
Premium Combat Beverages for the Carbonation Inclined

While you can buy any dime a dozen carbonated beverages from any street corner vending machine, every adventurer swears by their sodas. They might be in two liter bottles, or in tall cans, but the high end sodas of the New World pack a punch. Companies lace them with all kinds of drugs and medicines, some of them do it to make them addictive, and others do it for the market value in strange and esoteric effects. Still others never intended to do anything useful at all but hey, stuff enough additives in and it'll cause funky shit to happen! A good adventurer knows his soda's, and which brands will keep him in the game.

Nanobot Cola, Soda, Common, $$5000-100000

Nothing like a refreshing can of Nanobot Cola to patch yourself up! A smooth, classic taste fortified with all the nanobots a developing body needs. When drunk, a creature regains 2d4+2 HP.

Cherrybot Cola, Soda, Uncommon, $$10100-50000

The Nanobot Cola you love, now with a delicious cherry twist and extra fortified with extra nanobots. When drunk, a creature regains 4d4+4 HP

Limebot Cola, Soda, Rare, $$50100-500000

The Nanobot Cola you love, now with a zesty splash of lime and with double the nanobot fortification. When drunk, a creature regains 8d4+8 HP.

Black Label Reserve Nanobot Cola, Soda, Very Rare, $$500100-5000000

Made using only the highest quality ingredients and the strongest nanobots, this ultra-smooth limited-batch luxury cola puts all other health restoring soda-pops to shame. When drunk, a creature regains 10d4+20 HP.

Expired Cola, Soda, Uncommon, $$10100-50000

What looks like a normal can of cola is actually a poisonous expired sludge. The tech Analyse Anomaly will reveal its true nature. If you drink it, you take 3d6 poison damage, and you must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned. At the start of each of your turns while you are poisoned in this way, you take 3d6 poison damage. At the end of each of your turns, you can repeat the saving throw. On a successful save, the poison damage you take on your subsequent turns decreases by 1d6. The poison ends when the damage decreases to 0.

Lionheart Special Roast, Soda, Very Rare, $$500100-5000000

Brewed to perfection, Lionheart Special Roast is the ultra-premium coffee that's sure to make your day a perfect day! When you drink this potion, it removes any exhaustion you are suffering and cures any disease or poison affecting you. For the next 24 hours, you regain the maximum number of hit points for any Hit Die you spend.

Innsmouth Sparkling Water, Soda, Uncommon, $$10100-50000

This stuff has a bit of a slimy texture, but it couldn't hurt to at least try it... right? Right. When drunk, a creature can breathe underwater for 1 hour.

ELF's Tears, Soda, Very Rare, $$500100-5000000

It's not really ELF's tears, but the marketing certainly doesn't lie about its youth restoring effects! When you drink this potion, your physical age is reduced by 1d6 + 6 years, to a minimum of 13 years. Each time you subsequently drink ELF's Tears, there is 10 percent cumulative chance that you instead age by 1d6 + 6 years.

Mind-Jack, Soda, Rare, $$50100-500000

The corpo executive's worst nightmare. See the secrets they don't want you to see with this psychedelic drink. When you drink this soda, you gain the Effect of the Detect Thoughts spell (save DC 13).

Resist-ade, Soda, Uncommon, $$10100-50000

A crisp line of gourmet lemonades that tastes great and helps you prepare for the worst. When drunk, gain resistance to one type of damage for one hour. The DM chooses the damage type.

Overdrive Energy Drink, Soda, Very Rare, $$500100-5000000

The most caffeine. The most nitrous flavor. The most speed. Overdrive Energy. Accept no substitutes. When drunk, a creature gains the effect of the Overdrive tech (no concentration required).

Kaiju Energy Drink, Soda, Uncommon, $$10100-50000

Tired of being overlooked and underestimated just because you were born smaller than everyone else? One can of this will make your enemies look like ants! When you drink this soda, you gain the "enlarge" Effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1d4 hours (no Concentration required).

Lionheart Coffee, Soda, Rare, $$50100-500000

Got fatigue after a long day of work or a long night of sex? Lionheart Coffee to the Rescue! For 1 hour after drinking it, you gain 10 temporary Hit Points that last for 1 hour. For the same Duration, you are under the Effect of the #Bless spell (no Concentration required).

Ghostly Guzzle, Soda, Very Rare, $$500100-5000000

The corpo secret agent's best friend. Slip by undetected with this nanobot infused brew that cloaks your every move. When you drink it, you become Invisible for 1 hour. Anything you wear or carry is Invisible with you. The Effect ends early if you Attack or Cast a tech.

Iron Dew, Soda, Rare, $$50100-500000

Do you envy the durable chassis of your Remake or Artificiate buddies? Terrified of being killed at any moment? It's time for a bit of the old Iron Dew. For 1 minute after you drink this soda, you have Resistance to all damage.

Mountain Schnutz, Soda, Common, $$5000-10000

From the makers of Red Schnutz Energy, comes a refreshing citrus cocktail that'll make your fingers absolutely jacked! When you drink this soda, you gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour. During this time, you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks you make to climb.

