The Lewd Level
The Lewd Level (LL) is a way for players seeking a game to distinguish themselves and announce their personal tolerance for the more lurid aspects of Carbon Pink. Some players want a traditional, action-packed cyberpunk adventure, while others might want to immerse themselves in the specific flavours of our setting. The Lewd Level is a quick and handy 3 key way to broadcast what sort of game you'd like to play.
The Lewd Level is broken up into 4 categories:
Lewd Level 0 (LL0) - I have no interest in the more sexualised aspects of Carbon Pink, and am looking for a more typical cyberpunk adventure. No sex, no brothels, no pornotainment, no fetishes. Action, intrigue and adventure are what I want.
Lewd Level 1 (LL1) - I'm fine with passively engaging in the sexualised aspects of Carbon Pink, though not ready to actively participate. I can handle the occasional red light district, NPCs in skimpy attire or salacious mysteries, but as background flavour, not requiring my personal participation.
Lewd Level 2 (LL2) - I'm ready to actively engage in the lurid aspects of Carbon Pink. I'm fine with sexualised modifications to my character, fighting lewd and lurid enemies, and roleplaying in a salacious world. I'm still looking to play the game properly, but I can handle anything Carbon Pink and my DM throws at me. (This is the intended Carbon Pink experience.)
Lewd Level 3 (LL3) - I'm looking for an excuse to roll dice during erotic roleplay. I'm more interested in the world of Carbon Pink than the mechanics, and want to immerse myself in the setting more than I want to fight bad guys or monsters. I'm ready to go more lewd than even the setting calls for.
Using these number codes will allow players to find each other and quickly understand what kind of game they'd like to participate in, as well as allow DMs to broadcast what sort of one-shot or campaign they'd like to run.