J.A.V. Digital Entertainment
The Land of Schlicking and Squelching Delights
Founded on the premise that pornography is easy money, J.A.V is an entire
territory to the art and science of the recorded orgasm. Aphrodisiac infused phallic vegetables, tentacles
born from potted plants, cheap and affordable cosmetic surgery, dopamine stimulants and performance
enhancing drugs, and mountains of pornographic datachips are just some of the endless train of exports that
run from J.A.V. In fact, one out of every three cargo ships seized by Calico Redistribution is full of
nothing but vibrators, much to their (momentary) chagrin. The traditional family unit has completely broken
down in this territory, as corporate boarding schools are hundreds of miles away from the depravity of the
urban culture. The megacities are a cacophony of moaning, slapping and squirting, empty halls lined
with orange juice vending machines and bored hot dog vendors.
The CEO of J.A.V is an incredibly sweaty man known as Silas "Yum
Yum" Bubblegum, far too busy with his ever-expanding harem to bother with the insidious power plays
and backstabbing of the corporate world.
Adventurers find little reason to come here beside the intrinsic entertainment
factor. Crime is limited to minor smuggling operations and a handful of psychedelics dealers. This is
probably because everyone is too busy fucking each other.
History of J.A.V. Digital Entertainment
J.A.V. is not the first holdings company to own the territory it now controls.
The original holdings company, Ramuel Garden Initiatives, one of the first to build the prototype
megacities, was a pharmaceuticals and data mining corporation that utilized its two sectors to maximum
effect in allowing it to run massive trials with highly accurate analysis of drugs and impact on the
population. They refined the early, slapdash Forced Biodiversity Programs in the north Atlantic Islands, and
sold the results to the highest bidders. As the Genewars swung into full fury, they began to sell off their
efforts directly to various other companies and governments, pooling the money they had made back into
revitalizing the Alaskan tundra and taiga into a tropical jungle, filled with various experimental
preserves, plantations, and pharmaceutical plants. They were excellently placed for attracting a large
number of employees when the old nation state system finally collapsed.
R.G.I. quickly determined that humanity was in the middle of a die off event,
despite the vastly concentrated nature of the population, birth rates were not increasing, people's
hope for a better future was all but dead, and the corporate slavery was not something many people wished to
bring children into. R.G.I.'s answer to this was to begin experimenting with aphrodisiacs and other
drugged food that would inhibit worries and concerns about the future, and get the population randy and
ready to make babies. After the initial apparent success, R.G.I. realized it had a total lock down on these
measures, easily exported to the rest of the world, and retooled its entire agricultural sector around this.
To speed the development of this, they developed a fertilizer agent that would safely bond aphrodisiacs into
the protein and glucose chains of any plant that grew from the effected soil!
As the population spun into ever hornier heights, R.G.I.'s top brass
realized they now had a tiger by the tail. It was physically impossible to begin swapping food production
back, the fertilizer had been spread too far, the local animal population had fully integrated the
aphrodisiacs into their food chain, and the fertilizer agent had thus been spread across the entirety of the
jungle territory, only stopped by the encroachment of the deserts to south and east. R.G.I. found it's
marketshare as a pharmaceutical spiraling out of control, their shares steadily bought up by pornographers
and sex toy manufacturers in a buying frenzy that would turn R.G.I. from owning corporation into a broken up
set of subsidiaries of either one of these new blood pornographer companies, or their chief rival, Saraswati
In a last desperate bid to find a way out of the spiral, R.G.I.'s board of
directors bought out an enormous swathe of land on the very edges of their territory, put it into private
ownership of the current head of the board, and began to decontaminate the soils there in. By the time that
project was wrapping up, R.G.I. found that it had no chance of avoiding a hostile take over, and so began
the process of willingly selling itself into bits and pieces, using the proceeds to fund a new startup based
on it's scientific and observational expertise towards securing a future for a territory rapidly
spiraling into hedonistic disaster. The Schooling Exclusion Zone was formally designated as a nonprofit
charity initiative that was given a set amount of funding from the now ascendant J.A.V. Digital
Entertainment, a specific percentage of the gross income of J.A.V. as a whole, to allow for the full
pornification of all of J.A.V.'s settlements and megacities, and the total repurposing of the data
mining and surveillance gear of R.G.I. into pornotainment media creation tools. The remnants of R.G.I.
