
Name: Jack "Brainy" Weems

Age: 19


Zone of Birth:The Ronin Expedition

Class:Void WalkerSource Coder

Current Employment Alignment: Freelancer

Description: An average heighted Gobbo with sooty black hair close cropped on either side of his head. He wears heavy shoes and a set of torn latex synthweave and real lengths of cloth woven about his waist and about a set of leather belts to hold them there. His left arm is fully cybernetic, and he is rarely spotted without his high end quarter staff (plugged with several useful high end drives with various techs he likes to deploy). He has recently taken to painting Slyth & Jabber trencher style anti-glare stripe across his face. Prolonged observation of him will lead to the observer experiencing an uncanny-valley-like effect, as he does not breathe except to speak nor does he seem to perspire.

Personality: Brainy has never been the smartest guy on the block, which is how he earned his nickname. The mean spirited nickname drove him towards lateral thinking in terms of finding solutions to problems. Where other Gobbos tried to be smart about how they handled things, Brainy sought out solutions that played to his strengths, namely his absolute lack of fear (argued, it is said, from his lack of enough brain cells to realize he is, in fact, mortal), and his natural tendency towards violence. In another life he may have become a renegade, but in this one, his imbuement with the Source Code related to ancient orbital and space-exploration tech has lead to him becoming a source coder with a penchant for absolute mayhem and violence. He isn't bright, he's got a short fuse, but he's also very loyal to those who are loyal to him, and has just enough intelligence and self control to follow the leads of people he knows are smarter.

Abilities: Most people think of Source Coders as knock off Tech Wizards, still smart guys and gals, but with a different trick to their tech. Brainy disabuses any notion of this. Sporting any Voidwalker's natural protection against the void and various toughness boosting techs, Brainy prefers to buff himself up as much as possible, especially to render himself either immune or at least resistant to the other techs he plans to deploy, then gets stuck in with his cyberdeck of surge and force based destructive techs.


Shifty McGillicuddy - A good friend he met on the edges of S&J, Brainy always enjoys being around Shifty, who has plenty of ideas but not much brawn to back them up, and he feels useful when he's able to participate in one of the sneakier Gobbo's schemes.

Night's Kiss - Brainy isn't often sure that people aren't trying to take advantage of him, when they're real friends, or just trying to use him. He knows that even Shifty is to a certain extent (but also isn't lying to Brainy about it, so that's okay). He knows for a fact Night's Kiss isn't, she's looked out for him more than once, and she even helps him when they're at poker nights to know when he's won a round!

Important Life Moments:

Brainy was always one of the dumber gobbos, and always trying to prove you didn't need brains to get the job done! There were PLENTY of other ways to be clever! You just had to play to your strengths! Which is how he figured that since he was stronger than all the other gobbo kids, he could EASILY break into the latest haul from the edges of the world brought back by the Ronin Expeditionary Fleet. He managed to break in just fine, but as he was exploring to find the 'good stuff', he set off some of the automated systems. In a blind panic he grabbed what he could from a pile of apparent junk and hauled ass out of there, but not before having his left arm badly maimed

He managed to get back to his people, but by that time his arm was unsalvagable, too overstrained and having gotten too much crud from the junk he ran off with to be worth saving. So off it went, and the junk he'd planned to sell, turned into his new arm. The first time his arm turned on, ancient source code flooded Brainy's handful of functioning braincells, and his body was turned into a conduit! A few weeks of recovery, the realization that the Ronin Expedition leg breakers were furiously searching for whoever had stolen THEIR stuff, and he hopped the first ship out of port and found himself in Slyth & Jabber, searching for work, and quickly falling into bad company that was eager for his tech abilities to even the playing field for them against their rivals. Rarely was he ever able to connect with anyone, his new found powers, and the fact he often forgot to actually inhale and exhale except to talk, giving the dimwitted gobbo a creepy air.

From this point on Brainy spent time bouncing between a few gangs, often leaving them when he caught onto the fact they saw him as a dumb, tech-heavy weapon they could use, and not a companion. He worked his way along the coastline, heading west, until he eventually ran into Shifty, a goblin from Soon-Bok that instantly recognized Brainy's potential, and made it perfectly clear that he was looking for a business partner. It took a bit to assuage Brainy that Shifty wasn't going to try and use him and leave him like the others had, but Shifty eventually convinced him. Shortly there after they began to work with a Nayaling named Night's Kiss (affectionately called 'Nighty' by Brainy, who said they should call themselves 'Triple Eee' as a team name. He was very disappointed when they shot the idea down) to boost import caravans headed for Slyth & Jabber's war efforts.


"Uh, I dunno Shifty? What are we going to do tonight?"

"Wait... so... the 1 and the 11 are DIFFERENT? Gee Nighty, why'd they just use the same mark then? I thought it was a printer error."

"OOH! OOH! I know this one! This is the part where I explode the corpo tank, beat up the cops, and we make off with the goods right?... wait... no... I wasn't supposed to say that right now was I?"

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