Name: Mr. Sqidgy
Age: Unknown.
Zone of Birth: Hentai Island
Class:Tame Mimic
Current Employment Alignment: Freelancer? Corporate?
Description: A small purple and magenta mimic that normally takes on the appearance of a multi armed tentacle beast with fangless suckers and a single golden-orange eye. He usually bears one or more lipstick marks on his body.
Personality: Mr. Sqidgy's personality beyond that of a normal mimic (horny, eager to breed, and mischievous) is hard to say except that he's definitely cognizant of his actions, and very friendly in ways beyond sexual interaction. He has been known to help lost travelers find their way to the Constentacle Bloom Onsen, and even understands the concept of 'No' above and beyond it being given as a direct order.
Abilities: Like all Mimics, Mr. Sqidgy can transform himself into various shapes, especially phallic ones. He is also capable of producing various aphrodisiacs, lotions, oils, and currently holds the J.A.V. record for Tamed Mimic with the most offspring conceived in a single sitting (though not the record for the Tamed Mimic with the most partners knocked up in a single sitting).
Saisei - The one who discovered him. She remains one of the few members of the Onsen who can interact with him for prolonged periods of time without him convincing her to let him ravish her.
Babushka Oba-Chan - The GILFy owner of the onsen has long since taken a shine to her "Little Mr. Sqidgy', she gave him his name, and upon realizing that he was more than willing to only fuck the brains out of willing partners (and infact, preferred it to the point that he was next to useless in rape-play interested customers), has turned him into the mascot for the entire Onsen.
Important Life Moments:
Not much is known about Mr. Sqidgy from before he joined the onsen. He stayed
latched onto Saisei after she was pulled free from one of her weeks off, pumping her so full of cum that the
reinforced anchor points of her abdominal plating (which was already designed for maximum fluidic capacity
possible for her frame), were red lining and various warnings were going off in her internal sensors. Given
that he was barely larger than her torso (including her impressive bust), this was impressive beyond words.
More impressive perhaps was that his particular blend of aphrodisiacs were so potent that even through her
sensory deadening protocols weren't capable of fully blocking the pleasure of his
She brought him back to the Constentacle Bloom Onsen, and introduced him to Babushka
Oba-Chan. After a few weeks, he quickly learned the limits of what was acceptable behavior, and became a
favorite attraction of both the employees at the onsen and their customers. Since then he has participated
in various tame mimic pageants across J.A.V, sired an entire new designer breed of mimic now popular as a
J.A.V. pet, and appears on almost every piece of merch related to the onsen.