became the caretakers and schooling board for the S.E.Z., keeping children born in the territory out from
underfoot and safe from the sexual depravity of the urban centers, and so the foundation of modern J.A.V.
Digital Entertainment was created around the same time that the other modern HoldingsCompanies were shaking
out into their modern forms.
- The Genius of Silas Bubblegum
Since that time, J.A.V. has been predicted to run itself into the ground time
and time again, but the simple fact of the matter is that J.A.V.'s products are nearly impossible to
reproduce without risking the same total pornification of society. What was once a territory that possessed
as many megacities as Sarajevo Seven Holdings has been reduced to 2 megacities with attached habitation
domes and a scattering of varied enclaves and communities all with much higher populations than almost any
other non-megacity settlement in the world. J.A.V. has lost various megacities to ineumerable issues, most
of them sexual in nature. The management and executive cultures have steadily been infected by the kinky
nature of the society of the undercities, to the point that it is questionable if the Board of Directors
even still exists in any actual form, or if they've been pulled into the current CEO's millions
strong harem of perpetual kinkery and bliss.
Administration and Structure of J.A.V. Digital
In theory, J.A.V. is actually the most sensibly run of territories, following a
strict, by the book, approach to it's corporate hierarchy, the way all departments roll up to the
board of directors, and the duties and responsibilities of the CEO at the top, all of which answer to the
shareholders is entirely by the book. In practice, the org chart of J.A.V. Digital Entertainment sees more
use mopping up bodily fluids than as a method of checking who should be answering to who.
The entire thing is run by automated systems that regularly ping a combination
of managers, executives, and even the CEO. These automated systems have been steadily set up more and more
to give the executive classes more free time to get off than to perform their duties. The various weak A.I.
subroutines calculate the optimum moment to interrupt coitous for their various charges, catching them at
the perfect moment of post-nut clarity and setting up digital conferences as rapidly as possible, allowing
as many things in the checklist as possible to be fixed and checked and for various routines to go
This system has worked for the better part of 200 years, even as it steadily
gets more and more overloaded. To observers of Hive A.I., it is a miracle that whatever system runs J.A.V.
hasn't broken free and gone on a murdering rampage, with a small but vocal subset of researchers
claiming it must have by now, but probably got too interested in online pornography to actually begin doing
anything that would make people notice it. In the last couple of decades, the system has begun to break
down, because of Silas 'Yum Yum' Bubblegum. The affectionate if rather simple Nayaling is
incredibly creative in his own way, and has been a positive boon to revamping various systems in
J.A.V.'s infrastructure, providing ideas so inspiring that they got the various media creators and
programmers out of their beds (and one another's crotches) and into actually making stuff at full
As time has gone on though, Silas has more and more focused on his ever
expansive harem (with him somehow able to remember the millions of birthdays, names, and favorite kinks of
his various lovers and find time for them at SOME point in the year), and the A.I. systems have had fewer
and fewer chances to grab his attention and direct it to functional duties, even so simple as signing his
name on the dotted line to insure contracts keep moving on or are updated. As the backlog of work piles up,
unable to be legally processed without the CEO's signature, even some of the board of directors are
starting to come out of their orgasmic haze to become concerned about how bills are being paid, maintenance
being preformed, and the last two megacities avoiding total disaster and abandonment... and most
important of all, who is keeping the shareholders happy enough to avoid their personal interest in
what's going on in J.A.V.?
