Night's Kiss

Name: Night's Kiss (Real Name: Oiled Silk Runs Through Tyrian Fingers)

Age: 26

Race:Pyrenean Nayaling

Zone of Birth:The Freemen Commune


Current Employment Alignment: Freelancer

Description: When at home in the cloying atmosphere of civility of the Freemen Commune, this ebony skinned Nayaling wears a flowing, stepfordesque vintage dress with floral patterns and her hair done up in long, shoulder length curls. For all the world appearing as the perfect young single woman looking first to her career and perhaps a husband! She hides the loss of her eye with a prosthetic.

When out on the job, she pulls her hair up into a tight bun, though even that is hid in a tightly pulled forward hood and under a mask. She wears an eyepatch over her prosthetic eye, which is capable of viewing through the thin patch material (something she uses to her advantage). Her half cloak conceals both a shoulder holster for a pistol and machete sheath bound above her long tail. She covers as much of her skin as is both economical and feasible without hampering her own motions in the sometimes dicy fights that can result from dealing with smugglers.

Personality: Oiled Silk is a consummate actress and a free spirit. She loathes the life she is forced to live in the Freemen Commune, under the tyrannical eye of the HOA, and lives for the thrill of excitement from smuggling in goods that Mrs. Terwilliger's tyrannical rule forbids. She was stifled under her parent's desires to 'fit in' and 'be safe,' trying to fit her into the perfect little box expected of her, and while she understands the need for hiding her activities, she also lives for the rush of adrenaline from sneaking her real activities under the noses of both her fellow smugglers, who would never guess how she lived her day life, and her fellow Freemenites, who would be appalled, and possibly jealous, at the exciting life she leads.

Abilities: Oiled Silk is an incredible actress, and is skilled at on the fly thinking and adaptation to changing and fluid circumstances. She is also a skilled bargainer and merchant, able to buy low and sell high with the best of them, importing and smuggling goods across territories for maximum profit. Her ability with tech and weaponry is solid, but her abilities in a fight depend largely on surprise and trickery, rather than straight up competence in the arts of violence.


Billy Dozer - A gobbo brawler who she made friends with while being a runner and lookout for the smuggling ring she worked with while still in highschool. She still keeps in contact with Billy through quiet contacts, and the Dozer Family are some of her best suppliers and customers.

Shifty McGillicuddy - A gobbo thief that Oiled Silk has taken a liking too despite herself. She doesn't trust him entirely, and thinks that his attitude of 'always look out for number 1 and fuck the world' is a bit stupid and short sighted; but she can't deny; nor lack appreciation for, his con-artistry skills in getting her the best goods.

Jack "Brainy" Weems - Oiled Silk is always nervous around Brainy, seeing him as a space case that isn't always aware of what he's up too; and the whole 'lack of breathing except when he thinks about it' doesn't help things, but despite the creep factor, she would trust him with her life. The tiny void walker is always there when she needs him, and when the fighting gets hot, his techcasting and void walking abilities have seen her and Shifty out of more than one sticky situation.

Important Life Moments:

Oiled Silk's father was part of one of the gangs of hired thugs that Mrs. Karen Terwilliger turned into her Morality Enforcers, a life he retired from shortly after Oiled Silk was born to become a simple and much less feared and hated Security Guard at one of the various recreation and convention centers. Her mother was a net security agent working remotely for one of the many subsidiaries of Nazzdack, and both of them realized that the constant background radiation of distrust for Nayalings meant that they, and their little family, had to be the picture perfect family in the Freemen Commune. Silk's mother hosted the best evening parties for the neighborhood, her father's grilling was famous in the tricounty area and they were always invited to the picnics and fairs! And as the daughter of two pillars of the community, Oiled Silk was expected to be yet another pillar, pushed to lead in everything she did, to have the best grades, to lead in the after school activities, and to always be part of the student council.

Oiled Silk, for her part, found this absolutely maddening. The only release from the expectations she found was when she got online, learning how to crack through the firewalls in the Freemen Commune to the darkweb. There she found her way into the fascinating world of SMUGGLING, and learning more and more about how much of it involved the Freemen Commune and it's bored-out-of-their-skull citizens. Using her position as a totally trustworthy citizen, she quickly linked into the local network, and became one of the runners and lookouts. From there, she ended up learning more about the wants and needs of the populace but what the HoA was determined to deny them. By the time she graduated from her online university with a degree in global commerce and shipping, she was indispensable to one of the largest smuggling operations on the Freemen Commune, and sought to spread her wings. She took up the name "Night's Kiss" and began to explore the areas that the Freemen Commune Traded with.

She joined smugglers networks that spread from J.A.V. to Czarina Tropical Agriculture, and has recently begun lightening the various imports into Slyth & Jabber, written off by all the other companies, and so she and her compatriots know there is a small window, a point where one, rather than two, corporations actually cares about those goods getting where they are going.


"Of course everything's fine Mother! We just closed a BIG deal on some weapons imports from Soon-Bok and we think we have some buyers in Slyth & Jabber~ yes, yes, I know you like to have bragging material I'll tell you ALL about it next time I'm home!"

"SHIFTY! BRAINY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?! That's the SAFETY CATCH! Put it back before you blow us all to hell!"

"Okay, look. I'm trying to be reasonable here, but we paid our protection money to Calico, now, I'm not saying things will get violent if you keep asking for more you peg legged fuckstick, but I'm not paying TWICE. Keep messing me about and my little green friend will tear you apart."

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