Lavender Haze

Name: Lavender Haze

Age: 23


Zone of Birth: Mi Genna

Class:Home of the HackerShut-in /BiochemistMechanist multiclass

Current Employment Alignment: Rebel

Description: Co-Host of 'the dankest idea of all time' podcast, where she and another biochemists take a whole year to iterate and improve a new drug, each episode they take said drug and describe how they feel. Usually it makes them wanna bone, but what can you do. The fact that the podcast is banned in four countries is of no consequence to it's popularity, and it's rated the number one two-host drug synthesizing pornographic podcast in the world, a genre that is suprisingly not niche enough. Lavender has a legion of fans, and even made a killing off of 'druggie nayaling girldick musk'.

Personality: If 'drugged out of their mind' was like a clock you could turn back, they would have circled the clock three times, so drugged out that they almost have a 6th sense, and transcended. Nobody knows what things Lavender is capable of doing, least of all herself, and her mind makes so many rapid fire connections in the blink of an eye that she rarely is suprised by anything, so hyperaware that she becomes laid back, understanding that whatever happens, happens.

Abilities: Lavender Haze has a literal haze of partially manifested digital aphrodisiac surrounding them at all times, she is in essence a one woman horny gas. Thankfully, her experimentations in semi-real semi-virtual drugs let her dampen this ability, though not fully. In part thanks to her years spent podcasting she has a soothing voice that helps people relax, the other benefit of podcasting is an encyclopedia of near-useless drug facts, were she not a manufacturer of heavily modified paraphanalia.


Robin Gladhands - Lavender is the #1 Robin Gladhands simp

Madeleine "Mama" Rie - the CEO of bimbos is aware of Lavender, and hopes to use Lavender's strange drug fueled aura for her own ends. Lavender's own lack of interest in having boobs has proved agonizingly frustrating in mama's plans.

Podcasting Nemesis - bitter rivals of 'my clone, my clone, and me'

Important Life Moments:

Lavender first caught the public eye by flooding the markets with enough safe and effective estradiol and T-shots to make drug-based transition dirt cheap, toppling one of the so-called to big to fail companies that leveraged such medications and unintentionally providing a suitable foothold for Madeleine "Mama" Rie to become an even more imposing figure.

Her second venture was the often mocked 'venmo but for tiddy', a failed app that let people send unwanted genetalia and sexual characteristics, something that the CEOs of the world all tried their hardest to make fail, as pro-bono donations of boobs which, while insane, if it worked would be devastating to the hypersexual world the higher ups prey on.

The last great thing most people know Lavender for, both in admiration and derision, is starting the I Hate Radio Podcast Award orgy. The orgy lasted months, a record for anarcho-cummunist orgies, and the sprawling of the bodies in the aftermath left more rebels than any orgy before it. Unfortunately, Lavender caught a case of a bad trip, and instead spent the entire orgy making truly nonsensical memes and posting them all over social media. Some say that this was a planned manuever to prevent the orgy from burning out too fast, but others who know her well know that this is too regular an occurrence even in more casual orgies to be a planned outcome


"Don't do this drug." -sign off at the end of every podcast episode

"We asked, 'can we make the sensation of triple paizuri?' and not 'should we?' That's because 'should we?' is a stupid question, who doesn't want the feeling of three bitches on your dick at once?"

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