Commerce of J.A.V. Digital Entertainment
There are people who think that the statement "Everyone in J.A.V. is a
porn star" is hyperbole, but the experts in the market of pornotainment know this to be a solid fact.
Given that the territory is automated to a degree that is only surpassed by Schwebenwagen, and Soon-Bok (and
then, only barely), there has to be SOMETHING all of those people in the megacities and various jungle
communes are doing. The answer is they are being recorded. Every employee of J.A.V. has an implant that
records their bodily motions, sensations, and a dozen other factors to be uploaded into a vast database of
tools, skins, motions, and similar that are utilized in creating hyper-realistic pornotainment in every
aspect. This enormous media tool library is then utilized to create the kind of pornographic adult
entertainment that every other pornotainment media company would quite literally kill to possess. Only the
fact that the J.A.V. datacenters are just as well protected as the rest of the datacenters across the
planet, certainly more so than their above ground infrastructure, has prevented this from being as easy as
some might imagine.
Their major income sources are as follows:
- Pornotainment: By far the biggest
export of J.A.V. Digital Entertainment. From fully interactive live stream digital events, to various
kinds of pornographic entertainment both on and offline, J.A.V. is the single biggest exporter of sexual
media, from it's robotic actors and actresses, to the digital hardlight whores, to plain old
picture media and even video and trideo recordings. Every Holdingscompany owns a score of pornotainment
groups in it's corporate constellation, but all of them know that they have to play second fiddle
to J.A.V. 's lowest common denominator, charging less and playing to the home grown
- Sexual Aids: From toys to implants to
various pharmaceuticals. If it helps someone get off harder, then someone in J.A.V. is making and
selling it. From entire cargoships loaded with advanced and simple dildos, to cyberdongs and
digicoochies. They sell the skins used in half the online games across the digital realms, and they sell
merch related to the other half in the real. If there is a physical device one can buy for personal use,
either on themselves or others, to make someone scream the names of gods they don't even know
while their eyes cross, then chances are, J.A.V. either sold it, or a pirate who stole it from a J.A.V.
merchant freighter did. These include things like tamed mimics and various betentacles fauna of their
native Jungles.
- Drugged Food: Unlike other territories,
which try to obfuscate the drugged nature of their food, J.A.V. uses it as a primary feature of their
marketing, promising more intense orgasms, longer coital duration, and better tasting bodily fluids.
J.A.V.'s products also contain a wide spectrum of T-Breaks in order to shut down various other
forms of corporate mandated drugging that might interfere with the aphrodisiacs and sensory boosters.
This makes the food INCREDIBLY popular for bandits to buy, as it can be broken down for highly illegal
T-Breaks, to then smuggle in and distribute.
- Surplus Population: Surprisingly,
J.A.V.'s Schooling Exclusion Zone has possibly the most robust and capable schooling system anywhere
in the New World outside of the tutoring halls of the executive class. They turn out quite well adjusted
young men and women ready to enter into the workforce of the choice of the highest bidder! Corporations
outside of J.A.V. pay for specific class size allotments and young students of high enough aptitude and
interest are able to take those courses, with the graduates being sent off to work for the corporation
in question rather than beginning their employment in J.A.V. All schooling goes on inside of the
Schooling Exclusion Zone, where any child born within the territory is brought in order keep them out of
the way of the constant sex partying that dominates every inhabitted portion of the territory.
J.A.V. Digital Entertainment has special trade relations with the following
- Soon-Bok: J.A.V. and Soon-Bok share a cultural ancestry, and their
aesthetics are similar in many
things, if differing in the garishness of colors or the commonality of lubricants.
- Cardinal
Holdings: Cardinal Holdings is the single largest importer of
pornographic materials and sexual aids of all other nations, perhaps because it has the largest
population, though that market share as been dropping as more and more air headed bimbos fill the
streets and get it on physically rather than being too run down from work and worry to consume porn
directly. That said, the uptick in sex toys has more than made up for the media consumption loss.
