Engrams And Technology

Indistinguishable From Magic

"I try not to think about it." - Lalo Oppenheimer, Techwizard

Alongside the typical cybernetic limbs, optical and neural implants, genetic modification and sensory manipulating online realms, the world of Carbon Pink also has access to technology so advanced that even its smartest citizens have only a rudimentary idea of how it works.


Smuggled from the Bezosphere; the hyper-advanced ring of modular space craft orbiting in the world, small chips known as Engrams are a strange piece of technology that allows users to fully digitize themselves, down to the atomic level through the use of Digitilization Gates, and rematerialize fully intact. These engrams come in three distinct levels of power.


Alongside the bizarre engram technology is the relatively recent discovery of Hardlight, beams of light from a projector that condense and form in such a way as to be touched and manipulated without harm. Hardlight requires a projector to be emitted, which can range in size from that of a coin to the size of a whole room, creating hardlight projections that can range from swords and shields to whole buildings. Hardlight also makes up the majority of the strange digital creatures plaguing the deserts, datacenters and bunkers of the New World. Formed from random coalescences of code, or the result of an A.I gaining a sense of wanderlust, these creatures often keep their stolen projectors inside their hardlight shell - much like a heart - in order to protect them from adventurers and mercenaries looking to earn their keep.


With the advent and proliferation of nanomachines came advances in both ways to heal and harm friends and adversaries. As such, vials and syringes of nanotech are very common among adventurers and wanderers, able to heal an ally's wounds from a distance or swarm an enemy in damaging bots. Comprised of billions of microscopic, self-replicating flying drones, nanotech suffers from each 'batch' having a single process, as well as taking some time to repopulate themselves after being drained, but the technology is incredibly reliable and exceedingly cheap compared to alternate solutions.


Surgetech is any form of technology that utilizes these strange and anomalous matter manipulation properties of nanobots infected with the surge nanovirus, though relatively few pieces of surgetech involve surge nanites in and of themselves. Surges are created from a mysterious nanovirus that can rapidly manipulate matter through multiple states (solid, liquid, gas, plasma), and through this process transform it into an exotic 5th state: 'Phased'. Phased matter is unstable on the quantum level, and interacts in odd ways to external stimuli. The most common and obvious form of this is the alteration of gravity in an area surrounding the phased matter. In addition, phased matter can be stimulated to rapidly shift into any of the other four states, and even into chemical or atomic reactions that are normally far too expensive to enact outside of laboratory conditions. The manipulation of matter states, and the anomalous effects of phased matter are now relatively common in many forms of technology, from plasma weaponry to hover cycles.


Advanced cybernetics are woven into almost all people of the world today. Many systems are constructed using nanotech while bodies are still developing, so that nearly all people have microscopic computer systems embedded in their bodies from birth. Still others are willingly added, from cybernetic limbs, to more advanced augmentations. This process is so safe and the mind-to-machine linkages so ubiquitous, that people can step into clinics to get cybernetics and walk out as if they had simply gotten a haircut. Still more impressive perhaps, is that such systems can even be found in ancient birthing factories, leading to many mutants possessing natural augmentations that would not be possessed by natural born creatures, and passed down through generations of mutants.

With such strange and incredible leaps in technology over the last four hundred years, it's a small wonder so many Technocults believe they're living in a game or simulation. Entire societies have been built around the worship of seemingly unexplainable pieces of technology smuggled from the Bezosphere, and it leads those locked outside The Walled Street to wonder what is really going on up there. But, such philosophical questions are quickly put aside for the accrual of more creds, and adventuring parties use any and all tech they can to gain an edge over their adversaries, whether they understand what they're using or not.

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