Name: Bob
Age: 68
Race: Nimble-36 Remake
Zone of Birth: Ur-Um Wines and Spirits
Current Employment Alignment: Freelancer
Description: Bob is a remake who's height, due to the shape of his legs, shifts between 177 and 202cm. His lithe frame is deceptively sturdy, with bare hydraulics and wires visible in and around his chassis.
His head consists of a streamlined case, on the front of which is a single red ocular and a small rangefinder.
He carries nothing but an old single-action rifle and a raggedy cloak.
Personality: Bob carries with himself a calm wisdom that only comes from a long life of taking the ups with the many downs and getting on with it.
Despite looking like a faceless robot, he has a warm disposition when off the job and tries hard to get along with everyone he meets.
The process of transferring his mind to a robotic body was done using pirated software, which led to a glitch in his memory occasionally causing him to forget that he is a Remake.
He has accepted these errors as a part of life and takes them in his stride, jokingly referring to them as "senior moments."
Abilities: Since being remade, Bob has undergone a few upgrades. His legs let him to move much faster, and his single ocular affords him excellent vision.
When combined with his skill with a rifle, he makes for an excellent sniper, able to fire and quickly reposition with ease.
Luiza Griffiths - The mechanic responsible for the construction of his robotic body. Bob still keeps in contact with her and sends her new equipment as thanks for saving his life.
Genstem Enhancements - Bob's hometown is a tightly-knit community who he is eternally grateful to. Despite being repeatedly asked him not to, he kept sending them so much money that they eventually had to blacklist his account.
Important Life Moments:
Born and raised in Ur-Um Wines and Spirits, Bob lived a simple life in the small nowhere-town of Genstem Enhancements, working as their beloved deputy sheriff. Crime in the area was sparse, so his job never demanded anything more than a brisk jog from him, making his days very boring.
On one of these days, while patrolling the vats in the north of the town, Bob heard the sound of many heavy footsteps on the catwalk above him. Finding this suspicious, he began to follow the noise. This was a mistake.
As he rounded the corner, Bob was faced with over a dozen hacked shambling his way. He turned to run and they gave chase, barging into him and bowling him through the guardrail and down to the ground below.
The next thing Bob remembers is waking with a start in the local repair shed. He felt fine. In fact, he felt more than fine. His joints weren't aching and his eyesight was clearer than it had ever been. It only dawned to him that something was off when he tried to stand, only to find he was hooked onto a makeshift charging rack.
His confused panic attracted the attention of the town's mechanic, who explained that he had been found half-dead 7 years ago and was rushed to the local medical center. Apparently there was no way to recover from the injuries he had sustained, so the town banded together and built him a new body from what little parts they could afford.
One bonus of him being dead for a while was that his contract had expired, freeing him to go and live as he pleased. Making good use of his weapons training and people skills, as well as his significantly less degraded body, he has taken well to the freelanceing life. There's still the mystery of what those hacked were doing in Genstem, but Bob has a feels like whatever the reason is, it'll be beyond him for a long time.
"You seen my glasses anywhere? I swear, I'd forget my head if it wasn't screwed on."
"Got any cable-ties? My arm keeps snaggin' on stuff."
"Lookin' pretty fancy with all them doodads on you! Don't reckon I could have that much trust in technology myself."