- Saraswati
Virtue: J.A.V. has a brisk trade with Saraswati, needing it's
vast supply of cybernetics and pharmaceuticals in return for various pharamceutical base crops available
no where else and test subjects.
- Schwebenwagen
Hover Industries: Given the incredible amount of automation and
spare parts required to keep J.A.V. operating, a great deal of these are outsourced to
Schwebewagen's massive factories rather than produced locally.
- Nazzdack: More and more in recent years various inspectors from the
other Holdings companies, but
especially from Nazzdack, and if rumor is to be believed, the Shareholders themselves, have begun to
investigate goings on in J.A.V. Why this might be so is only of interest to tourists and outsiders
looking on the situation at J.A.V.
Tourism is another major boon of the territory, but rarely leads to enormous
profits, if any at all, since most of the things that any tourist might normally purchase in J.A.V. are
almost always available semi-freely to the locals, and immigration and emmigration are made as painless as
possible, if only because people want to be done with the paperwork as fast as possible so they can go back
to whatever sexual perversion has their attention at the moment.
Prominent Races of J.A.V. Digital Entertainment
- Humans actually fail to make up the majority of the
population, though they do make up the single largest population in J.A.V., the free accessibility of
splicer treatments means that they may soon become a minority.
- Gobbos flock to J.A.V. as the promised land of easy sex, fun
times, easy sun, and balmy weather. They are especially populous on the coastal settlements and make up
some of the more level-headed residents, always keeping enough brain cells active between kinkery to get
up to some mischief.
- J.A.V. is home to the largest number of Wukong
enclaves anywhere in the world, the automated systems
treating them as just another part of the scenery, and their security protocols are rarely lethal,
designed as they are to avoid harming employees who may have just stumbled into a restricted area due to
being fuck drunk.
- Ever since the splicer treatment was
invented, one of the biggest buyers of it
has been the employees of J.A.V.
- Nayalings almost outnumber humans in the territory, as after
their failed attempt to take over the world, Ramuel Garden Initiatives, and later J.A.V., were some of
the few holdings companies to actively welcome in the displaced former super soldiers, the former as
excellent test and observation stock for their varied pharmaceutical projects, and the latter seeing
their exotic looks and genetically enhanced stamina as the perfect thing to draw in the crowds!
- Due to the high degree of automation, J.A.V. is one of the largest sources
of Artificiates in the new
world. Many Artificiates, so inundated with
sex from the time they first boot, but lacking the programming to enjoy it at first, simply move on to
other territories until they figure out what the fuss is all about.
- Remakes make up a sizable rotating population, as just about
everyone who can afford a remake, especially a life-lite model, swings through here just to live the
experience for once. Whether they stay or go varies enormously, with some dipping a toe back in for
years, or decades, before they grow bored and leave once more.
- The humid jungle climes, and the lack of easy road access mean Jerboans
to only swing by to visit on occasion. A few
Jerboans become particularly impressive cumflation pornotainment stars, but otherwise return to their
biker gangs once they've gotten their fill of hedonism.
Culture of J.A.V. Digital Entertainment
To say that J.A.V. is a sexual society is to understate the issue so vastly as
to make a joke of it. There is no portion of society in J.A.V. territory that is not touched by sex in some
form. Seating almost always has size-variable dildos or vibrators built into them, or ball massagers, or
feliato bot-ports at the crotch. Every single food and drink is laced with aphrodisiacs that range from the
mildly arousing to the insanity driving. Kinks can be purchased, and installed, for someone of an
experimental turn of mind, and corner store pharmacies include walk-in gene altering clinics for a fast,
temporary splice, with the nursebot ready to help test out all of your new bits once you get out. Public
transit consists of a combination of railway metros of otherwise sensible, clean design filled with bondage
gear and dildo attachments, to literal tentacle tunnels that bring you between levels of the megacity
spires. There isn't a game, video, picture, or song on display that doesn't involve sex in some
form, and the vast level of automation enables this. Drains dot literally ever surface, where the combined
bodily fluids of all the sexual activity on every floor is collected, filtered, and sorted between waste
filtration, and cum-diet based product fabrication.
