Franchise Name: Futas & Footlongs
Motto: "You'll Beat Our Meat!"
Product: Hotdogs, fries, onion rings, soda
Gimmick: Part hotdog restaurant, part brothel, all food at F&F is cooked and served by an entirely futanari staff. Every employee of Futas & Footlongs signs away the configuration rights to their sexual organs for the duration of their employment. Before their first day on the job, employees are supplied with extensive genetic therapy, giving them breasts, a minimum twelve inch penis, rapidly refilling testicles and an almost insatiable sexual appetite. Employees are paid more than other franchise food staff for their extremely sought after sexual services.
Franchise Name: Quantum Fizzics
Motto: "An Out-of-Reality Flavor!"
Product: Malts, Sodas, Milkshakes, cheap burgers and onion rings
Gimmick: They have a strangle-hold grip on debatably some of the most prominent soda recipes of The Old World, and keep the secrets to such locked so tight that part of the mystery is why do they keep such things locked up. Not to mention their delivery trucks are mysteriously heavily armored and custom made to withstand pressure, the likes of which makes them more similar to rocket ships on wheels than regular vehicles...
Franchise Name: Big Drac's Fantasy Fritters
Motto: Dungeons & Donuts
Product: Most forms of fried dough or basically anything that can be made in a fryer or air fryer, served with just about anything that pairs with such things.
Gimmick: They are fantasy themed fried dessert company with a mascot being a dragon that can appear in many forms from regular mascot to robotic. Mostly kid oriented but popular with nerds.
Franchise Name: Exhibition R' Us
Motto: "You Won't Want to Dress Up!"
Product: "Clothing" Gloryholes
Gimmick: A clothing brand that sells all your fetish wear needs, especially for exhibitionists, like pasties, loincloths, clothes with large holes, revealing clothes, and even the classical trenchcoat, even providing exclusive gloryhole services in the back.
Franchise Name: Red Schnutz Energy
Product: The best strength enhancing energy drink ever conceived by man, Swag with the product's logo on it (shirts, duffel bags, hats, condoms, sex sleeves, gloves, you get the gist)
Gimmick: Red Schnutz is a premium energy drink company that prides itself on its strength enhancing formula. Their whole identity is based on "muscle bro" mentality, with much of their advertising featuring men and women doing shit like bench-pressing busses and scaling mountains with their bare hands. There's a huge community surrounding the drink and what people do with it. You can regularly see this company sponsoring sporting events and stuff like that. Legends tell of a prototype recipe hidden in the bowels of the company that was deemed "Too Strong For Mortal Nuts," and people have fought tooth and nail to get their hands on it.
Franchise Name: Dungeons, Dice & Dives
Motto: "An Adventure to Dine For"
Product: Beverages, rat burgers, fries, pizza, etc
Gimmick: a "Chuck-e-cheese" with an underground dungeon for kids or new adventurers looking to cut their teeth on something. Filled with animatronics, traps and obstacles while patrons watch either through the see through floor or on a livestream.
Franchise Name: Annie's Anatomical Armoire
Motto: Annie knows Fashion, Annie's Fashion has Flesh
Product: High End Clothing, and Augments
Gimmick: Annie's Anatomical Armoire is a franchise that has clothing that seems product made for anyone who buys it. In truth the franchise's clothing requires an expensive Augment that allows the owners to be able to put on clothing that adapts to the wearer and allows them to feel the clothes as if they were a second skin.
Franchise Name: Jelly Royale
Motto: "Have Your Food, Then Fuck it too!"
Product: Bakery and Aphrodisiacs
Gimmick: All of their food/drink items are laced with strong aphrodisiacs, they serve standard bakery foods along with a large selection of drinks, from instore brewed tea, coffee, and even soda, all laced with plenty of aphrodisiacs.
Franchise Name: Sole Food
Motto: "We'll sweep you off your feet!"
Product: Food based on recipies found on a hard-drive that was recovered from the desert south of Ur-Um. Mostly involves large quantities of beans, greens, cornmeal, and pork.
Gimmick: Eat-in restaurant targeted at foot-fetishists. Food comes served on realistic food-shaped plates by servers who are barefoot. Customers can pay extra to eat their food directly off of a staff member's feet.
Franchise Name: Ding Dong Dildos
Motto: "Dicks to your Door!"
Product: Dildo Delivery service.
Gimmick: Custom, made to order Dildos delivered straight to your abode. Usually with a Service bot or a delivery person with a strap on to give the buyer a test run of their product.
Franchise Name: Reservoir Dogs
Motto: "You need it? We find it"
Product: The delivery service of the new age! You need products from the grocery store? They get it to you! You need someone to get you some parts for the super computer you are building? They get it to you! You need some uranium for that weird explosive device you are building in the abandoned shed next your house? They get it to you and they don't ask questions!
Gimmick: The company can find and delivery anything to anyone and everywhere in the world, but nobody know where they get the information to find anything. Some say they even sell organs to the black market.
Franchise Name: Davy Jones'
Motto: Come for the chests, stay for the booty!
Product: Food (Fairly average Bar & Grill fare- burgers, steaks, etc.) and 'Dining Experience'
Gimmick: Patrons are allowed/encouraged to grope and fondle the servers, who are selected based on the gropability of their busts and/or butts- gender is unimportant, you just have to have the assets to fill out the uniform, which consists of short shorts with 'BOOTY' written across the butt, and halter tops with 'treasure CHEST' on it. The whole place has a unique goth/pirate vibe, with lots of little stuff like serving fries in tiny novelty treasure chests. While you're technically not supposed to fuck the waitstaff, it's not uncommon to see a 'cabin boy' get bent over a table.
