Name: Harry "Hard-on-Light" Ichi
Age: 23
Zone of Birth: Cardinal Holdings
Class:Channel of the Tech GeekInfluencer
Current Employment Alignment: Corporate
Description: Harry "Hard-on-Light" Ichi is a 5'5" petite person, not having any obvious form of curve or sex defining attributes. Their fluffy black hair covers their eyes most of the time and one of their arms has been replaced by their robotic forearm. Underneath the simple t-shirt and shorts they wear normally is a hard-light projector with a company logo where their chest, butt and crotch should be. These Hard Light projectors are usually controlled on Stream by their Corporate Owners or particularly high paying viewers, allowing them to have any sized breasts, butt, or genitals an individual would particularly want to see.
Personality: While at one point Harry was a chipper being with a rebellious streak longer than most roads, they have long since started singing a different more corporate positive tune. Their once chipper being is now that of an almost cutesy and corporately owned persona seemingly playing a slight ditz whenever advertising a new object with their new AI companion.
Abilities: Harry is inherently good at programming and acting due to their life as a streamer and newly piloted flesh suit. As well they have an almost photographic memory and an emergency SOS signal they can send if endangered.
Former Family - Harry at one point had a family they lived with and made plans to free themselves with, but all that changed with their new personality. As far as they are aware and care, their old family is now being used by some higher up for experiments or fun.
Former Friends - Their friends have long since been phased out of Harry's life, being little more than vague memories, though sometimes they'll appear in a high payer chat, even if they barely recognize them.
Former Rebels - While they don't remember the name of those they sold out, they do have vague recollections of a group causing troubles for their company. That was a big no-no so they were quite literally sold out.
Hard-On-Life A.I. - An A.I. who started appearing on every stream with Harry once their personality changed. Some say it's a spy for the Corpos running their life, others claim that the A.I. replaced their mind. Who can say?
Important Life Moment:
Harry's most important moment had to be when they changed, as that was when their new mind was born. It was their birth as a more productive member of society and a more well paid individual. While they had some memories of people, many of them were deemed unimportant or too dangerous to be around and were either phased out, sold out, or bought out to the company that now owned the Hard-on-Light person.
"I'm Hard-on-Light and you can be too with this new Hard-light Hardon!" - midstream AD for a new hardlight sex toy projector
"Sometimes I wish this fleshsuit was fleshier you know? More junk to play with" - Off-Stream confessions on a private stream.