
Trinkets, Techs and Treasures for Travellers to Take.

The important thing to adventurers. Not the stuff you can buy in a shop, but the stuff you dig out of an ancient bunker tomb, tear out of the hands of a criminal kingpin, or raid the exec's private stash for. Here you'll find the REAL goodies, the stuff that no one calls mundane, but the real future tech of the New World. From laser swords to portable gateways to the digital realms, you'll find it all in here.

Armors - The stuff that keeps you alive. New World Armor is a thing of beauty, built and designed to keep off railgun shots, kaiju flame, and mutant acid, and make you look damn sexy the entire time. Armor in the current age is often built as much to look good as to protect the wearer, and that's as true for the high end armor as for the mundane stuff. High End Armor uses experimental designs to keep the wearer alive, stuff far beyond simply better materials and shaping, to the stuff that is simply not possible without tech assistance. A lot of it also has a lot of extra bells and whistles built in, things that go beyond simply protecting your junk, to letting you shoot laser beams out of your junk!

Sodas - While you can buy any dime a dozen carbonated beverages from any street corner vending machine, every adventurer swears by their sodas. They might be in two liter bottles, or in tall cans, but the high end sodas of the New World pack a punch. Companies lace them with all kinds of drugs and medicines, some of them do it to make them addictive, and others do it for the market value in strange and esoteric effects. Still others never intended to do anything useful at all but hey, stuff enough additives in and it'll cause funky shit to happen! A good adventurer knows his soda's, and which brands will keep him in the game.

Keyrings - Keyrings, and especially the charms folks hang from them, are the real deal important shit. Few things are as important to people as the thing that holds their keys, no keys means no getting into your habicube, or into your store, or sometimes even across the tower. Keys aren't always tiny metal toothed sticks either, sometimes they're fobs, or cards. Given people always keep them around, a lot of folks have focused on getting useful, tiny effects that can hang off of them.

Peripherals - There's a ton of devices that are meant to work quick and fast and off of other stuff. Peripherals are that. They boot off of your cybernetic's power, or your weapons, or your cyberdeck, some of them are just neat little accessories, all of them are charged with tech. Most peripherals, due to their small and delicate construction, can only be used so much before their internal power supplies rundown and they have to spend time replenishing them, but that same delicate construction can lead to burn out and overloads, destroying the peripheral if it is pushed too far too fast. A few are well made, and will keep truckin' regardless of what you put them through, such peripherals are to be cherished and protected, the tiny, portable miracle workers that they are. Peripherals are especially favored by techwizards, source coders, and streamers for their ability to be used as techcasting foci.

Burners - Small memory storage devices little bigger than one's outstretched palm and fingers. These devices store the components, programming, and nanotech necessary to flash-fabricate a singular tech. Because they store the limited energies and supplies of techcasters for a later date, they are much beloved by adventurers as a method of storing up their techs for a later date, or selling for use by others.

Weapons - If there's one thing the new world doesn't lack, it's ways to kill people. High End Weapons are in particular demand, their efficacy in putting down everything from corpo-cop hit squads to tarantuline mutant threats means that everybody wants one, and there's usually not enough to go around of the really good ones. Made from exotic materials, built with futuristic methods, and charged with advanced tech, these things will level any playing field. They're worth killing for, and often, they change hands in bloody ways.

Gizmos - The future is weird! High End technical items are all over the place, and a lot of them don't fit into the neat boxes discussed already. They're useful, incredibly so, but they're not as easy to use as peripherals. The can be dangerous, but it's a rare gizmo that was made directly for inflicting harm. They can be worn, but often they're not good for stopping bullets on their own. Gizmos are the grab bad of the high end world, what people call things that don't neatly fit into any other category.

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