Mini-Mix, Soda, Rare, $$50100-500000

Such a tiny can packs a big fruity punch? You won't believe it until you try it! When you drink this soda, you gain the "reduce" Effect of the enlarge/reduce tech for 1d4 hours (no Concentration required).

Icarus Twist, Soda, Very Rare, $$500100-5000000

This lusciously light lemon-lime liquid laughs at landlocked losers and lifts you into the loftiest of latitudes! When you drink this soda, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour and can hover. If you're in the air when the potion wears off, you fall unless you have some other means of staying aloft.

Rose-hip Ice Tea, Soda, Uncommon, $$10100-50000

This Valentine's Day, give the object of your affections the gift that says "Fuck me over the counter right now, you animal!" The next creature you see within 10 minutes after drinking this, you become charmed by for 1 hour. If the creature is of a species and gender you are normally attracted to, you regard it as your true love while you are charmed.

Alpha Milk, Soda, Uncommon, $$10100-50000

This special blend of pasteurized whole milks has been mixed to provide you with the animal magnetism you need to tame the world! When you drink this milk soda, you can cast the Alpha tech (save DC 13) for 1 hour at will.

The All-Seeing Soda, Soda, Rare, $$50100-500000

Despite its odd, carrot-y flavor, this soda is one of the more refreshing on the market. When you drink this soda, you gain the Effect of the Stealth Drone tech.

Sparkling Nanite Water, Soda, Rare, $$50100-500000

Finally, a sparkling water that makes the bitter taste actually worth suffering through! When you drink this soda, you gain the Effect of the Nanite Conversion tech for 1 hour (no Concentration required) or until you end the Effect as a Bonus Action.

Mortician Pepper, Soda, Uncommon, $$10100-50000

Made with pure capsaicin extracted from ghost peppers, and a splash of tequila for that extra kick! When drunk, you can use a bonus action to exhale fire at a target within 30 feet of you. The target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The effect ends after you exhale the fire three times or when 1 hour has passed.

Panace-ale, Soda, Rare, $$50100-500000

From the makers of Nanobot Cola comes the fortified ginger ale that "Cures what ails ya!" When drunk, it cures any disease; removes blinded, deafened, paralyzed, and poisoned conditions.

Red Schnutz Prototype Recipe, Soda, Legendary $$750100-7500000

An energy drink so potent, it was deemed unfit for public consumption. The Red Schnutz fan community covet this recipe and will do anything for an unabridged copy. When drunk, your strength score increases to 29 for 1 hour.

Red Schnutz Cotton Candy Flavor, Soda, Very Rare $$500100-5000000

An energy drink that comes in a skinny can and makes you feel jacked! Now in limited edition cotton candy flavor! When drunk, your strength score increases to 27 for 1 hour.

Red Schnutz Strawberry-Jalapeño Flavor, Soda, Rare $$50100-500000

An energy drink that comes in a skinny can and makes you feel mondo jacked! Now in a bold strawberry-jalapeño flavor! When drunk, your strength score increases to 25 for 1 hour.

Red Schnutz Cool Blue-Balls Flavor, Soda, Rare $$50100-500000

An energy drink that comes in a skinny can and makes you feel super jacked! Now in a delicious berry flavor! When drunk, your strength score increases to 23 for 1 hour.

Red Schnutz Energy Drink, Soda, Uncommon $$10100-50000

An energy drink that comes in a skinny can and makes you feel jacked enough to deadlift a car! When drunk, your strength score increases to 21 for 1 hour.

Imba Double XL, Soda, Very Rare $$500100-5000000

Almost every soda company has their own EXTREME drink that's pumped full of enough caffeine and sugar to jack up even the couchiest of couch potatoes into the heart rate range of a meth-addicted hummingbird, and Imba Double XL is the extremest. When you guzzle down this soda, for the next minute you gain the following benefits:

* Double your base speed

* +2 to AC

* Advantage on Dexterity saving throws

* You gain an additional action on your turn that can only be used to Attack, Dash, Engage, Hide, or Use and Object

When the soda's effect wears off, you cannot move or take actions until after your next turn as a wave of lethargy sweeps over you.

Most versions of this drink are some shade of neon green or shockingly bright red.

Horny Juice
Rare soda, $750

When consumed by a humanoid, this juice initially causes a mild increase in the body temperature of the imbiber.

Over the next 24 hours, a random type of horn(s) will rapidly grow from their head. To determine what type of horn grows, roll 1d4 and consult the table below.

Alternatively, the DM may choose at their own discretion.

Horn Table:

Die Result | Horn Type

1 | Bovine

2 | Ram

3 | Antler

4 | Unicorn

This item has no effect on artificates or remakes.

Sensory Liminal Upload/Download Gene Effector (S.L.U.D.G.E.)
Soda, Common, $$100

The bioelectric aminotic fluid used to fill sense tanks. This is priced for the amount necessary to supply a single sense tank. Most storage mediums contain a cleaning routine for the fluid, allowing it to be used multiple times safely, and will last a user a full year before requiring replenishment. Habicubes built into megacity towers have access to this fluid in the same way that they do water, ventilation, and electricity and do not have to purchase it separately, instead it is supplied as part of their Telecom Service Provider contract (represented by lifestyle costs).

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