Small memory storage devices little bigger than one's outstretched palm and fingers. These devices store the components, programming, and nanotech necessary to flash-fabricate a singular tech. Because they store the limited energies and supplies of techcasters for a later date, they are much beloved by adventurers as a method of storing up their techs for a later date, or selling for use by others.
Tech Burner
Burner, varies
A tech burner bears the codes and nanomachines of a single tech,
encoded in
a quantum cipher. If
the tech is on your class's tech list, you can run the burner and cast its tech without providing any
material components. Otherwise, the burner is unintelligible. Casting the tech by running the burner
requires the tech's normal casting time. Once the tech is cast, the components in the burner fail, and
it crumbles to dust. If the casting is interrupted, the burner is not lost.
If the burn is on your
class's tech list but of a higher level than you can normally cast, you must make an ability check
using your techcasting ability to determine whether you cast it successfully. The DC equals 10 + the
tech's level. On a failed check, the tech disappears from the burner with no other effect.
level of the tech on the burner determines the spell's saving throw DC and attack bonus, as well as
the burner's rarity, as shown in the Tech Burner table.
Tech Level | Rarity | Save DC | Attack Bonus
Trick | Common | 13 | +5
1st | Common | 13 | +5
2nd | Uncommon | 13 | +5
3rd | Uncommon | 15 | +7
4th | Rare | 15 | +7
5th | Rare | 17 | +9
6th | Very rare | 17 | +9
7th | Very rare | 18 | +10
8th | Very rare | 18 | +10
9th | Legendary | 19 | +11
A techwizard tech on a tech burner can be copied just as techs in cyberdecks can be copied. When a tech is copied from a tech burner, the copier must succeed on an Intelligence (Technology) check with a DC equal to 10 + the tech's level. If the check succeeds, the tech is successfully copied. Whether the check succeeds or fails, the tech burner is destroyed.