The Jam Gardens

Everybody get up, it's time to slam now

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Special Locations





An island dedicated to the art of basketball -the only surviving sport of the Old World- The Jam Gardens is endless rows of asphalt basketball courts pockmarked with the occasional shower and locker room, vending machine parade, or laundromat. There's little fame or fortune to be found in the Jam Gardens, besides that earned on the blacktop, but it's a great place to work up a sweat and perhaps find some new friends and allies.

History of the Jam Gardens

- The Death of Sport via Marketing Budgets

The Jam Gardens was originally a set of islands perfectly positioned for travel to the offshore early Bezosphere launch site. The island was paved over, turned, literally, into storage yards, parking lots, and yacht docks. The larger island turned into vehicle storage, the smaller island made into warehouses for storage. A single bridge was built back to the mainland, heavily guarded. In time, when the launchsite moved to what would become the Walled Street, the islands were abandoned, and given their paved over nature, total lack of industrial docks, and the isolated nature of them lead to them being considered worthless by Czarina Tropical Agriculture and Saraswati Virtue. In time, vagrants moved in, breaking into the abandoned warehouses for survival gear, and converting the lamp posts and empty parking lots into spaces for basket ball courts

.- The Time Capsule from 1996, and The Rediscovery of Basketball

In time this evolved into a fellowship of master basketball players, the greatest of which became known as Dunkmeisters. The Dunkmeisters struck deals with various other groups, from pirates to dark-web netmasters, to broadcast their games. Some of them went out of their way, traveling to various megacities to establish new undercity games, converting abandoned megacity warehouse chambers into courts, and preserving the art of Basketball when all other sports gently vanished into the mists of history. In time, the megacorps would take notice, and attempt to co-opt this sport for their own profit, but found that it was simply too expensive, and too costly to replace the Dunkmeisters, who were, in effect, the very product they wished to exploit. The Dunkmeisters in turn leveraged their popularity into a series of contracts securing the independence of the Jam Gardens, and the lucrativity of their tournaments and games spread like wildfire across the megacities and towns of the world. Now, every holding company has at least one basketball team, and every single one of them pays a licensing fee to the JGBL (Jam Gardens Basketball League), which is run by retired Dunkmeisters for the good of the game.

Administration and Structure of the Jam Gardens

The Jam Gardens are an aberration in the corporate-run world, their administration not resembling a corporate hierarchy, but instead that of a guild or club organization. The Dunkmeisters run the Jam Gardens, with their members who are no longer able to continue to play, taking on the duties of administration and management. The territory is organized into teams, and only teams that live on the island rather than out of a megacity are allowed to have one of their coaches (the term for a retired Dunkmeister) on the league's directing council. In cases where an equitable agreement can't be made, the decision is made by the coach with the best team backing him. This might mean a simple two man match, or in cases for particularly thorny and disruptive problems, a full double elimination tournament. This model trickles down throughout all of the Jam Garden's society, and in general everything of any sort of import that can't be decided by mutual agreement comes down to a fast and dirty game between competing opinions. Initial teams are drawn up based on who supports what decision in any given community or group, and then a draft is held for the fence sitters, until two full teams are pulled together and the game held to make a decision.

Exterior politics is handled entirely by the JGBL Director's Council, with them negotiating the rules on acceptable sponsorship contracts, compensation for players, and royalty fees. In effect, they act as a 'union' for professional basketball players the world over, and use the membership fees to maintain facilities in the Jam Gardens and insure that their sport remains as accessible and free to play as possible.

Commerce of the Jam Gardens

The Jam Gardens is ill-placed for any sort of heavy economic activity. Currents and winds lead to other areas of the coast lines being safer and easier harbors, and originally it was only suitable due to it's proximity to the original, now sunken and derelict, bezosphere launch site. This lead to any arable land aboard it being paved over, and the site being abandoned as a huge parking lot and storage facility. In time, it was utterly abandoned, the valuables inside left to looters, and the facilities steadily converted to those necessary to keep the place running.

Their major income sources are as follows:

The Jam Gardens has special trade relations with the following Territories:

Jam Island also has a healthy tourism industry, but due to them wanting to make it as easy as possible for people to come to the island to learn B-Ball from the masters and keep the sport healthy and alive, they charge barely anything, and facilities such as the free showers and drinking fountains are open to tourists as well.

Prominent Races of the Jam Gardens

Culture of the Jam Gardens

The Jam Gardens culture entirely revolves around the sport of basketball in all its various forms. From the simple game of hangman, all the way to the full exhibition play, to everything in between, including a few spin offs only made possible by modern augmentations and new races, but the unaltered form of it remains the king and primary cultural focus of the Jam Gardens. Devotion to the noble game of b-ball is the defining attribute of the Gardens, and everything is offered up on that altar. Profits are meaningless to the people of the twin islands except for that it enables them to keep playing. Competition is important, but only in that it pushes them to improve themselves. This has made charity to your fellow players a cornerstone of their life on the islands. Someone is down? You help them up, so they'll help you up next time, all in the name of fair play.

Most of the population of the Jam Gardens are visitors, temporary tourists who come to experience the heart of the greatest sport on earth. The permanent population consists of those who give their all to the sport. Those who seek the hallowed mastery of the court that comes with being a Dunkmeister. Becoming a Dunkmeister is no easy thing, and there are many trials and contests to determine if one is worthy of the title, not every one of them has to be passed, and sometimes the title has been conferred on the rare players who suck at the trials but whose obvious mastery is on the court in live play. The Dunkmeisters are considered the leaders of the island, the people who hold in their heart the true spirit of the ball. There are foreign dunkmeisters, but if you've completely sold out to the corpos, rather than living your life for the game, then it's a hard thing to achieve, and only ever given out begrudgingly to such players.

Special Locations of the Jam Gardens

The Jam Gardens are a unique place, black top covered islands with raised car parks (now converted into multi-layer courts) and the occasional stadium or shower hut providing a change from the miles and miles of basketball courts, benches, vending machines, and chain linked fences.

Organizations of the Jam Gardens

The primary social unit in the Jam Gardens is the team, but other groups such as small corporations see to the needs of the basketball players or even other groups finding homes.

Settlements of the Jam Gardens

The Jam Courts lack anything so conventional as an actual settlement, but small shanties, coverings, and differences in the state of the various courts across the islands do lead to various districts and changes. Few of them are set up for longterm habitation, with folks instead taking naps at such places or returning to The Bunks for longer rests.

People of the Jam Gardens

The people of the Jam Gardens are famous for two things: their fiercely competitive but charitable spirit, and their inability to shut up about anything except their favorite pass time for longer than 10 minutes at a stretch.

Events of the Jam Gardens

The Jam Garden's year is defined by the cycle of winter and summer games, and the fierce competitions between rival teams from around the world.

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