The Freemen Commune

A good place to raise your kids!

Table of Contents






Special Locations





A haven for those that could afford to get away from both the bustle of the megacities and the quiet desperation of corporate rule, without resorting to the dangers and uncertainty of the undercities The Freemen Commune is the largest community of middle-class, suburban households in the New World. On the surface, it's a postcard of detached two story houses with white picket fences, 2.4 children and mowed lawns, but under the veneer is a population rife with petty murder, grand treachery, and insidious techno-cults; all a product of the excruciating boredom of being away from the sleaze of the undercities.

In Lieu of CEOs, The Freemen Commune has the Homeowner's Association, a council of the most petty-minded and anally-retentive bastards that put even the tyranny of Samen Von Würstchen to shame. The self-proclaimed leaders of this council are Stuart and Karen Terwilliger, their names striking fear into the hearts of garden gnome enthusiasts everywhere.

History of the Freemen Commune

The Freemen commune finds its origins in the heady decades after the Megacities had become the norm, the nationstates had begun to slip into a fading memory of the past, and the Ronin Expedition was just getting its start. The Bezosphere was growing strong, and the hyperrich were steadily falling into the patterns of secret, clandestine warfare for market share and share value that has dominated the world to this day. A real middle class had managed to emerge in the Megacities, before they began their total descent into hedonism and perversion, and some people saw the writing on the wall. These people organized infant Digital Realms, and pooled the resources to buy up the island that they wished to settle, and the necessary equipment to properly terraform it, buying it at enormously reduced rates from the various dissolving national firms. Using these, they proceeded to build their peaceful, suburban paradise, a place where their children could grow up under the open sky, and walk the streets safe and sound, and no one had to worry about perverts or murderers bringing harm to their families.

The Freemen Commune has been through different phases throughout its 400 or so year history. Sometimes it becomes a nest of pirates and vermin, the locals afraid to let their children walk the streets and the schools heavily defended, other times it becomes choked with corporate sponsorships so heavily that it kills the atmosphere. There have even been times where it actually managed to live up to the expectations of the founders, being a safe haven where people can raise their families in a normal, balanced, nice environment of neoliberal capitalist glory. Most recently it has passed through a piratical period, where bandit clans, smugglers, and pirates ruled the streets and the Homeowners Association was all but powerless to stop it.

60 years ago, a young couple bought their first house jointly and joined the Homeowner's Association. Stuart and Karen Terwilliger blazed onto the scene, using a combination of inherited wealth, charisma, political acumen, and some very targeted and incredible violence to take the HoA's pool of community funds into buying off the biggest and baddest of the bandit clans on the island. Using them, they passed an ultimatum. Fall in line or die. Much to the surprise of everyone, they managed to make it stick, even with their own hired mercenaries. The power couple brought peace and good manners back to the Commune. For about 10 years, things seemed to be going well, efforts focused on beautification and the restoration of standards. Yes, the measures were harsh, but they had to be! They still had problems with pirate attacks and other nonsense, people let morals slip, invited back in the troubles, and so had to be removed. The Terwilligers were considered harsh, but fair. Then things began to get stricter and stricter. First it was on how often your lawn had to be mowed, to a regulation height, and on each day, even if it didn't need cutting just YET. Then it was the ban on certain plants for even backyard gardens, that were considered 'problematic' for how wild they grew, their growth restricted to those with a license. Suddenly, even children needed to purchase a license to become a paperboy, or to mow the lawns of their neighbors for a few creds. Things have only spiraled since then, with Karen Terwilliger in particular radiating the sort of cold hostility normally associated with the most ruthless of executives in the new world. Everything must be perfect, standards can never, ever, be allowed to slip. Those who don't toe the line are given first a warning, then a fine, and then the Morality Enforcers 'disappear' them. Sometimes, they return, their eyes and smiles glassy, strange things such as the sound of a hot tub refilling, or the pop of toast from a toaster sending them into nervous shakes and near catatonic states. More often, they are never heard from again.

- The Strange Goings On

Administration and Structure of the Freemen Commune

Since its founding, the Freemen Commune has been run by the Homeowner's Association. Every plot of land is ultimately owned by the Homeowner's Association's subordinate holding company, which exists simply to oversee the sale and purchase of houses, and that essential utility services are maintained. No one is permitted to own more than a single domicile, though this law is rarely enforced if one can prove they are simply 'holding onto' a house for one of their children (or as a place for their retired parents). Homes can be owned jointly or singly, and if a person finds that they have come into ownership of more than one house through inheritance, then the HoA begins to rigorously pressure them to sell one of the two buildings unless they can prove that they have a pressing reason to own more than one building (A child about to graduate or get married, parents who are reaching retirement age, or having a mistress and fucktons of bribe money).

