Rosalind Five

Name: "Rosalind Five"

Age: 22


Zone of Birth: Nazzdack Incorporated

Class:Assassin Outlaw

Current Employment Alignment: Corporate

Description: Rosalind is a tall, feminine built woman with a messy auburn bob, plump lips, and rather large breasts. Her waspish waist and curvaceous hips are accentuated by the skin-tight micromesh catsuit she favors, every inch of her sultry body on open display. She wears an advanced pair of field goggles that cover nearly half of her lovely face, allowing her to flip between multiple states of vision and project an AR display during combat. Her gear covers her vertically slitted eyes and the faint pattern of diamondback scales running down her toned stomach, leaving her unnaturally long, forked tongue the only hint to her serpentine-spliced nature.

Personality: Playful, witty and superficially charming, Rosalind's teasing facade is merely a skin over her cold-blooded true nature, ready to be shed at a moments' notice. Truly loyal to only her masters within the highest reaches of Nazzdack, and herself, Rosalind understands that needing to be able to betray her teammates at a moment's notice doesn't mean she has to keep them at arms' length. Quite to the contrary. Being limbs-entwined makes it all the easier to sink the needle in.

Abilities: A deadly shot with a pair of pistols, Rosalind's strongest weapons are her skills at infiltration and insurrection. Often tasked with embedding herself within one of Avalanche's intended targets weeks before the Kill Call actually goes out, Rosalind is the master at slithering into the innermost depths of an organization. There, she lays in wait, coiled and ready for her moment to strike.


The Avalanche Hit Squad - Rosalind truly enjoys the company of her Avalanche teammates, finding in them the family she never had. Gideon is a marvel, Beatrix is a reliable older sister, Cassius is a true confidant, and even Galaxy Brain is frequently amusing. It will be a shame to have to kill them all. Such is life.

Important Life Moments:

Born and spliced within an off-books Nazzdack breeding program, Corporate Code 9JX12 was conditioned from an early age to observe and potentially dismantle any target deemed dangerous by whichever executive happened to be head of the department at the time. Activated for duty when her four predecessors died in the field and given the designation "Rosalind Five", the agent was assigned to join Gideon Grundy's valuable and potentially dangerous Avalanche Hit Squad. Growing to enjoy the company of her teammates and the significantly freer life of a field agent, Rosalind was coming to truly dread the inevitable moment when Gideon would reach too far, triggering the command from on high.

But then, fate stepped in.

In one week of historically violent corporate upheaval, all ranking members of the Rosalind Project were incidentally slaughtered, the blacksite nature of the program meaning that, for all intents and purposes, Rosalind's collar was off for good. Still, she knows full well that some crafty Nazzdack climber might uncover the remnants of the project at any time, and that the call from up high still might come. She hasn't fully decided, yet, what she'll do on that day.


"My original handler wanted to make my codename 'Queen Cobra'. No, I'm being serious! You haven't truly suffered until you've had to roundabout explain what the point of a fucking codename is to some veep's mouthbreathing nephew."

"Don't blame yourself, darling. You saw what you wanted."

"Something isn't beautiful because it lasts forever. To the contrary, in fact."

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