Franchise Name: Boksy's Boxers, Boxers and Briefs (4B's or Quad B's for short)
Motto: "Break, Build, Bulk, Buff."
Product: Sports and gym equipment, gym wear, also offers memberships and personal training in the in-house gymnasium
Gimmick: Owner Aleksander Boksy is a Splicer just this side of beasthood whose strength and stamina was prodigious even before the genetic treatments. He resembles a towering minotaur in most respects but is amiable and coy under the rough exterior. He has a standing offer to hire anyone who can outlast him either in the gym or in the bedroom, the pay is good but all staff require a minimum of two animal-feature splice treatments (usually ears and a tail). Warm-ups, cool-downs and workouts all have options for foreplay or full sex with private and public areas available.
Franchise Name: Wide 'n Loaded
Motto: "Two Tons of Tactical Advantage"
Product: Weapons, armor, and augments specifically designed around excessively-large endowments, as well as slightly shady means of getting them in the first place. Why settle for an ass that won't fit through a double-door when you can have small arms fire bounce clean off it? Where else are you going to find a micro-bikini that comes with handy pouches and the tensile strength to stay tied through all that jiggling and bouncing? Want to take the all-natural supplement route to up your size, or skip a few cup sizes with augments that can scramble scanners and charge your phone too? Wide 'n Loaded has your back(side).
Gimmick: They offer a rewards program that incentivizes customers to always go for a little bit more- bundling in samples of their supplements with purchases, offering discounts for exceeding certain measurements, even selling some hard-to-get items under the table to repeat customers. On top of this, they offer employees a considerable store discount, meaning that most are ready to offer personal testimonial and visible evidence that the products work as advertised. Rack up enough points for a VIP card and they'll even let you into the "shooting range" at the back- just make sure to bring something with a high enough caliber to impress the extra-large ladies.
Franchise: Eye For Detail
Motto: All eyes on you
Product: cybernetic eyes, contacts, glasses, and sunglasses of every variety
Gimmick: Every employee wears some kind of product owned by the franchise (some are contractually obligated to have their eyes replaced or permanently wear glasses/contacts. They have cyber eyes for any situation. For cosmetic purposes, upgrades/subroutines for more than just seeing (X-ray vision, telescope, thermal), or a bit of both. They also sell glasses and contacts that can serve similar purposes, but all employees are tasked with pushing cyber eye products. (DISCLAIMER: they may record everything you see for "reasons")
Franchise Name: Aunt Phanny's Fannies
Product: Ass mods, the bigger the better. Tired of your tiny tush? Come on in and enjoy their patented ass-election service, which matches the perfect junk for your trunk. First purchase comes with free striped panties to accentuate your ass.
Gimmick: Obviously, everyone here has a massive ass and thick thighs, wearing clothes to show this off while keeping the chest modest. They say Aunt Phanny is actually an A.I algorithm trying to ensure a world of Fat Asses.
Franchise Name: Vend-Dom
Motto: "Easy is Earned."
Product: A convenient, automated shopping experience. Just go into the shop and press buttons for all your various groceries and sundries to instantly purchase them and send them to the front to be bagged up for you.
Gimmick: You will be heckled and berated by a highly advanced algorithm the entire time, for every purchase. Depending on the whims of the staff, you may have to beg to receive your product, or engage in acts of degradation, humiliation, or public sex. Compliance nets you a slight refund on your purchases, and other potential perks.
Franchise Name: Guppy's Arcade
Motto: "Swimming with possibilities!"
Product: Sense tank rentals by the hour, for the masses that can't afford their own home unit.
Gimmick: Catering to the exhibitionist crowd, this particular Sense Tank arcade gives you limited movement in your tank... not enough to hurt yourself but plenty to put on a show. The tanks are also not private. Anyone can walk by and watch you reacting to whatever you're doing, whether that's playing a high fantasy video game or being railed against a wall. Passersby can also spectate, activating a screen on your tank to watch you in your virtual environment.
Franchise Name: Tsun-Dairy
Motto: "Sweet treats and sour faces."
Product: Dairy-based drinks and desserts.
Gimmick: The waitstaff at these stores are actively encouraged to verbally abuse customers, both directly and indirectly.
The uniforms are simplified versions of maid/butler outfits, designed to emphasise the wearer's bust.
Despite having slightly worse pay than other similar franchises, positions are still relatively highly sought-after as it allows staff to give customers lip without the consequences that normally follow.
Franchise Name: Boost'o Kola
Motto: A boost of energy in every sip
Product: sweet energy drinks that gives you the energy to live through the day! They got all your favourite flavours! Orange, lime, cola, mango and strawberry!
Gimmick: This energy drink have some mostly harmless side effects, like testosterone buff, heart race faster than the usual, massive erections and increased sex desire.
Franchise Name: Tabasking Sauce
Motto: A Sting Worthy of a King
Product: Hot Sauce
Gimmick: A boutique sadomasochist body oil and hot sauce developed and once solely produced by a single lesser house, famous for it's fiery taste on the tongue and feel on the skin, and the iconically small bottles it came in.
Franchise Name: The NEW Tabasking Sauce
Motto: If Your Skin isn't Burning, Neither are Your Calories
Product: Hot Sauce
Gimmick: After the fall of House Tabasking's original family, the franchise has since expanded from boutique BDSM and Culinary arts into the health food craze, promising weight loss benefits when eaten and applied to the body with it's brand new and improved formula!
Franchise Name: 8-Man Massage
Motto: "8 Man Massage"
Product: Massages.
Gimmick: Each customer is massaged by 8 large men wearing nothing but a pair of budgie-smugglers and a copious amount of body lotion. Simultaneously. Customers can pay extra to stop them from chanting "8 Man Massage" throughout the entire thing.