Owning a home is the primary means of participating in politics in the Commune. The value of your collective real estate determines the level of authority your voice has in the Association meetings, with the only superseding virtue being membership on the Association Board. Association Board membership has a bare minimum property value requirement to be nominated for a position on it, and each subdivision elects a representative to the board. The Board president is elected by vote among the board members, with Karen Twerilliger having been elected unanimously for 20 years running, ever since the last time she disappeared not only the person who received votes besides herself but everyone who voted for them. All facets of life in the Freemen Commune are ultimately the decision of the Homeowner's association. In theory, all major new rules must be passed via a majority vote between the subdivisions before alterations to the HoA contract every citizen of the Commune signs upon buying their house can be altered. In practice, the board, and especially the president, are able to pass unilateral measures in cases of 'immediate and/or overwhelming threats to property values', a function of the contract that has been abused to the breaking point by Karen Twerilliger.

Commerce of the Freemen Commune

The Freemen commune has almost nothing going for it beyond some fair trade currents and enough space to live on. The large island mostly has a highly internal economy in many respects, importing goods from other companies that are then repackaged and sold in a less pornographic manner. The island populace leverages their skilled labor and lack of drug or porn filled haze to actually complete tasks in a reasonable time frame and competency level, often working by remote or for short jaunts to their places of work from one of the Entry Ports. Credits are then leveraged externally to bring in goods.

The Freemen Commune has special trade relations with the following Territories:

A massive amount of the income of the locals goes into various blackmarket schemes, from sabotaging one another's topiaries or vegetable competition entries, to morality enforcer bribes to look the other way when a tree house is just slightly off from spec in the backyard. Not to mention the enormous smuggling of goods banned by the HoA into the Freemen Commune itself to bring some variety or spice to the lives of the locals.

Prominent Races of the Freemen Commune

Culture of the Freemen Commune

The exact culture of any individual of the Freemen Commune depends on the subdivision they live in, as each one has a slightly different set of HoA contracts that determine what is and isn't acceptable behavior. That said, there are also the universal rules passed down by the president and the board of the Homeowner's Association, and as those have gotten more strict, so too have the the number of differences between subdivisions.

The most common thing people notice about the Freemen Commune is that it is by far the most prudish of territories. "Stepford Style" Fashions dominate the market, men wear button up shirts, women wear long, knee length dresses, with miniskirts or shorts being considered scandalous. Swimsuits, while common, tend to be one-piece. What one gets up to in their own home, is to an extent, their own business, but even there there are rules, with Morality Inspectors occasionally giving homes inspections to see that everything is in proper order inside as well as out. Everyone is expected to keep up appearances, and above all else, not allow the value of their neighborhoods to drop too far.

This causes two things to by and large define the lives of Freemenites: Paranoia and Ennui. Ennui is the first one, the constant boredom of having everything in their lives perfectly regulated and kept to a specific set of standards with no variation, from entertainment to how they dress to what media they consume. This means that many of them engage in hacking, smuggling, black market purchases, murder, intrigue, petty politicking, eldritch worship, and technocultism in an attempt to alleviate their boredom. This, in turn, leads to Paranoia. Everyone knows that everyone else is up to SOMETHING that would get the Morality Enforcers to drag them off to a moral rectification site if it became public knowledge. Everyone knows that if THEIR secret came out, it would be THEM who was dragged off. And so, in order to deflect suspicion, many of them seek to form alliances, black mail one another, point the fingers at their fellows for the least infraction, all in an attempt to keep the eyes of Twerilliger and her morality enforcers from falling upon THEM.

Special Locations of the Freemen Commune

List of Special Locations Types

Organizations of the Freemen Commune

List of Organizations

Settlements of the Freemen Commune

The Freemen Commune is a mixture of mixed together sudivisions, the occasional single story downtown office area, strip malls, and some green spaces in the forms of parks and playgrounds. To enter the Freemen Commune is to feel like you've stepped back almost 400 years but kept the cool tech.

People of the Freemen Commune

List of Major Figures

Events of the Freemen Commune

List of Historic Events

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