While the twin megacities make up the largest population centers, the simple
fact of the matter is that few people can agree on every kink. The most popular ones are common throughout
the entirety of J.A.V's population centers, but for more specific kinks, one has to travel to the kink
communes. These places were once charging stations for agricultural drones or security bots, and for the
most part, remain so, the locals taking turns to make sure everything is staying in the green and hitting
the 'there's a problem with X' button when something isn't. These Kink Communes each
focus on a particular fetish or desire, and outside of the immediate area of the railway terminal linking
the settlement to the greater part of J.A.V. participation in those kinks becomes mandatory, with handy gene
altering or body modification booths ready and available to anyone who lacks the requisite attributes for
In addition to the megacities of Oppai and Pettan, there were once many
megacities. Some of them are vast, overgrown, abandoned complexes, such as Megacity Onaphim where the
original railway terminal between it and Whaddyacallit still remains intact and maintained, which sits less
than a mile outside of Megacity Pettan. Others, such as Megacity Nakadashi (which has been turned into a
mutant breeding nest), still 'stand' and presumably operate on their automated systems, but have
been removed from all official trade routes, their railway lines shut down if possible (or the trains simply
programmed to go through them and not make any stops), much like any other abandoned megacity. The kink
communities and even the undercity criminal gangs still do a brisk trade with many of these
'abandoned' megacities, but extracting any form of direct profit from them is considered
impossible by what remains of J.A.V.'s shareholders and investors, and so they cut off all support. In
time, these 'abandoned' megacities fall into steady disrepair, and in recent decades, more than
one has collapsed under its own weight, the death toll unknown because, officially, no one lives in
The important thing to remember about J.A.V. is that, much to the chagrin of the
world's leaders in Nazzdack, it has gained, effectively, cultural hegemony over the planet. J.A.V.
media is consumed in every part of the world, their 'corporate culture' has become the form of
culture all undercities, to a greater or lesser extent, emulate in one form or another. Hedonism, pleasure,
sex, and a carefree attitude to the actual problems of keeping things running have, by and large, become the
attitudes shared by undercity residents the world over. No territory takes any of this as far as the people
of J.A.V. do, but the undercurrents of pornographic society and the social mores of J.A.V.'s citizenry
pervade almost every level of society below that of the executive class. A state of affairs that the
profit-driven sharks of Nazzdack and the Bezosphere would adore tweaking into a state that more directly
benefits them and their bottom line. All the hedonism, none of the loss of efficiency costing them their
bottom line.
Special Locations of J.A.V. Digital Entertainment
Like many things in J.A.V., even the unique locations are less unique than
simply exploded to the point of being unique in their scale due to the needs and pressures of a
hypersexualized society and culture.
- Kink Communes: The most common kind of
settlement in J.A.V. is the jungle kink communes, each one dedicated to a particular kind of kink while
they monitor the recharging stations for harvester titans and the various systems of irrigation and
power supply throughout the territory. They often have visitors from the megacity habitation zones and
from abroad seeking to experience a particular kink.
- The Schooling Exclusion Zone:Covering a
massive span of territory on the border between Ur-Um and J.A.V., hundreds of miles away from any of the
megacities or kink communes, this is quite possibly the most heavily defended point on the planet after
the Walled Street. The Schooling Exclusion Zone is several cordoned militarized rows of fortifications
several miles deep, manned by incredibly militant and vigilant battle nuns. There has never been a
successful escape from the S.E.Z. nor a successful break in, barring the occasional incident of raiders
seeking school uniforms or nun habits which are nearly impossible to find anywhere else in the world,
and even in those cases they only make it as far as the 2nd fortification wall where the transfer
warehouses are located. The only safe entrance and exit to the S.E.Z. is the solitary railway terminal
created for the rare parental visit or for the graduating classes to enter the world.
