"You're goin' to Hentai Island? I can take ya as far as the Dryhump Docks, then yer on yer own. Make sure yer wearin' jeans." - Mr Snugglekins, beastman and good boy.
Corporations manufacture personal civilian vehicles to have a limited range - equating to the size of their territory - to ensure their employees cannot migrate away for suspected greener pastures. The exception to this are the merchant caravans; huge convoys of Atlus XL quadrupedal walkers designed to carry freight across the desert. Because of this, travelling between territories is an arduous task for the unprepared or the unemployed. Fortunately, there are several methods adventurers and travellers can utilise to get across the sun-scorched wastes.
Corporate and smuggler caravans are always looking for extra security, and offer a ride to anyone going their way in exchange for repelling the occasional bandit attack or mutant herd. While their walkers are incredibly slow, they rarely need to stop to be recharged or maintained, and can happily trudge through the night on autopilot. In addition, caravans provide the most creature comforts for the convoy; including stocked food storage, showers and baths, and cots to spend the night.
The downside - of course - is that merchant caravans always head for the next megacity or trading port, so those with a sense of wanderlust often find themselves getting off partway through a route, usually several miles from the next beacon of civilisation.
Particularly wealthy adventuring parties often purchase and customise an Atlus for themselves, using it as a mobile base of operations when out in the wilds. Finding a merchant or smuggler looking to get out of the business are more than willing to part with them for a reasonable price. Just make sure to turn off the transponder if you're looking to steal one instead.
Those looking for a subtler method of transport might turn to riding one of the myriad of beasts roaming the desert. Thanks to the forced bio-diversification efforts of the Old World, there are now an uncountable number of procedurally generated animals able to be trained, domesticated or kept as pets, many of which are large enough to ride from town to town. Alternately, Beastmen that have retained a sense of self often hire themselves out to sprint a paying customer to their destination, providing they're the right size to carry. Adventurers looking for complete control over their destination, but not the funds for their own Atlus, prefer riding beasts.
Unfortunately, unlike the trundling Altus walkers, mounts need food, water and rest, and as such can only take their rider to the next town over before they need to recuperate. Luckily, there's always something happening in town, some small adventure to be had or mystery to be solved, some tourist attraction to gawk at.
Personal Vehicles
The bespoke option for travelling between territories, PVs come in a vast range of shapes, sizes, and carrying capacities, from single-user hover mopeds to eight wheeled rolling homes. However, most Holdings Companies do not manufacture PVs in large quantities, and only individual corporations focused on couriering or fast food delivery have any sizeable stock, making PVs quite rare.
PVs are also deliberately built with limited range, so as not to encourage users to migrate to greener pastures, and as such these vehicles need to bunny hop from settlement to settlement, utilising charging stations to refill their batteries and keep going. As such, PVs require a lot of personal investment, both before adventuring and during. Finding one for sale or stealing one, then having to make frequent stops can put a damper on a traveller's wanderlust, much like mounts.
If your final destination is coastal, making the effort to board a ship is the quickest way to get there. Entire societies live and work on the open sea, from corporate cargo ships, to pirate armadas, to lesser House vessels from 'Bacco, to simple fishermen, all of which are willing to make a detour - or at least slow down when you need to jump off - for the right price.
Aside from sea-sickness, the primary downside is finding a ship to board in the first place. While Calico Redistribution and The Ronin Expedition have constant vessels docking and setting sail, getting stuck on their purloined tankers always carries an element of risk, and it's not unheard of for adventurers to have to fight their way off a ship for not obeying the proper etiquette, or lack thereof.
Corporate freighters are a safer on-deck prospect, but carry the risk of pirate attacks, much like merchant caravans, thus any travellers are accepted based on their weaponry and ability to fight off raiders and reivers.
Jerboan Nomad Clans
Finally, there are the Jerboans, nomadic biker clans that still use gasoline to power their long range vehicles, though where they get it is a closely guarded secret. Hitching a ride with these clans requires a silver tongue or a lot of creds, as extra weight means extra gas used, and Jerboans always seem to have somewhere to be.
Fortunately, those that have an 'in' with a clan can get around the desert quicker and easier than anyone else, and Jerboans make firm friends for life, once you get past their distrusting exterior. Unfortunately, this is easier said than than done, as Jerboans are incredibly proud of their anti-corporate heritage, and practice their anarchic traditions on any suspected of being too "modern". It takes a lot of work to convince a Jerboan you're just as much of a rebel as they are, but if you can, they'll happily give you a ride.