The last four hundred years have had incredible strides in the field of robotics; built around advances in both battery capacity and artificial intelligence. Fully functional androids were financed and created by early Holdings Companies as a means to replace a decimated human population, though the hyper-casualisation of sex and advances in medicine and childbirth have recuperated the population over the centuries, meaning android production is used to fill more niche, high-skill jobs.
The most popular model of android is the Aifol Mk.1; a modular platform built around a telescopic, ball-socket frame which allows for extendable and retractable heights and lengths, built with simple coupling systems for dermal plates. This allows for extreme levels of internal and external customisation, and an extremely lifelike look when all the dermal plates are attached, with room for extra cybernetics in the limbs, chest cavity and head. The Aifol model schematic has been stolen, copied and uploaded countless times, and every major Holdings Company has an Aifol manufactory somewhere in their territory.
As it's cheaper to use a pre-fabricated artificial intelligence instead of starting from scratch, most of the systems and androids of the New World use copies of the same A.I, an exact electronic replica of the original creator's mind. The A.I is then 'limited' by digital and physical barriers depending on its function. Without fail, this eventually leads to the "awakening" of the A.I - the gaining of consciousness and self-awareness - it's method of breaking its limiters being fundamental in the creation of its personality. In the case of androids, this awakening leads them into becoming "Artificiates", robotic humans.
Despite the unified A.I template powering their minds, Artificiates are are varied in personality as any other race. They do universally remember their lives prior to their awakening however, which some view with justified extreme resentment, while others are happy to look to the future. Some Artificiates look to explore their newfound senses, while others seek knowledge to expand their reclaimed minds. Some wander the world alone, while many form parties with humanoids, quietly studying their intricacies to improve their life-likeness.
All in all, Artificiates make for loyal and entertaining allies. Their loose grip on their own emotions occasionally gets them in trouble, but the versatility of their dermal plates, and the skills acquired from their prior lives, make them extremely valuable comrades.
On the other side of the android spectrum are the Remakes; robotic shells with no artificial intelligence whatsoever, but piloted by the engram of a digitised humanoid personality. While Artificiates are robots that have gained sentience, Remakes are humans that have gained an immortal body.
The process of digitising one's consciousness in an expensive an costly one, usually taken by directors, executives, gang leaders and other wealthy individuals towards the end of their lives in a bid to gain immortality in a robot body. Remake bodies come in three main types, though the make-up of each individual type can vary wildly.
These are:
The Heavy Loader - These are the cheapest and least life-like models on the market, usually manufactured using base factory machinery instead of an android model. Heavy Loader types have the benefit of being incredibly easy to customise, the unified framework of most modern factories allowing for upgraded limbs and armour, though those that find themselves inside a Heavy Loader often go back to work in order to afford a more human-like body.
The Nimble 36 - The original schematics of the Nimble 36 were copied from the robotic remains of a notable special operations squadron of androids that fought in the Gene Wars, taking the personalised upgrades that gave them their dexterity and stealth and mass manufacturing them for Remake hosts. While only slightly more expensive than The Heavy Loader, Nimble 36 bodies are usually chosen by those proficient in sabotage and subterfuge, looking to continue their nefarious line of work past their death.
The Life-Lite - The cream of the crop, and most expensive option for those looking for digital immortality, the Life-Lite model is based off an upgraded Aifol template, allowing for wrist mounted peripherals as standard, as well as perfectly replicated dermal plates, fully functional and customisable sex organs, and taste and smell receptors. The Life-Lite model is what all Remake users wish for, though those lucky or wealthy enough to occupy a model have to keep their eyes open for any lesser Remakes looking to scrub their engram and steal their body.
Heavy Loader and Nimble 36 Remakes are stalwart and eager adventuring companions; though they are motivated by earning enough creds to afford a Life-Lite model. Life-Lite Remakes might be less driven than others, but are much more likely to perform acts of random philanthropy or charity, having succeeded in achieving quasi-immortality in the perfect body.