"Masturbation releases dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins into your brain. Dopamine creates the feeling of happiness. Oxytocin creates the feeling of social bonding. Endorphins boost your mood and relieve stress. Ergo, I believe that the most compliant and malleable workforce is one that is constantly jerking off."
Sex sells. So when the corporations took over what was left of the world, sex became the primary outreach of brands, media, food and fashion. Megacity newscasters deliver corporate-filtered op-ed pieces through grunts and moans, clothing is designed for unisex skimpiness, fast-food franchises pride themselves on their on-table brothel services. Television is psychologically perfected to be as rife with brain-chemical inducing scenes; horror films are crammed with found footage jumpscares, action movies packed with meaningless explosions and comedies overflow with slapstick, lowest brow humour, all the while indulging in as much mindless porn as research dictates a human can withstand. Those born outside the megacities are bombarded with neon stimulation upon entering, and it's not uncommon to see entire tribes of outsiders stumbling through the streets in hypnotic trances of luminescent genitals and flagrant innuendo.
Advertising - in a constant battle to outshine other brands - has taken to exaggerated cartoon mascots and rampant product placement, most clearly seen in the many varieties of buxom genies that can be found hovering around Streamers. So rampant is the flood of reproductive organs, some forward thinking brands have found success in completely avoiding the tactic altogether, in what is seen as a moment to catch your breath by watchers of television.
This salaciousness expands to physical stores. Niche fetish outlets pepper every retail level of every megacity, catering to the simulation of the extreme and the absurd through incredible technology. Human bodies are edited to be bigger, more flexible, more sensitive, and corporate-backed designer drugs are created and sold to induce days-long tantric experiences in a bid to keep megacity employees productive and compliant. Indeed, without outright warfare being the driver of innovation, it seems sex has taken up the mantle.
Of course, the pursuit of sexual profit isn't limited to corporate ventures. Streamers and Influencers often use their advertising revenues and donations to further edit their own bodies for the satisfaction of their viewers, if not outright engaging in sex on-stream on days of low combat or intrigue. Indeed, a Streamer and an Influencer in the same adventuring party often means that not only will the whole adventure be televised, there's rarely such a thing as an actual "long rest".
Even armour is paradoxically created to show as much skin as possible. Many light and medium armours are designed either with invisible swarms of nanodrones made to intercept incoming blades and bullets, or clear films of micromesh or synthweave to give the illusion of being scantily clad. Certain armours even use a personal field generator, giving off a pleasing hum that is disadvantageous for stealth but excellent for looking fashionable in combat.
Children - fortunately - are kept sequestered away in corporate boarding schools, taught only the bare minimum of education and the utmost of loyalty to their pre-selected workforce, only upon coming of age to be assaulted with the unending sleaze of the megacities and immediately discarding whatever they learned.
Those born in rural areas, such as the small towns surrounding charging station outposts and hot springs, aren't as bombarded with salacious stimuli as those in the megacities, but there's no shortage of sex to be found in the desert, even if it's somewhat more old-fashioned. Almost every saloon has a selection of courtesans with an assortment of sexual configurations, every onsen has a staff of bathing assistants, and many merchant caravans have mobile brothels trailing behind them.
Indeed, it's hard to get away from sex in the New World, fun and profitable as it is.