
Name: Cassius

Age: 30


Zone of Birth: Nazzdack Incorporated

Class:Path of the Bouncer Renegade

Current Employment Alignment: Corporate

Description: Cassius is a tall, masculine-built man with a shaved head, an intensely muscular physique and oversized cybernetic arms. A pair of dark sunglasses cover the blank optical sensors replacing his eyes, souvenirs from the fight that earned him his current position.. His pinstripe vest and suspenders, grudgingly worn at Gideon's request, are almost always stripped away, revealing the a faded tattoo of vine-lashing roses on his left pec and the remains of multiple gunshot wounds, the impacted bullets still studding his herculean frame.

Personality: Loyalty is the single guiding truth in Cassius's life, and it has seen him rise from gutter kid to mob muscle to highly paid corporate assassin within shockingly few years. Some men give orders, and some men follow them. Cassius has always known that he was the latter, and is perfectly content to have an outside force directing his unstoppable strength.

Abilities: One of the most notorious diehard warriors even within the war zone that is Nazzdack Incorporated, Cassius has survived everything from gunshots to explosions to having both arms literally ripped off. And every time, no matter what, Cassius has always gotten back up. His opponents are rarely so lucky. Both unstoppable force and immovable object, Cassis is the wrecking ball of the Avalanche Hit Squad, unleashed to reduce any target to rubble and still walk away in the end.


The Avalanche Hit Squad - Cassius is blindly loyal to his teammates within Avalanche, a trait they find both useful and somewhat awkward. Completely willing to put down his life for the sake of any of his teammates, it's only Gideon's ability to take the long view of things that keeps Cassius's devotion from being misused by his more conniving compatriots.

Important Life Moments:

Cassius was working the door at the Bai Hai Casino when the gang-controlled gambling den became the unfortunate target of an Avalanche Kill Call, declaring that the infamous hit squad would be arriving in four hours to kill them. All of the unaffiliated employees, as well as the bulk of the sworn and blooded members, immediately fled, vainly hoping they might escape their fate. Cassius stayed. Four and a half hours later, Avalanche had slaughtered every other living soul in the Casino and Cassius himself was slowly dying in a pool of his own blood. One arm crushed, the other torn completely off, and both eyes ruined, Cassius nevertheless managed to kill then-Avalanche member Molten Tickle when the nayaling bent down to taunt the crippled man and gave Cassius an opening to rip his throat out with his teeth.

Gideon considered it the single strongest audition he'd ever seen.

One week later, Cassius had been fitted with new eyes, a high-tech pair of Avalanche-branded arms, and an eternal loyalty to the organization that raised him from a pointless death to a new life at the top of Nazzdack's food chain.


"That one? Okay. All of them? Okay."

"The Boss says you die. So, you die."

"That tickled."

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