While those of us that worked on Carbon Pink's techs reflavoured D&D 5e's spells in such a way as to fit the light cyberpunk setting, we didn't rework, buff or nerf any particular spells. We've also made sure to make it clear that Carbon Pink's subclasses are one-to-one translations of D&D 5e's, keeping the name of the original subclass next to the reflavoured version.
A Note on Missing Techs |
In some cases we did not feel the need to rename, or even reflavor a spell, and so as to avoid straight up plagiarizing the authors and designers of Dungeons & Dragons, have refrained from including it in our spell list. If you see a tech granted by a spell or class that isn't found in our tech list pages, then you should check in the baseline game for it instead. |
What this means is, if you know 5e like the back of your hand, you're aware of how your subclass works, what spells they have access to and so forth, it might be easier to jump straight into a game of Carbon Pink using the classic terminology. We heartily encourage this! Whatever makes it easier to play in our strange world.
However, if you'd like the fully flavoured cyberpunk experience, it might be handy to keep our Tech Lists on hand when at your table. As with all of Dungeons and Dragons, there's no one right way to play, so long as you're enjoying yourself!