High End Armor

Keeping you alive, come what may.

The stuff that keeps you alive. New World Armor is a thing of beauty, built and designed to keep off railgun shots, kaiju flame, and mutant acid, and make you look damn sexy the entire time. Armor in the current age is often built as much to look good as to protect the wearer, and that's as true for the high end armor as for the mundane stuff. High End Armor uses experimental designs to keep the wearer alive, stuff far beyond simply better materials and shaping, to the stuff that is simply not possible without tech assistance. A lot of it also has a lot of extra bells and whistles built in, things that go beyond simply protecting your junk, to letting you shoot laser beams out of your junk!


Armor +1, +2, or +3
Armor (light, medium, or heavy), rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary(+ 3)

You have a bonus to AC while wearing this armor. The bonus is determined by its rarity.

+1 Armor is generally fabricated not just of special materials, but in special ways, distributing impacts or blows more widely to absorb shock, or having prearranged collapse points that plastic material and composites will then return to their original shape.
+2 Armor often incorporates more directly potent machine based solutions, whether it be reaction boosters, or internal trauma reactions that heal harm at the moment of impact.
+3 Armor functions off of exotic and advanced principles, from direct energy field projection, to personal point-defense arrays to intercept and block incoming attacks.

Nano-Weave Armor
Armor, Uncommon.

Nano-weave armor is a miracle of modern engineering, that makes a medium or heavy suit of metallic armor conform to the wearer's body in such a way as to mitigate the penalties such a suit would normally impose, without compromising its protection, allowing those with low strength to carry it with ease.

If the armor normally imposes disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks or has a Strength requirement, the nano-weave version of the armor doesn't

Adamantite-Woven Armor

Armor (medium or heavy, but not leather), Uncommon

This suit of armor is interwoven with adamantite fibers, one of the most resistive in existence. While you're wearing it, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit.

Applicable Armor:

Name | Type | AC | Strength | Stealth

Plastinium | Medium | 13+DEX mod (max 2) | __ | __

Nanoprene | Medium | 14+DEX mod (max 2) | __ | disadvantage

Composite | Medium | 14+DEX mod (max 2) | __ | __

Newtonium | Medium | 15+DEX mod (max 2) | __ | disadvantage

Polycarbon | Heavy | 14 | __ | disadvantage

Ceramiron | Heavy | 16 | 13 | disadvantage

Fullerene | Heavy | 17 | 15 | disadvantage

Polysteel | Heavy | 18 | 15 | disadvantage

Neko Keyhole Underwear

Uncommon, Light (Nano film), 0.3 pounds

This lightweight set of undies tease with a cat head shaped keyhole over the breasts and ass crack, complete with a cat ear head band, clip on tail, and super soft paw gloves and thigh high cat socks.

This counts as +1 armor, and a creature wearing this armor has a +2 to Persuasion (Charisma) checks regarding sex.

Uncommon, Light Armor (Nanofilm)

This incredibly form fitting, wet-suit like outfit covers the whole body while accentuating what the wearer has. It is rather comfortable, and was said to was once been used by people who had to pilot weird mechs before the world got messed up.

When wearing a plugsuit, a creature has advantage on Hacking and Vehicle checks, as the suit allows near instant feedback.

Cool Leather Jacket, Rare Rarity, $$7500
Leather Armor, 12 + Dex modifier (max. 2) 1 lb.

Damn. That's a cool jacket.

While wearing this cool-ass jacket you gain +2 to all Charisma rolls, attacks and saving throws.

Elven Drip, Rare Rarity, $$10,000
Plastinium Armour, 13 + Dex modifier (max. 2) 2 lb

A shiny, vacuum sealed second skin, used primarily to look sexy as hell while still protecting the user.

You gain a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armour. You're considered proficient with this armour even if you lack proficiency with medium armour.

Jerboan Duster Armor
Armor (Polysteel), Very Rare (requires installation by Jerboan)

Made by the hardy Jerboans, such armor is very rare and smelted at great expense from materials salvaged from desert ruins or from corporate caravans and raiding parties. It is often passed down in family lines and heavily decorated with sick spray-art of the deeds of the wears of the armor. In addition to being rugged and fully capable of shrugging off blows capable of laying low tanks, the armor is specially designed to give the wearer traction in the dunes of the great desert, whether from the shifting sands, or being blown back by a Sand Storm, or Duster as Jerboan's calls them.

While wearing this armor, you gain a +2 bonus to AC. In addition, if an effect moves you against your will along the ground, you can use your reaction to reduce the distance you are moved by up to 10 feet.

Sentai Squad Armor
Armor, very rare (installation)

The control nodes for this color-coded power armor must be installed at precise points in the wearer's body. When they are activated, the wearer takes a dynamic pose and calls out the catchphrase associated with their sentai squad. The armor then unfolds from subdimensional space, locking into place on their body.

While wearing this medium power armor, your AC is (15 + Dex modifier), and you have advantage on saving throws against fear-based effects and against area-effect attacks associated with your armor's color. You have resistance to one damage type determined by your armor's color.

* Armor Colors and Damage Types: Black (Entropic), Blue (Lightning), Green (Poison), Pink (Software), Red (Fire), White (Cold), Yellow (Acid)


Shield +1, +2, or +3
Armor (shield), uncommon (+1), rare (+2), or very rare (+3)

While holding this shield, you have a bonus to AC determined by the shield's rarity. This bonus is in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC.

+1 Shields are generally made from advanced materials and use advanced, AI designed shapes, better able to withstand force and trauma and redirect it.
+2 Shields often contain internal mechanical components, flexors and shock absorbance tools that store the energy and send it back more forcefully to deflect blows.
+3 Shields use incredibly advanced technology, such as energy projectors, gravitic distortions, and digitization storage to redirect and store incoming energy from blows.

Ballistic Drone
Armor (shield), Rare (requires installation)

While holding this shield, you can speak its activation phrase as a bonus action to cause it to activate. The shield leaps into the air and hovers in your space to protect you as if you were wielding it, leaving your hands free. The shield remains active for 1 minute, until you use a bonus action to end this effect, or until you are incapacitated or die, at which point the shield falls to the ground or into your hand if you have one free.

This shield is made from plastic or metal and is carried in one hand. Wielding this shield increases your Armor Class by 1. You can benefit from only one shield at a time.

Magnetic Shield
Armor (shield), Rare (installation)

You gain a +2 bonus to AC against ranged attacks while you wield this shield. This bonus is in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC. In addition, whenever an attacker makes a ranged attack against a target within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to become the target of the attack instead.

Riot Drone
Armor (shield), Very Rare (requires installation)

While holding this shield, you can speak its activation phrase as a bonus action to cause it to activate. The shield leaps into the air and hovers in your space to protect you as if you were wielding it, leaving your hands free. The shield remains active for 1 minute, until you use a bonus action to end this effect, or until you are incapacitated or die, at which point the shield falls to the ground or into your hand if you have one free.

This shield is made from plastic or metal and is carried in one hand. Wielding this shield increases your Armor Class by 2. You can benefit from only one shield at a time.

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