Mi Genna

Work in Progress

Table of Contents






Special Locations





A relatively small island dedicated almost entirely to the production of Stonesmoke plants, a genetically perfected version of cannabis created to soothe and placate the populace of the New World through a fruity haze of relaxing, creamy smoke. Some corporations slip Stonesmoke oil into the food and drink they produce, while others simply pump smoke through habi-cube blocks of an evening, encouraging their employees to relax, order a pizza and watch some TV until the next shift.

Stonesmoke is popular even among those that have left their birth-appointed jobs to become adventurers, especially as a soothing rub for aches and sores, an entertaining mild psychedelic, and a very fun aphrodisiac.

History of Mi Genna

Basic overview of origins and major history of the territory go here

Government and Structure of Mi Genna

The way the territory organizes itself and insures order and decides things goes here
- The Bloodshot Botanists of JAV
- The Complacency Strain
- The Lazy Island Paradise

Commerce of Mi Genna

Blurb about commerce and exports and unique trade advantages of the territory

Their major income sources are as follows:Mi Genna

{Territory Name} has special trade relations with the following Territories:

More Commerce Details Go here

Prominent Races of Mi Genna

Culture of Mi Genna

Cultural Facts Go Here

Special Locations of Mi Genna

List of Special Locations Types

Organizations of Mi Genna

List of Organizations

Settlements of Mi Genna

List of Settlements

Important People of Mi Genna

List of Major Figures

Historic Events of Mi Genna

List of Historic Events

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