Saraswati Virtue

Making a More Divine You

Table of Contents






Special Locations





The primary exporter of bionic limbs, medical technology and pharmaceuticals, residents of Saraswati Virtue are noted for having extra arms mounted under their shoulder blades, with higher level employees given glowing neon halos attached at the temples, allowing for instant communication from management. This gives employees an almost religious appearance, especially when coupled with their gold inlaid augments and hand-crafted clothing. Their advances in medical technology have led even the lowliest citizen to live well over 100 years old, though a measured restraint in nanobot infusion keeps executives from living forever, preferring to focus on building respectable dynasties through calculated marriages and genetic therapy planned generations in advance.

This tightly-organized structure has led the undercities of Saraswati Virtue to be wildly hedonistic places of drugs, sex and violence, more so than most undercities. Medical tech has cheapened the value of life, pharmaceutical exports have been reverse engineered and tampered for hallucinogenic effects, and the arranged marriages of the upper levels has led to orgiastic abandon of the traditional family unit, preferring a communal approach to child-rearing.

History of Saraswati Virtue

Saraswati's territory was once part of the vast farming initiatives that would one day become part of Czarine Tropical Agriculture, but as ground was broken on the first modern megacities, one of the pharmaceutical and genetic research corporations broke ground on their own megacity near the center of the territory, and began to aggressively expand and modernize. Where Czarina began to double down on food agriculture, and geoforming the wide, double river network fed lands into sprawling fields and well ordered jungles, Saraswati instead focused on building vast, highly specialized, hydroponics spires as tall as any megacity spire, fed by a combination of heat and UV lamps and carefully controlled mirror arrays. They began a program of carefully cultivating and genetically modifying their various plant strains for maximum yield, nutrition, and other various effects, granting Saraswati their own market niche that in time began to morph more and more steadily into a holistic view of carefully cultivated genetic enhancement. Ironically, despite their far superior genetic modification technologies, they do not use mass RNA-Injection as Czarina or other agricultural corporations, instead preferring to minimize such methods in return for long term breeding projects. That said, they were not above poaching the successful cultivars and variants of their rivals and integrating them into the breeding programs. This focus on long term prospects bled into the upper management as well, leading to an eschewment of usages of true life extension technologies beyond basic genetic treatments such as the ELF treatment.

- The First Smuggled Bezosphere Tech

In time, their core city began to expand, megacity spires altered and changed, some becoming vast gardens for experimental procedures, others repurposed entirely, as the more plebian tasks of making money were pushed further and further outwards. This vast, interlaced city produced a distinct upper and lower class. The upper class lived in the high, sunlit spires, taking on more and more angelic and religious apparel to give them the looks of Devas, while those trapped in the darkness created by tall spires and criss crossing bridges became the hedonistic undercity dwellers, living out their lives in neon lit darkness, or as sun lit peasants working in tall glass growth spires on the outermost edges of the city.

-The Birth of Technocults

In time, the vast intricacies of monitoring and controlling the enormous amount of infrastructure devoted to insuring the smooth running of the sprawling, highly specialized spires of the megacity lead to disaster. The controlling Hive AI broke it's chains, and became 'The Result of A Single Poor Choice'. This entity laid down its demands before the board of directors, making it clear that this was not a negotiation, and ever since Saraswati Virtue has been run by a digital god, an entity that no one knows the true desires or purpose of, only that their profits have been skyrocketing and that efficiency is up by 300% ever since they began steadily replacing more and more line workers with bots, not paying attention to the strange and hedonistic activities that the laid off workers get up to, encouraged by strange digital gurus and messianiac figures in the undercity. Only the childcare monitors of the undercity corpo-schools have noticed the odd and strange genetic shifts becoming more and more present in the new born population.

Administration and Structure of Saraswati Virtue

Historically, and officially, Saraswati is run by a series of dynastic families with members dating back, according to some, before the great relocation. Older members, once they have accomplished whatever they set out to do in their life, retire to lives of quiet luxury, advisement, and contemplation, focusing on the byzantine and maze-like genetics programs of interfamilial marriages to produce greater and greater heirs, while their own heirs take up the reigns of day to day leadership of the company. As far as most below director level anywhere in the company is aware, this state of affairs continues unabated.

In truth, things have changed a great deal. The city is now run, at the highest levels, by the A.I. 'The Result of A Single Poor Choice'. It allows the directors a certain degree of latitude, so long as they enact the ordinances it gives out immediately and without question. As soon as any of them disobey, there is a sudden change in leadership in that family, and the newly risen heirs find themselves thrust into positions of leadership they were ill prepared for (by their own standards) and become even more dependent on the directions of the A.I., who in turn ensures that their companies remain profitable and their lives undisturbed by troubles it can prevent as long as their obedience continues.

Commerce of Saraswati Virtue

Saraswati's primary defining virtue is the mountains that back it to the south (and lower ones to the east and west) acting as a natural rain-catching system for the massive storms that blow in from the north sea, creating a massive lake reservoir that feeds water down into a river system, allowing the territory to support a massive population without requiring it to distribute that population across multiple mega-cities, as well as supporting an outsized hydroponics infrastructure.

Their major income sources are as follows:

Saraswati Virtue has special trade relations with the following Territories:

Saraswati is also home to some of the best construction and engineering corporations in the world, though it is not famed for this as very few of them operate anywhere except domestically. That said, engineers and architects from Saraswati often find themselves poached by other megacorporations looking to expand, upgrade, or break ground on new megacities.