- Railways: Even caravaneering is mostly
automated in J.A.V. One of the oldest railways in the world runs from the outskirts Megacity Pettan
(where the remains of an ancient prototype megacity remain mostly abandoned, barring the docking yards
at its base) to Whaddyacallit, and in time this railroad was expanded enormously, linking the two extant
Megacities of J.A.V, many of their fallen megacities, and the various orbital kink communes surrounding
both of them. The railways allow for safe passage through the wildly overgrown jungles of J.A.V, and
automated railway guards have more trouble with keeping the occupants of the train from jumping out into
the waiting arms of various betentacled sex beasts than they do with keeping the trains safe from
Organizations of J.A.V. Digital Entertainment
List of Organizations
- Frankfurter & Schlong -
Corporation: Someone once said "If you can sell a hotdog in Megacity Oppai you can sell it anywhere
in the world", and some insane entrepreneur took those words to heart. The corporation specifically
hires people who mark high on the ace/aro index to man their hotdog stands throughout the megacity
floors of Oppai and Pettan, and somehow manage to keep turning a profit despite selling totally unspiked
cooked sausages in a bun with your choice of totally ordinary sauces. Despite their success as one of
the only totally unpornographic businesses in J.A.V. they've yet to find much success anywhere else
in the world, and so the bored hot-dog salesman (or woman) remains a phenomenon unique to J.A.V.
- Our Lady of the Perpetual Bonk -
Cult: This order of nuns grew out of the original mandate of Ramuel Garden Initiatives in running the
Schooling Exclusion Zone. Founded by a shiba inu beastman, Our Lady of the Perpetual Bonk believes in
strict rules of purity, chastity, and the exclusion of horniness from all aspects of life. They have
found their place in raising the young men and women under their charge into upright, righteous, and
healthy adults to send out into the world in the hopes of redeeming the perpetually horny and fallen
J.A.V. The actual effect is that by the time anyone graduates from the corporate boarding schools of the
S.E.Z. that they're so tired of the overbearing nuns that they can't wait to find out what
all of the fuss is about!
- Samurai Abstinence Squad -
Criminal Gang: Driven by prudes, perverts, and psychopaths of a unique mindset, the Samurai Abstinence
Squad are rebels within J.A.V. who are attempting to take over the megacorp and redirect their efforts
into other pursuits. Within the Samurai Abstinence Squad there are several factions including the
Tantrics (those seeking to turn limit sex to ritual use), the prigs (those who seek to only use sex for
procreation), chaste (those that get off on denial), and other varied and absurd factions. The gange
often targets the major utilities of J.A.V. including the slinky silk factories, lube pipelines,
and other staples of J.A.V.
- Kerokero Shinobi - Criminal Gang:
These ninjas contrast their dark blue, green, and grey clothing with wild and bright body and face
paint, something they call 'digital camouflage' so that their identities can't be tracked by
the corps. As one becomes a high ranked member they are invited to a ritualistic orgy, the result of
which leaves them with mad hops and a long, froglike tongue. Their ideals are unknown, though they are
most certainly not on the side of corporations.
- The Porcelain Dolls - Corporation:
A group of Artificiates that replace their dermal plates with pristine white porcelain, complete with
decorative blue painted floral patterns. These artificiates provide escort, bathing, petting and
companionship services for an extreme premium, though stop at full prostitution.
