Name: Dula Arc
Age: %ERR%DATA_OVERFLOW(6969 years)
Race:NetsuckerStreet ELF
Zone of Birth: Lost Megacity Wallachia, Schwebenwagen Hover Industries
Class:Neuromancer Source-Coder
Current Employment Alignment: Corporate
Description: Dula is one of the oldest netsuckers, it is believed that she was the former CEO of Wallachia. She still prowls the domain of the lost megacity, terrorizing any who would venture into it.
Personality: Dula Arc is as ruthless and as cunning as they come, the shadow of terror she casts over Wallachia can almost be felt in the air, as any wrong turn could lead you closer and closer to her. Though she rarely chats with her prey, she can be bargained with, and anyone that suitably impresses her might find themselves either her thrall or a charmed servant
Abilities: Dula Arc is no mere Netsucker, and her unique relationship to the virus is reflected in what she can do with it. The virus itself grants her an incredible knowledge of the layout and design of Wallachia, as well as the ability to see through cameras that are still active, or become activated again. In addition, she has some technical skills relating to Surveillance, Software, and Entertainment. Her strain of the Netsucker Virus in particular causes many unexplainable anomalies, including calling forth unique hacked that possess rampant hazards.
Modern Netsuckers - Long ago, Dula infected herself with what would adapt into the Netsucker virus. As such, the netsuckers today can all technically trace their heritage back to her, although the specific differences between Dula's virus and the modern virus separate the two, and ensure that she is unaware of their dirty secrets via the virus.
Vanessa - Unknown to either of them, Dula and Vanessa are actually archenemies. Through a series of misunderstandings, Dula and Vanessa are both hunting each other, yet as they have met before on amicable terms they do not realize it. Dula is under the impression that Vanessa is merely an amicable thrall, one that provides much better conversation than others, while Vanessa assumes Dula is another vampire slayer in the area. Whenever they meet, they usually have a nice chat and then go on their merry way, hunting for each other yet again.
Important Life Moments:
Dula Arc was once a simple ELF, before she wandered into the deep below of Wallachia. There, she uncovered a plot to infect the employees of the megacity with a virus that both enhanced their capabilities while also blackmailing them. Dula stole the virus, modifying it and infecting herself with the virus before spreading it throughout the city, causing mass chaos.
"It was not by my hand that I am once again drowning in bussy. I was brought here by femboys who wish to pay me tribute."
"Denn die lustvollen reisen schnell."
"How blessed are some people, whose lives have no fears, no dreads; to whom sleep is a blessing that cums nightly, and brings nothing but wet dreams!"