutated monstrosities, he brought the trade passages between the continents under his control as the corporations sunk time and resources into building their megacities, insuring that the isles and their serfs would remain their own independent power.

Administration and Structure of the Duty Free Ports

Atticus Tobacco, the first of his line, became king and forced the other islands to heel, formalizing a series of feudal relationships between the various groups. There would be one 'Great House' for each island, and each island would be named for the house that ruled it. Each house would be defined by their primary product, which they would not necessarily exert a monopoly over, but had the sole right to export. All others who produced it would have to do so through them. Since that time, the number of great houses has risen and fallen, some vanished, others reduced to lesser houses in all but name. Today there are effectively 18 true greater houses, some are an entire island unto themselves, others are actually alliances of multiple islands into a single bloc. A greater house is run by a Duke.

Each Greater House is served by the lesser houses run by barons, and some of those houses, if rich enough, can even possess lesser houses themselves (which has lead to various other titles that are greater than baron but less than duke). They are bound through a chain of vassalage-franchising contracts that run all the way up to the House 'Bacco itself. Lesser Houses are granted some sort of monopoly upon the island owned by the greater house they owned vassalage too, this might be the right to work specific lands, the right to produce and sell a specific good upon the island, the exclusive right to export something from the island, the sole right to run a specific industry on the island, and so on and so forth. These contracts can be, and have been, stripped, traded, split, or modified in an endless number of ways over the last 400 years that has created a complex social hierarchy and web of alliances and rivalries.

The Duty Free Ports are presided over by 2 courts. The Summer and Winter Courts. The Summer Court is headed by Lord Atticus Jeremiah Hadric Rutherford Tobacco XVIII, and is considered the de facto ruler of the surface, and the true reagent of the isles, descended from Atticus I's first wife. In the summer his court takes precedence for all internal matters within the isles, and for foreign diplomacy and trade at all times. His counterpart is Lady Maeve Thelmenestra Eris Tobacco II, the undercity elf daughter of Queen Maeve Tobacco I, who became one of King Atticus' wives after he was struck by her beauty and intelligence following her assumption of the leadership of the first datacenter. Lady Maeve II rules the secretive Winter Court, and the Lords of ICE. In her season, during the dark months, her court takes primacy in the settling of internal matters, and in all seasons her court is responsible for the administration and running of the 'Bacconian Networks, both corporate and darkweb. Little is known about this mysterious court, and it is why during the dark months wars between houses are gently shuttered, and disputes held close to the breast, for few Lords wish to be brought to the attention of the mysterious Digital Reagent.

Commerce of the Duty Free Ports

The Duty Free ports represent the single most safe passage of trade between Nazzdack and the New Mojave, and importantly, every pirate knows that it's often more trouble than it's worth to try and raid ships that have made it within sight of the shores of the Free Ports. This makes it an incredibly popular shipping channel. Internally, the Sounds make for incredibly safe inter-island trade, with the islands collectively producing more than enough to supply not only their citizenry but the tourists as well.

Their major income sources are as follows:

The Duty Free Ports of House 'Bacco have special trade relations with the following Territories:

Importantly, it needs to be understood that the vast majority of this wealth is hoarded by the lesser and greater houses. Each lesser house owes a franchising tithe to the lord who holds their vassalage-contract, the exact amount of which varies from lord to lord and contract to contract. Those who lack noble blood, the employee-serfs, are often paid exclusively in bartered goods. The subsistence of their work in the fields to trade for script for food in addition to what they owe in taxes. All serfs are considered actual, explicit, property of their Lords, far more blatantly than in almost any other part of the world, and are explicitly forbidden from leaving the lands they work by 'Bacconian Law.

Prominent Races of the Duty Free Ports

Culture of the Duty Free Ports

'Bacconians are an incredibly passionate, martial people with a work hard, play hard ethos. They are also considered, with good reason, to be incredibly bucolic compared to the dwellers of Megacities. Their society is one of engineered social stratum, decorum, and rules to reign in their fiery temperaments, and lack of access to the distractions of digital entertainment so pervasive throughout the rest of the New World. 'Bacconians by and large treat the digital realms as a mystery that can be interacted with, but never fully trusted or understood except by the mysterious adepts of the data centers and network hubs.

Lacking the bandwidth and access to the internet that most territories have, the 'Bacconians instead engage rigorously in various physical activities, from wild parties to jet ski or cyberhorse jousting. The highest and most vaunted form of sportsmanship is Surfing, seen as the ultimate expression of grace, poise, and control of man against the elements. The greatest competition of surfers occurs with the coming of the first hurricane of the autumnal season, and only the bravest or most foolhardy of surfers will attempt to surf the storm surge to prove their mettle.