The eerie beauty
that emanates from these artificiates makes them intimidating and attractive arm candy for executives
and higher ups, but also allows these robotic escorts access to high-end get togethers and secret
meetings, the information gleaned from which is sold to the highest bigger on the Sense-Tank black
The leader of The Porcelain Dolls, Madam LeBlanc, hires adventuring parties to enact
vengeance on any that scuff, dirty or damage her girls, but due to her bespoke clientele, adventurers
have to be quite experienced to infiltrate the social circles capable of hiring a porcelain
- Takoyaki Shinobi - Criminal
Gang - A collective of Undercity Elves that left the humming servers, thanks to a synergy and bond
they grew with the tentacle robots that were meant to be their overseers. With their knowledge of
the underbelly to their advantage, this group of outlaws and mechanists with few brawlers, seek to
dominate the wet work trade. Armed with their signature sticky hooks, the weaponized version of
those sticky hands you slap on a wall, they zip through the upper city, while lurk underground for quick
A member of the Takoyaki can be identified by two things on their uniforms. Masks with a
single stroke of paint of their choice to represent a tentacle. And clothing designed to conceal how
many arms, tentacles, or concealed weapons they might have. A typical rookie starts out with an
oversized hoodie with big sleeves. Each member has a unique bond with the droid they made a pact
with. Some have little buddies. Some call and ride massive behemoths of black tentacles. Some merge with
their party for eight extend arms. Some even have more than one partner. One thing for certain is
that to have a high rank, one must be synched with their companion. A common form of bonding is through
intercourse to become one in a multitude of ways and holes. Most battles between members are conducted
by seeing which shinobi can last the longest with the other member's companion.
The Leader is
Master Ink. The elf that carries a fancy looking mop and barrel of nano-ink, is a great guide and
information broker for the right amount of credits. On his spare time he likes to practice his
Settlements of J.A.V. Digital Entertainment
J.A.V.s settlements are primarily built out into communities and enclaves that
each exist with a specific focus on a particular kink, with the actual processes and functional duties of
that settlement being exclusively automated.
- Megacity Oppai: The larger megacity of
the territory, situated on the coast of J.A.V and home to Silas Bubblegum and his millions-strong harem
of men and women. Oppai is noted for the sheer volume of pornographic datachips it exports to other
territories, largely due to its incredible surveillance technology installed before the territory
changed hands to J.A.V. It also houses the largest library of public use Sense-Tanks in the New World,
and the highest number of private owners. As such, Megacity Oppai's undercity datacenters are
surprisingly quiet and well-behaved, presumably due to the vast amounts of pornography streaming through
their servers at all times.
- Anime Alley: A level of Megacity
Oppai dedicated to the art of creating mass market anime and merchandise. As with most industries in
J.A.V, Anime Alley is almost entirely automated; shows are algorithmically generated using a series of
manually input keywords, typed by an overseer. Each show series is then scheduled and broadcast globally
on the TV channel Javanim, while figurines, t-shirts and hug pillows are generated to go on sale at the
moment of the show's broadcast.
Anime series names are becoming increasingly long and strange
with the advent of algorithmic generation, and while certain long running shows like 'My Paladin
Step Mother Is Sleeping With The Demon King, Mars Is The Orgy Planet And My Sister's Breasts Are
Larger Than My Childhood Friend's But Flat Is Justice In My Eyes' are popular enough to
merit their ridiculous titles, many more niche series are simply remembered by their initial broadcast
- Ahegao Academy - With the rise of
Silas Bubblegum to CEO, JAV has begun to experience severe changes within its cultural landscape. While
his visionary entrepreneurship has seen JAV's profits soar, his complete disinterest in the day to
day running of the corporation has caused fractures within the megacities to form. Beastmen and mutants
have begun to overrun outlying towns and communes while probing the lower levels for weaknesses. Sex
cults have begun to form, spreading anarchy and chaos throughout the territories. Meanwhile, upper
management has begun waging shadow wars against each other solely to reap in higher profits for
In order to counter these new dangers, JAV has formed Ahegao Academy, a post-secondary
paramilitary organization designed to research and combat these new threats. Recruits are trained in all
manner of warfare so as to better fight the enemy, while maximizing their sexual endurance so that they
might survive against even the most depraved of monsters. Those who pass are then part of JAV's
military forces designed to protect their territories from further collapsing into hedonistic chaos.
