Name: Inglebert "Galaxy Brain" Delgado
Age: 28
Zone of Birth: Nazzdack Incorporated
Class:Insurance AdjusterTechwizard
Current Employment Alignment: Corporate
Description: Galaxy Brain is a tall, masculine-build remake, his polished black polysteel body and unblemished Moderne White faceplate all top-shelf premium. He typically favors a fur-mantled, Avalanche-branded jacket alongside tight pencil-pants and combat boots, his vaguely punk-rock affectations immediately undercut by the uniformly obscene price tag of his street-tough cosplay. He keeps a bleeding-edge specced cyberdeck with him at all times, usually tucked in a case at his side and almost always actively downloading the sort of Dark Web-hosted Hentai Island porn that gets you immediately burned at the stake.
Personality: A spoiled corpo brat's mind digitized into a functionally immortal remake body, Galaxy Brain is living his best life. Loud, hedonistic, and utterly unacquainted with the concept of "restraint", he is the member of Avalanche most likely to flaunt and take advantage of his celebrity status. A frequent sight in Nazzdack dirt shirts and gossip rags, Galaxy Brain's wanton and very public indulgences declare loud and clear that he and any other member of Avalanche are completely immune from all potential reprisals. So far, he hasn't been wrong.
Abilities: A tech savant even before his rebirth as a remake gave him new insight into the nature of technology, there are few individuals in the New World as skilled at ablative defenses and countertech as Galaxy Brain. Fueled as much by his own deep-seeded need to avoid discomfort as by any interest in protecting his team, his abilities nevertheless make Galaxy Brain the special ingredient that allows Avalanche to pull off their daring head-on assaults.
The Avalanche Hit Squad - Galaxy Brain is the most openly enthusiastic out of all of his cohorts about his membership in Avalanche, even its leader Gideon Grundy. Ultimately seeing the group as just another in a long line of organizations dedicated to serving his whims, Galaxy Brain is completely dedicated to Avalanche as long as it continues to facilitate his life of unrestrained bacchanalia and consequence-free murder. Ultimately, however, everyone knows that Galaxy Brain's true loyalty only lies with Galaxy Brain. Not that the remake is capable of conceiving of anything that might be wrong with that.
Important Life Moments:
Born the eleventh son to a highly placed Nazzdack executive, Inglebert Delgado was a frail boy fortunate enough to be dropped into a position of unthinkable privilege.His father's career proved to be remarkably sturdy for the infamously cutthroat world of Nazzdack Incorporated, and so frail young Inglebert grew to be frail adult Inglebert, completely convinced of the permanence of his position as he lived a life of easy comfort, idle study, and unearned sex. It wasn't until the day that his elderly father was found dead in his study that Inglebert came to a horrifying realization: rich people sometimes die, too.
Without missing a step, Inglebert immediately traded in his feeble flesh for eight feet of polysteel, leaving behind weak little Inglebert and formally adopting his Dark Web handle of Galaxy Brain. Freshly re-convinced of his immortality, Galaxy Brain quickly parlayed his connections within Nazzdack corporate to secure a position with the Avalanche Hit Squad, one of the assets formerly managed by his late father. Supremely talented in spite of being a nepotism assignment, Galaxy Brain is content to while away the days and wait to be awarded the position of Team Leader that is his by birthright. In truth, if there is a weak link within the polysteel chain that is Avalanche, it's Galaxy Brain. And he's the only member of the team who doesn't know it.
"The f-The FUCK are you doing, spilling your drink on my coat!? Do you know how expensive this is!? Do you have any idea who I am!? I'm in fuckin' Avalanche, bitch!"
"Whoever's on my wireless, I just fried your deck. Keep that network fucking clear, okay? That channel is for downloading stepmom porn only."
"Fuck'm. It's a sin to be poor, right?"