Alik Reddy

Name: Alik Reddy

Age: 24

Race:Street ELF

Zone of Birth: Freemen Commune

Class:Nexus ModderTechwizard

Current Employment Alignment: Freelancer

Description: Alik is a young man of Eurasian descent. He has long red hair, a slight build and small stature. He wears little more than a pair of large baggy shorts to cover his lower half, which are held in place at the top by a length of rope, while the hems are held in place by a pair of knee-pads. He keeps a tattered sheet of cloth tucked into the back of his makeshift belt. His feet are protected only by a pair of old sandals and his face is covered by a theatrical cat mask. Both of his arms are augments which are designed to supplement his otherwise meager physical strength. The right one also contains a techcasting focus. He keeps most of his belongings in a dusty leather backpack, barring his "magic pokin' stick" which he holds at all times.

Personality: Alik is the kind of person who always seems to be able to pull a silver lining out of somewhere. While most people welcome his infectious sunny disposition, those with a more no-nonsense attitude tend to find him extremely irritating, as the methods he uses to plan and problem-solve are, more often than not, rife with logical fallacies and guesswork.

Even more infuriating is when these harebrained schemes of his seem to be uncannily successful in ways that nobody could have predicted.

Abilities:Despite his overall lack of common sense, Alik seems to be some kind of savant when it comes to technology.


Vitorino & Martin Reddy - His adoptive fathers. They are responsible for both his introduction to the world of maintenance and repair, and his unshakeable enthusiasm.

Important Life Moments:

Alik Reddy was raised in Czarina Tropical Agriculture.

It was immediately clear to others that he was adopted, as both of his fathers are human, while he was born an ELF.

He was found by some village kids as a toddler, huddled up in the wreckage of an old weather titan that had crashed there nearly a century earlier. The boy wore nothing but a sheet of ornate fabric. The strange arrival of the ELF child was talk of the town in the normally sleepy village of Left Field, and no amount of searching revealed where he had come from.

With the search for his origin ending, he found a home with two local coconut farmers called Martin and Vitorino. They raised him as their own and taught him all they knew about their craft. As he grew, it quickly became apparent that, while he lacked the physicality needed to do much manual work, he had a great affinity for the many machines that helped work the land and crops that it produced.

The most notable example of this was when Martin tried to teach Alik to repair an autohopper.

The man had only turned his back for a moment to check the error codes on the central coordinator's readout, but only had the chance to read the first few lines before the walker whirred into life and galloped off with his son's legs flapping in the wind as he hung halfway out of the rear maintenance hatch. The man ran from the workshop, frantically patting himself down in search of his ATV's keys, but as soon as his hand found them the escaping machine skidded to a halt, turned around and began to trot back towards him. The stunned dad could only stare speechlessly as his son casually dropped down out of its back and strolled over to him, clutching Vitorino's soldering iron in one hand and a sheered of piece of antenna in the other (this antenna would go on to become his prized "magic pokin' stick").

This was the first of many events that led the couple to the realization that they had raised a very special kind of idiot.

Fast-forward to adulthood, and Alik had become a well-known figure in the community. The various incidents involving faulty machinery seeming to self-repair in his presence brought him a reputation as a good luck charm, and before long he was able to begin making a living through taking requests to come and stand nearby as someone attempted to fix their own equipment, and stepping in to poke and prod whenever something "felt a bit naff." In just under two years, he had saved up enough to buy a set of augments for himself; a pair of (significantly less singed) arms set to increase the manual strength of their user. Originally he wanted to get them so that he could come back to the farm and help his Dads out like he always wanted to do, but after spending a few years getting a feel for his odd way with electronics he felt that there had to be something more to it than simply having a knack. Deciding on a path and hugging Martin and Vitorino goodbye, he snagged the next passing train to Saraswati Virtue in search of answers.


"Well maybe if you hadn't refused to sing the shutting down song, your files wouldn't have got corrupted like that."

"I mean yeah, most people check batteries with a multimeter, but I prefer to lick 'em. Don't have to carry around as much equipment that way."

"Remember, if you ever get something working but don't know how you did it, never try figure it out. It'll break again if you do that."

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