Path Of The Splicer

"I have a different constitution, a different brain, a different heart. I got tiger blood, man. Dying's for fools, dying's for amateurs."

A splicer gets their hype from personal body modification, typically by "splicing" their DNA with that of animals. By jacking up their hormone levels with adrenaline glands stolen from predators, taking copious amounts of racing steroids, and even replacing their organs with bio-mods intended for animals, splicers turn themselves into a lethal combination of person and beast.

Beast Kin

Animals just get you, man - and you get them. At 3rd level when you adopt this path, you gain the ability to use the [beast sense] and beast whispering techs, but only as scripts.

Beast Splicing

At 3rd level when you adopt this path, you choose a category of beasts from the list below and gain the feature associated with it. You gain minor physical attributes that are reminiscent of a beast from that category. For example, if you choose Powerful Beast, you might be unusually hairy like a bear or gain the antlers of a moose, while choosing Stalking Beast might grant you vertical slits in your eyes like a tiger or a wolf-like muzzle.

Aerial Beast. You have spliced features from a flying animal, allowing you to weave through the fray with ease. While you are hype and not wearing heavy armor, other creatures have disadvantage on opportunity attacks against you, and you can use the Dash action as a bonus action on your turn. (Examples: eagle, hawk, vulture, hummingbird, bat.)

Powerful Beast. You have spliced features from a large, powerful animal tough enough to stand up to any punishment. While you are hype, you have resistance to all damage except software damage. (Example beasts: bear, moose, elephant, rhino, buffalo.)

Stalking Beast. You have spliced features from a beast notorious for its skill as a hunter. While you are hype, your allies have advantage on attack rolls against any hostile creature within 5 feet of you. (Example beasts: tiger, wolf, cobra, jackal, lion.)

Bestial Aspect

At 6th level, you gain a benefit based on a new beast you splice into your body profile. You can choose the same beast as you selected at 3rd level or a different one. Your physical features morph yet further to reflect your new selection.

Aerial Beast. You gain highly-attuned senses. You can see up to 1 mile away with no difficulty, able to discern even fine details as though looking at something no more than 100 feet away from you. Additionally, dim light does not impose disadvantage on your Wisdom (Perception) checks.

Powerful Beast. You gain incredible might. Your carrying capacity (including maximum load and maximum lift) is doubled, and you have advantage on Strength checks made to push, pull, lift, or break objects.

Stalking Beast. You gain keen hunting instincts. You can track other creatures while traveling at a fast pace, and you can move stealthily while traveling at a normal pace.

Beast Link

At 10th level, you can use the commune with nature tech, but only as a script. When you do so, your mind connects wirelessly to every animal in the area, granting you a gestalt impression of the information you seek.

Bestial Attunement

At 14th level, you gain a benefit based on a new beast you splice into your body profile. You can choose the same beast as you selected at any previous level or a different one. Your physical features become more bestial still.

Aerial Beast. While you are hype, you gain a flying speed equal to your current walking speed. If your hype ends, you immediately fall and suffer any consequences of falling.

Powerful Beast. While you are hype, any hostile creature within 5 feet of you has disadvantage on attack rolls against targets other than you or another character with this feature. An enemy is immune to this effect if it can't see or hear you, or if it can't be frightened.

Stalking Beast. While you are hype, you can use a bonus action on your turn to knock a Large or smaller creature prone when you hit it with a melee weapon attack.

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