Those who excel in their studies are given further training and become part of the elite forces known as
Tentacle Knights.
- Megacity Pettan: The smaller megacity
of the two, its focus is on the agricultural aspects of J.A.V; namely the growth and cultivation of its
endless jungles. Situated directly above a gigantic Old World reservoir, Pettan provides the
desalination of seawater and massive irrigation efforts across the territory, as well as the development
of new flora, fauna and pharmaceuticals. Thankfully these tasks are almost entirely automated, someone
occasionally pushed out of the piles to make sure all the gauges are green. Adventurers find Megacity
Pettan to be dangerously unguarded, especially with how important its water supply is to the territory
of the world, but most residents are too busy to pay concerns any mind.
- Irrumatio Commune: One of the larger
kink communities, located outside of Megacity Pettan. The population here produces the finest cumdiet
foods in the entire world, with a wide stable of milking studs whose cum is carefully curated for taste,
thickness, and texture to insure the finest product. It is one of the least kink and most business
focused of the kink communities.
- Chastity Gate: The heavily armored and
fortified settlement that acts as the railway terminal into the schooling exclusion zone. Visitors here
must prove their lack of lewd intent and character before being allowed past the entrance hall, with a
wide variety of modesty focused clothing shops available to peruse through before one is allowed into
the visitor center beyond. Any form of crude language, innuendo (intentional or not), freudian-slippage,
or other forms of unacceptable behavior are immediately punished by nuns wielding kinetic-impact rulers.
Attempts to enter the S.E.Z by any other means are met with a level of overkill so high that it makes
the average corpo-cop cringe in sympathy for the intruders, and have turned portions of the perimeter
into places more closely resembling Slyth & Jabber's territory than the jungles of J.A.V.
- Milktown: A town known primarily for
helping those with overburdened breasts get the pressure released, known for having a population of
mostly milky breasted individuals who don't mind the odd stare or grope. Tops are completely
optional here, and it is actually preferred that one goes about with their chest hanging out. A prime
location in the town is the Milk Bar, where anyone can go to sign up for a shift of getting milked to
have their wares sold for a reasonable price based on quality. It is not uncommon to find flavoring mods
here for one's milk, and most prostitutes can find plentiful work in Ara-Ara and Chastity should
they leave Milktown.
*Most who find employment in Chastity are expected to stay chaste and not try to
seduce anyone, mostly working as wet nurses and emotional comfort for small children. While its not too
uncommon for entrants to blow it before even being interviewed, there have been successful entrants who
later become part of the training courses for new nurses.
Some say that there's an underground
cult that worships a fertility goddess, and slip lactation drugs into food and drink of those who have
yet to start leaking.
- Megaruin Nakadashi: A megacity
abandoned approximately 250 years ago, it was once devoted to global repopulation efforts and employee
exports (creation rather than upbringing), but at some point it became infested by mutants of various
ilks, not that the residents noticed. Today it is surrounded by various monster fucking and breeding
focused kink communites, and the exact nature of what's going on within is not well known as few
people ever return from venturing past its ancient and dilapidated docking hangars. All but one of its
spires has collapsed.
- Lube Lake: A miles wide enclosure
turned hole in the ground for tentacloids and mimics to roam and wriggle freely, allowing employees to
harvest the organic lube the creatures discharge. Anti-poaching squads patrol the circumference of the
pit to fend off lube or animal thieves, and also to rescue anyone dumb and horny enough to jump in.
Freelancers are occasionally offered contracts to retrieve stolen tentacloids and mimics, though the
perpetrators are usually harmless and very preoccupied.
People of J.A.V. Digital Entertainment
J.A.V. is filled with characterful people, and not all of them are focused only
on banging anyone they meet!
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