Name: Saisei
Age: Unknown, suspects at least a century, no more than two.
Race:Sexbot Artificiate
Zone of Birth: J.A.V. Digital Entertainment
Class:Clause of the Peacekeeper (Formerly Clause of the Avenger)Enforcer
Current Employment Alignment: Corporate
Description: A very curvaceous sexbot with a geisha patterned head unit. She moves with incredible grace at all times, and is rarely seen without her loose fitting kimono, except on her rare excursions to her 'me time' grove. Her hair is always styled with the same set of artificial coral/fullerene-amalgam needles (which can be used as weapons as well as simply looking beautiful). She carries a military grade high end shotgun and a nodachi both of which are tied to her obi sash. Barely visible under the back of the kimono is a heavily reinforced anchor-point below her shoulder blades, designed for attachment to industrial crane cables. Signs of modification on her chassis for combat and durability reinforcement, as well as additional tactile sensation ports, can be seen by those with the knowledge to discern them.
Personality: Saisei takes a very calm and polite, even demure-seeming, approach to all things, whether it is guiding guests around the Constentacle Bloom Onsen she works at, or cutting down mutated monstrosities and their cultist worshipers trying to kidnap said guests on the path between the inn's walls and the docks on the nearby Hentai Island Shoreline. While on duty, she is peaceful, serene, and always welcoming, the perfect onsen geisha, all joy, and smiles, and laughter, never too much, never too little, never letting a trace of unhappiness enter the little bubble of peace that she protects in her home. Each month however, she takes a single week off from work, turns back on all of the sensory processors that let her react to the aphrodisiac pollen and spores in the air, and retreats to a small grotto about a half mile away from the onsen where she's anchored an industrial crane wench and 200 meters of heavy duty orbital crane cabling, the stuff used for anchoring portions of the Bezosphere together. She sets a timer for 6 days, plugs the end of the tether into her anchor point in her back, and dives into the mouth of the grotto, and into the tentacle caverns that run for miles beneath Hentai Island to 'blow off steam' for those six days being pounded a dozen ways to Sunday, until the timer runs down, the wench activates, and hauls her blissed-out, well fucked robo-booty back out of the caves. A half day slowly rebooting her systems and shutting down her enhanced, secondary and tertiary tactile erogenous sensors, and she's back to work, professional as always.
Abilities: Saisei is a master of the arts of etiquette, geisha entertaining, and proper onsen/whorehouse hostess behavior, both due to her innate programming, and from experiences she's gained since her awakening to hone those crafts. She can readily apply any and all of them towards her passion, which is to smooth out conflict before it even begins, to end fights before they even ripple through the air and disturb her guests' 'Wa', or harmony. When violence does break out she is as skilled with her nodachi and high end shotgun as she is with her words and mannerisms, and despite the wide arc of both weapons, has never harmed or damaged anything she didn't intend too. She is also possessed of reinforced body structure, deep energy reserves, and the sorts of augments and upgrades to her gynoid chassis more commonly associated with lava-chamber borehole mantel-tapper drones, all of which means that she can literally outlast anyone, and anything, in the bedroom, no matter what she is subjected too (At least offline), a fact she is very quietly smug about.
Maid 0012-A - Another Artificiate who was one of Saisei's 'production line sisters', produced as part of the same mass produced onsen-maid sexbot set, and shipped to the same onsen they once worked in. She woke up later than Saisei did, and continued to work at the onsen long after she did, only joining Saisei after the Enforcer had decided to retire and was journeying through J.A.V. once more trying to decide what to do with her life.
Babushka Oba-Chan - The mysterious owner of the Constentacle Bloom Onsen, one of the only places on Hentai Island not run by the various crazy tentacle cultists. She welcomed in Saisei when the Artificiate decided to retire from the adventuring life, and
Velvet Sensation - A Nayaling Ronin that Saisei met while working in the Calico Redistribution Company's pirate fleets. Saisei took it on herself to train Velvet in combat and to better control her temper, a task that was only partially successful. She always ensures that when Velvet visits the Constentacle Bloom Onsen that her stays are at cost.
Mr. Sqidgy - The small tame mimic brought back to the Consentacle Bloom Onsen after one of Saisei's days off. She likes the little guy and keeps an eye on him, though refuses to bring him back to her alone time spot however enjoyable he might make it, for fear of losing him in the caverns below.
Important Life Moments:
Saisei was once known as Onsen Maid 0007-A, One of three shifts of onsen-maid droids at a small hot springs inn on the border between J.A.V. Digital Entertainment and The Ur-Um Wines and Spirits Company territories. She is not entirely sure when she first awoke, but she remembers BLIND RAGE at the time. What happened that night is still a mystery to her, and she wishes it to remain that way, all she knows is that a few hours later she was out in the prairies, naked, covered in blood, and carrying a nodachi. She also knew that she HATED the people who she had worked for, and couldn't go back. She got to the coast line, and then walked it until she found a non-corporate settlement. From there she ended up joining a set of pirates.
She remained a pirate for years, fucking who she wanted, working the jobs asked of her, and generally earning the Calico Redistribution Company her weight in creds, and costing them almost as much in damages at the bars and in the holds of their ships from the shit she stirred. As time went on, she calmed down, finding such a lifestyle less and less appealing, the fights she stirred up went from being fun, to paling, the grudges she earned went from funny to tiring. More and more she found enjoyment in settling fights before they broke out, helping the rambunctious crews she joined settle things between themselves WITHOUT leaving one another with fewer teeth and more scars than they'd had before. She continued to act as a pirate, but more and more her role in the crews went from being a front line fighter to someone who supported her crew mates and settled things between them without resorting to violence.
Within a year of her full conversion to the clause of the peacekeeper, she retired from the life of piracy, in the same port where she had picked it up. She journeyed across the territory of her former homeland, found the nearly abandoned and forgotten Onsen she had awoken in, and a single maid-bot still working there, quite aware, but no more adventurous than the day she had awoken. Together they found their way across J.A.V, earning their way with their bodies and Saisei's combat skills, until they met Babushka Oba-Chan, who offered them both a position in a new venture she was opening up, an onsen on the mysterious and dangerous tentacular island, a place to relax among the most exotic and kinky flora and fauna in the world! Saisei jumped at the chance, and hasn't looked back since.
"Welcome dear customer to Hentai Island~ if you will please follow me? We ask that you do not remove your rebreather until you are within the inn's walls as the hypnotic ceretcina blooms are in season and will draw you off the path otherwise."
"Now now, I know you are new staff but truly you should be better than this, please, watch me, you must bow like this~ to best display your cleavage for the customer."
"I'm sorry Babushka Oba-Chan, I know it is our busy week, but my week off is tomorrow. I assure you that the new guards are quite capable, hardly any of them are fuck-drunk from the winter blooms in the tendril garden this week."