The most obvious part of 'Bacconian culture is how rigidly defined everyone's place is. The Feudal Hierarchy is enforced at sword point and social grace is every bit as important as martial prowess. Chivarlic roles between knights and maidens (who can be of either sex, though it is very rare for them to be of non traditional genders) are enforced both legally and socially. Interactions in public, from asking someone to dance, to ogling, have to fall within the rules of courtly love, the level of interest one expresses, the steps of the courtly dance before getting your cock sucked under the bar, the point and counterpoint of ritualized etiquette in railing a twink on his beach blanket, all of these things give the 'Bacconians a very strange way of handling their love lives and passions that seem downright alien to visitors. Tourists are often given some level of leeway, though are encouraged to hire a whore-guide to help them walk the dance of rules and intercede for them and their companions.

This stratification is even built into the names of people. Serfs do not get last names, only tourists and nobles have them. Serfs are the lowest class of citizen, treated as literal property, rarely even given script let alone credits. They live off of a barter economy of their surplus, generously allowed to keep some of their harvests to live off of by their lords. Next up are sellswords and servants (who are permitted last names but lack titles of any sort). Sellswords make up the most basic infantry of the houses, fighting for the chance to earn glory in and recognition and be permitted to swear allegiance to a house. Servants, often called maids, make up the entry level to the hand-maidens of nobility and courtly politics. Servants are permitted to live and work in party towns and keeps and are often the people who most tourists interact with. In both cases this tends to be what immigrants end up becoming, for few people willingly enter into serfdom, only criminals are collared and forced into becoming literal property. From there you have knights and hand-maidens, the true nobility, but lacking lands and equity of any sort. They are full members of a house, but have no say in it's running beyond what their lord gives them. These make up the vast majority of the nobility in the Duty Free Ports. Within those ranks are various others, one might become a Sword of a House, the vaunted elite and most trusted warriors of a house, body guards of their lord and his personal guard and hands in the world, and even that has ranks, the most coveted being that of First Sword. To be the First Sword is to be a lord's most skilled and trusted agent. Competition within any given house is incredibly fierce for such specific and vaunted titles.

Because it is such a stratified culture, there is quite a lot of bleed off from Adventurers. Those who can't stand the normally stilted society of 'Bacco will venture out, making names for themselves, returning laden down with riches and new stories, if they return at all, before heading back out on another adventure. Many a lesser house of the Free Ports has been founded by an adventurer who discovered some valuable trade secret or schematic that they and they alone can reproduce, and negotiated for a vassalage-franchise from another house.

The life of culture and living in the Duty Free Ports are defined by the dance of seasons more than almost any other part of the world. They sit close to the north pole, and lack the protections against weather and climate that the spires and cupping mountains of their island provided to the residents of Nazzdack. Their party towns are built sturdily, with powerful sea break walls that collapse when not in use, and provide them with protection from storm surges. Their buildings are constructed in round, glancing shapes with heavy usage of heraldic paintings and mosaic works that will survive spring storms and autumn hurricanes, with more utilitarian structures built further into the islands, away from the storm surges, but more subject to the winds. 'Bacconians build down, not up, when they can, and this has led to them interacting closely with the Undercity Elves of the tunnels, as well as a engendering a culture fascinated with exploration of ruins and adventuring in general.

Family building is considered an important duty of all levels of 'Bacconian culture, and the family unit remains fairly strong. Children tend to be reared either in close knit fief communities, where the free wheeling nature of love in the party towns is hidden and often obfuscated by distance and the toil of work in sweat shops and fields, or in sprawling academy settlements, meant to house hundreds of children as they grow up, raised together from across the isles or even beyond in the traditions of chivalric grace, duty, and the martial arts. Some noble children, especially among the greater houses, may instead be educated by private tutors in their ancestral castle. Even those children who are sent to board often return home during the spring-season, between the winter orgies and summer warfare, and safe from the autumnal duplicity.

Special Locations of the Duty Free Ports

These are the types of locations usually only found in the Duty Free Ports

Organizations of the Duty Free Ports

The primary organizations in the Duty Free Ports are the various houses, courts, and knightly orders.

Settlements of the Duty Free Ports

The various settlements of the Duty Free Ports are varied, from castle fortresses on high cliffs overlooking bustling, music filled party towns; to fief-settlements where nothing taller than a small watch tower for the guards to make sure no one is slacking off in the fields

People of the Duty Free Ports

The people of the Duty Free Ports are many and varied, drawn as they are from all parts of the world.

Events of the Duty Free Ports

The history of the Duty Free Ports is replete with acts both daring and foul, and their entire life moves to the beat of the extremes of the seasons so far north.

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