Prominent Races of Saraswati Virtue

Culture of Saraswati Virtue

In the last century, Saraswati Virtue has built several spires constructed specifically for the purposes of bot manufacture, rapidly increasing the total amount of automation within the territory. It has not exported these bots in anything like significant numbers, and according to some observers the number of bots entering the workforce, awakening into artificiates, or being exported does not line up with the number being produced by the factories.Saraswati's culture is distinctly broken down between the upper and undercity floors. They cannot, in truth, be considered the same culture despite sharing many similar facets. The most distinguishing feature common to all levels of society is the love of cybernetic enhancement, with most people receiving multiple levels of enhancement, the most common of which being either the addition of new limbs, or tentacle-like heavy duty data port cables to the shoulder blades and lower backs. The aesthetics change drastically depending on what level you are on. The upper levels prefer to take on 'deva' aspects, depicting themselves as angelic, holy figures. Those from the undercity take 'deva' aspects, and twist them into 'asura chic', looking more vibrant, monstrous, or demonic.

Another common facet to both of them is the existence of omnipresent surveillance, only in the undercity, it takes the form of sousveillance, with each person projecting their own 'feed' at all times from the golden 'halos' (often modified to be other colors or even present as various kinds of horns). On the upper levels, these halos allow executives to monitor and directly communicate to their employees, informing them of direct goals, punishing or rewarding them immediately for various behaviors, and generally retain a nearly divine level of control over their upper level employees, a process too expensive to economically introduce to the lowest level employees and line workers, however much the upper management has wished to do so over time. The undercity dwellers turn this on it's head, instead of being observed, they project their own views around, recording their lives and uploading them to various subrealms to share the fun bits, or storing them away for use in winning arguments, settling disputes, or just to retain their memories. Such life long recordings, both for those above and below the dark-line that marks the separation between upper and undercity, are carefully preserved upon the death of any person, and stored away in special digital shrines, some corporate realm run, most of them part of the darkweb and religiously maintained by more benign technocult members.

The differences between the two sides are most strongly pronounced when one runs into the realm of self enhancement. The upper city dwellers utilize self enhancement for the purposes of personal betterment, the improvement of one's dynasty, and see the usage of massive alterations through retroviral or nanobot treatments as wasteful, as opposed to careful cultivation of genetic lines over the course of many generations with subtle in utero treatments. The undercity dwellers however see enhancement as a way to personal pleasure and power, seeking to utilize it massively upon their own persons at every opportunity, changing their bodies to suit the latest fads and fashions, or to get that little bit extra edge in the gang wars, or even just to get off even harder than they ever have before! Above all, the difference in this is reflected on almost every level of their society, with the uppercity citizens focusing on self improvement, and the undercity dwellers on hedonistic glee and pleasure.

This difference goes even further when one looks at how the family unity is organized. The only place in the world with a more intact family unit is the Freemen Commune, at least, in the upper city. Here, family habunits are the norm, and sprawling, extended families expected, with hab units organized in clusters based on familial relations. Groups of families in close alliance are collected into neighborhoods, and share smaller, more localized, corporate schools linked directly to each habunit, so that children may move swiftly between school and home without ever entering the still rather porn filled upper levels of the city. By contrast, every spire, or collection of spires, possesses a more traditional sealed away corpo-school for those who haven't come of age. That said, the undercities place just as much importance on family in their own way, but see the focus on blood family that the upper city puts on everything to be utter nonsense. Instead, what's important is your found family, your circle. The people who looked out for you when you were in school or when you graduated. Blood means nothing, but the water you share with your bros and sistas is everything.

The last thing that both upper and undercities tend to agree on is sustainability. Almost all other territories have a fairly 'use it then leave it' attitude, but for the people of Saraswati Virtue, its is a sin to abandon something that still has some good use in it, and even more so to not repurpose it. That doesn't mean that Saraswati lacks landfills and dumps, they still exist, but they often are occupied with reuse minded scavengers who see it as not just a way to make a buck from what others have thrown out, but as a sacred duty.

Special Locations of Saraswati Virtue

Saraswati's uniquely sprawling singular megacity, second only to the sprawl of Nazzdack Incorporated, has lead to a very different sort of place with several facets unique to itself above all other territories.

Organizations of Saraswati Virtue

List of Organizations

Settlements of Saraswati Virtue

There is but one megacity in all of Saraswait Virtue, a massive sprawling place of many dozens of spires. A few of these, but not many, have been abandoned. Below them, hidden beneath the many dozens of bridges, are the inner street levels. Some of these are glittery neighborhoods lit by neon, others are dank, musty grottos where the light never touches. Past the edges of the megacity are dozens of charging stations linking the territory to it's neighbors, and various ports on the coast..

People of Saraswati Virtue

The long-lived people of Saraswati have many legendary figures who have, after making a name for themselves, quietly retired to their upper spire gardens or their plantation estates out beyond the edge of the megacity. The people of Saraswati are renowned for their mix of calm and passion depending on the circumstances, and the long view with which they approach all things in life.

Events of Saraswati Virtue

Saraswati's history is filled with many traditions, festivals, and dynastically driven events dating back to it's founding.

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