Name: Trish
Age: 28
Race:Trash Gremlin
Zone of Birth:Nazzdack Incorporated
Class:Path of the Stand User Renegade
Current Employment Alignment: Freelancer
Description: height 2'4", weight 25lbs, hair gray pixie cut, eyes yellow, left ear bent/broken in a permanent droop. Clothed better than most trash gremlins, has a sense of actually caring about appearance, wears bright colors, whites, pinks, purples preferred, likes oversized snuggly sweaters the most. Obsessed with cleanliness, wears gloves a LOT. Wears eyeglasses (cheap bulky red frames, raccoons are very nearsighted.) Ears pierced multiple places, drooping ear looks weighted down by the hoops and bars in it. Smiles a lot; looks vaguely threatening due to sharp pointy teeth.
Personality: Constantly stressed but very good at hiding it with smiles and almost manic laughter, Trish doesn't believe herself better than her peers. In fact, the opposite: she wishes she could join them. No trash gremlin WANTS to stay out of trash, none WANT to stay out of trouble, but some are called to do more. Trish got that call, and she wishes she'd hung the fuck up. She tries to hide the stress and anger at her lifestyle situation behind a polite, businesslike act, but both are always there simmering away beneath a chipper, cheerful exterior, and when the pressure finally explodes on some unlucky fool, the sheer amount of it in that tiny body seems to cause widespread destruction when it manifests. Much less when it starts tearing things apart because she can't be arsed to think about things like 'collateral damage' when truly pushed beyond her ability to remain calm and force a smile.
Abilities: Trish's primary abilities that made her a choice for helping run the trash empire are a surprising - for a trash gremlin - ability to focus, which meant she learned abstract concepts like math, money and value more easily than most. She's good with numbers and the spotting of errors, and good at observing people and anticipating them, leading her to be effective at investing the trash empire's funds. That she acts as her own enforcer and security also helps - or at least, helps keep costs down.
Trashpile - Her Stand: a hulking, monstrous thing seemingly made out of random junk, scrap and refuse. How does one explain a relationship with a Stand? Especially when that Stand is just the manifestation of your own seething resentment and frustration with life? She loves it. She hates it. She can't get rid of it.
Pearl - One of the non-trash gremlins who help maintain the trash empire by acting as an agent: someone who can access all the systems and facilities that trash gremlins typically aren't allowed to be part of or in. Like banks, and investment firms. Pearl is a human and the closest thing Trish has to 'a friend,' in that Trish doesn't find her presence intolerable. She is calm, collected, and not in the fake way Trish pretends to be. The issue is that calm comes from the certainty that everything sucks and then you die, an unsettling viewpoint for those with the kind of money Pearl has access to through Trish.
Important Life Moments:
Somebody needed to do the job of dealing with super secret money fraud, laundering, sharking and generally fucking boring things for her people, and not all of them could focus like she could. The trash empire was a joke and she was the punchline, one of few trash gremlins helping keep up with the funds constantly stolen and funneled up to her and her ilk. She hated the work, she hated the job, she hated the need for it all, but there was a need. It was thanks to her and her few peers that security forces were paid off to not try to eradicate her kind, that corporate policies didn't crack down on them too hard. It was thanks to her and her coworkers that the rest of the trash gremlins could steal, could go through the garbage, could come and go, all with only just enough armed resistance to keep excitement levels up, smug thief levels high, and death rates below genocide. Thanks to her being able to smile and be friendly and not let anyone know that just a step up from her was vast wealth and riches that frankly, most trash gremlins would never understand the value of, something that only made it all worse somehow. But Trish could, that made her special, and fucking HELL did she hate being special. The smiles look vaguely threatening because they are. They always are. Just under the politeness and smiles and trying to be soft-spoken and friendly, there is a very angry, very vicious little bitch of a trash gremlin that would chew the fingers off everyone in the room to get at their rings the next time someone tried to pat her if she could do it and keep her position filled.
"Oh look, my pet has a chainsaw this time!"
"There once was a young trash gremlin, who was very happy. She had a real name, she was filthy, she dug through garbage, ate discarded burritos and collected shiny shit and everything. Then that happy trash gremlin had to fucking die so nobody could positively connect her to the clean respectable intelligent trash gremlin that sits behind a desk all day trying very, very hard not to tear your nose off to get that pretty shiny sparkly stud that's sticking out of it."
"Hello, my name is Trish, welcome to Definitely Not A Front, Incorporated, how can I help you?"