Gideon Grundy

Name: Gideon Grundy

Age: 85

Race:Executive Elf

Zone of Birth: Nazzdack Incorporated

Class:Clause of the TyrantEnforcer

Current Employment Alignment: Corporate

Description: Gideon is a masculine-built man of average height and build, though beyond that his physical characteristics are mostly a mystery. He has never been seen publicly without his signature gas mask, a hooded polythread trench coat further obscuring his features. Gideon exclusively dresses in the finest clothes his lofty position affords him, favoring bespoke PiĆ¹ Bello suits and handcrafted Suashi Platinum ties.

Personality: Gideon is charming, calculated, and completely amoral, a cold-hearted corporate blade with little to no concern about the consequences of his missions or methods. Famously unsubtle, Gideon is a firm believer in both preemptive retaliation and non-proportional responses, frequently pushing the line of his semi-sanctioned status to leave smoldering wrecks where his targets once were.

Abilities: A skilled frontline combatant and complete scumbag powergamer, years of conflict have honed Gideon's swordsmanship and tech savvy to a razor's edge. Eschewing over the top dramatics, Gideon holds near religious reverence for the fist to the gut, the boot on the throat and the head planted on a spike. What his style lacks in obvious theatrics it makes up for with shocking overkill, a trait which only bolsters the frightening reputation of Avalanche.


The Avalanche Hit Squad - Keeping a collection of highly skilled sociopaths working as a cohesive team is no small feat, but Gideon has kept the deadly pieces of his murder machine well-oiled and purring for over five years. Using a combination of professionalism, generous compensation, and an unbroken stream of brutal victories, Gideon maintains the deep respect, if not the love, of those few talented enough to follow him into battle.

Important Life Moments:

Once merely a field agent cog in the corporate machine of intrigue and skullduggery, Gideon looked out at the vicious world of Nazzdack Incorporated and thought: is this truly the best way? As the elf bore witness to the ugly little lives of the Nazzdack populous, to the criminality that burst through the cracks of corporate rule, he knew that there must be another option. These people were oppressed, sure, but that didn't mean there wasn't room for a little innovation in the field of violent tyranny. Gideon seized upon this opportunity, and soon after Avalanche was born.

On paper, Avalanche is a peacekeeping organization, effectively the special tactics team of Nazzdack's corporate police force. In practice, Avalanche is an execution squad. The cruel nature of life under byzantine corporate law means almost any act can be construed as illegal, and therefore any act can be twisted into a crime legally punishable by Avalanche.

Typically directed against gangs that have grown too bold or corporate subsidiaries that have proven unreliable, Gideon utilizes little of the subtly favored by most field agents. An Avalanche hit is always announced by a simple message on the surprisingly mundane squad home page, a quick series of bullet points outlining a name, a date, and the now infamous hashtag #WeAreComingToKillYou. At first seen as a silly affectation by his handlers, Gideon and Avalanche have proven the value of the Kill Call time and time again. Because while the knife in the dark is feared, true fear is the blade slowly approaching from the end of the hall, the blade you know is coming, know you cannot escape, and know is going to kill you.

Historically around seventy percent of a target organization flees within the first few minutes of a new Kill Call posting, leaving Avalanche free to slaughter the terrified remaining few and mop up the deserters at their leisure. The continued efficacy of this simple yet brutal method has insured Avalanche's stable existence even within the notoriously unstable world of Nazzdack corporate structure, as well as earning Gideon the title of Junior Vice President of Community Outreach.

And so Gideon continues to innovate in the field of corporate oppression, finding newer and better ways to squeeze a little extra terror out of a populous that more short-sighted observers would have sworn was already wrung dry.


"Once they're afraid of me, I've already killed their spirit. And I hate to leave a job half-finished."

"Once you've put someone on their back, never let them up again. I don't believe in second chances or living foes."


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