Weapon Features

Optional Ruleset for Cinematic Violence

The world of Cyber Pink is one of not just brutal pragmatism, but flashy, evolving styles made possible by a combination of genetic therapies and common cybernetic implants. Centuries of people influenced by highly choreographed, cinematographic violence, and the urge of entertainment corporations to push the limits of both realism and possibility have lead to the actuality of incredibly cinematic combat. People in Carbon Pink are able to utilize weapons in ways that would never have been possible in the old world, and the full potential of each weapon is fully capable of being brought out, each weapon unique and different from every other, not only in appearance, but in what it enables its wielder to do.

This is a set of optional rules we encourage any DM to take up when they run a game in the Carbon Pink setting, meant to add more options to combat above and beyond simply 'use tech/attack with sword'. We want combat to feel cinematic, and to give players options for weapons that make them consider them for reasons beyond simple damage potential.

Basically, we noticed a lot of weapons get left by the wayside, ignored in favor of bigger or more damage dice, and that made us sad, so we gave them extra shit.

Note: Weapon Features are only usable by those who possess proficiency in that weapon, and cannot be utilized when wielded by someone without proficiency.

Civilian Melee Weapons

Baseball bat 1d6 bludgeoning Versatile (1d8)

-Hitting an enemy reduces their movement by 5 feet per attack.

-Critical hits with this weapon knock the target prone.

Baton 1d4 bludgeoning Light

-As a bonus action you can enter a defensive stance that adds your proficiency modifier to your AC until the beginning of your next turn.

Hatchet 1d6 slashing Light, thrown (range 20/60)

-Double the proficiency bonus to attacks.

Knife 1d4 piercing Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60)

-The first attack made with this weapon after being drawn crits on a 19-20.

Quarterstaff 1d8 bludgeoning Two-handed

-Attacks made with advantage or disadvantage treat the second roll as a separate attack, dealing d4 instead of d8.

Spear 1d6 piercing Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8)

-Once per turn when you attack a target with this weapon you are able to move up to 5 feet away from your target without provoking an Attack Of Opportunity as part of the attack.

-When you land a critical blow with this weapon the enemy is only able to take 1 action on their next turn(no bonus action and no reaction).

Civilian Ranged Weapons

Hunting rifle 1d8 piercing Ammunition (range 80/320), loading, two-handed

-Attacks made while prone have advantage.

Light pistol 1d6 piercing Ammunition (range 30/120), light

-Critical hits cause an additional shot to be fired, with a separate attack and damage roll.

-If both rolls of a dice with advantage would hit, roll an additional damage die.

Revolver 1d8 piercing Ammunition (range 30/120), loading

-As a bonus action if you haven't moved yet you can drop your speed to 0 and stow this weapon, readying yourself for your next attack. When your revolver is stowed this way you can draw and make a ranged weapon attack as an action. On a hit you roll 1d6, and the result becomes the number of d8s you roll for this attack's piercing damage.

-Drawing this weapon gives you advantage on the next attack made with it.

Slingshot 1d4 bludgeoning Ammunition (range 30/120), silent

-Regular ammo does not need to travel in a direct line, and can be bounced off surfaces.

-Spells with a range of touch gain a range of 30.

Military Melee Weapons

Axe 1d12 slashing Heavy, two-handed

-If you target an enemy with this weapon the next attack against the target using this weapon has advantage.

-Deals maximum damage to structures.

Buster sword 2d6 slashing Heavy, two-handed

-If an attack reduces a target's health to 0, you can deal the excess damage to an additional target within range of your attack.

Duelling sword 1d8 piercing Finesse

-When you miss with an attack your next attack against the same target gains advantage.

-You gain +2 ac against a target you have attacked this round.

Long sword 1d8 slashing Versatile (1d10)

One Handed

-While wielding a shield in your off-hand you can subtract an amount from your attack and add that value to your AC until your next turn, up to +3.

-While wielding a weapon in your off-hand the first attack you make on your turn can be made using both weapons.

Two Handed

-When you wield a longsword in both hands reroll damage rolls of 1 or 2 once

Katana 1d8 slashing Versatile (1d10)

-As part of your attack action you are able to sheath this weapon, when you attack with this weapon while sheathed your attack gains advantage.

-Attacking whilst this sword is drawn allows the attack to crit on a 19.

Machete 1d6 slashing Finesse, light

-Successful hits made with this weapon wound the target. Each time you damage an enemy they gain a wound. Each time you damage a wounded target they take an extra d4 slashing damage per wound. Wounds stack up to three times. The wounds remain until healed by an appropriate tech, or they treat the wounds by using a standard action to make a dc10 medicine check.

Maul 2d6 bludgeoning Heavy, two-handed

-If you have advantage on an attack and would hit with both rolls the target is knocked prone.

-Stuns a target until the end of their next turn on critical hits.

Mining pick 1d8 piercing Versatile (1d10)

-Grants advantage on climb checks if used while climbing.

-Deals maximum damage to structures

Polearm 1d10 slashing Heavy, reach, two-handed

-As an action you can hit all enemies within 5 feet of you.

-If you have advantage on an attack against an enemy more than 5 feet away from you and both rolls would hit you can knock the target prone.

Sledgehammer 1d8 bludgeoning Versatile (1d10)

-Attacks that hit push enemies of the same size back 5 feet.

-Deals maximum damage to structures.

Whip 1d4 slashing Finesse, reach

-Once per round when you hit with this weapon you can choose to either Disarm or Trip your target(Dex save vs 8+Dex Mod+Proficiency)

Military Ranged Weapons

Automatic rifle 1d8 piercing Ammunition (range 80/320), burst fire, heavy, two handed

-Gain a +1 to hit and damage each time you hit a target, this bonus resets when you change to another target(max of 5 stacks)

Combat rifle 1d8 piercing Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy, two-handed

-If you have advantage on an attack you can reroll damage rolls of 1 and 2 once.

Heavy pistol 1d8 piercing Ammunition (range 80/320), heavy

-Attacks made using a heavy pistol penetrate targets equal to the grade of the weapon(a +1 pistol penetrates once, a +2 pistol penetrates twice, etc). Make an attack roll for each target in line of the initial attack dealing half damage to each successive hit.

-Successful attacks made with weapon drop the target's speed by 10 feet until the end of their next turn.

Hunting bow 1d8 piercing Ammunition (range 150/600), H/L/S/TH

-Attacks can be made with either strength or dexterity.

-if you ready an action to fire you do not use your reaction to fire.

Shotgun 1d10 piercing Ammunition (range 30/120), heavy, two-handed

-Critical hits knocks large or smaller targets prone(str save vs 8+Dex+Prof)

-hits push the target 5 feet back.

Submachine gun 1d6 piercing Ammunition (range 30/120), burst fire

-Gain +1 to attacks and damage made against the same target(max +3) switching to a new target resets this bonus.

-If both rolls of dice with advantage would hit, roll an additional damage die.

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