Custom Lineages

The Invariable Others

Despite the most common variants between the different people of the new world, they are all still originally human, and interbreeding is possible. Many times this results in a child who is predominantly one parent's race, perhaps with superficial features resembling the other. Less often, but not unheard of, the child will be a true mixed-race child, carrying forward abilities and traits from both parents. Other times parents might seek out special retroviral treatments for an unborn child, instilling in them traits to help them thrive. Stable treatments to change the race of a person after they are born are exceedingly rare, the most famous of which is the unstable Splicer treatments, which do not tend to be passed onto children (though it is not entirely unheard of), leading to 'half splicers' in some communities.

Creature type. You are a humanoid. You determine your appearance and whether you resemble any of your kin.

Size. You are Small or Medium (your choice).

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Ability Score Increase. One ability score of your choice increases by 2.

Feat. You gain one feat of your choice for which you qualify.

Inherited Trait. You gain two racial traits of your choice from up to two other races.

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